ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Daniel Grotzky announced CA

Datum: Feb 4th, 2011
Category: Turniere

Daniel Grotzky has been announced CA for ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart. As Nils Haneklaus from Debattierclub Stuttgart (DCS) informed Achte Minute, Daniel is going to replace Andrea Gau. Daniel is one of the most experienced debaters in Germany, he has been CA of Southern German Championships 2007 and 2010 and of the German Championship 2010. In the season of 2007/2008 Daniel was president of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, 2008/2009 of the German Debating Society for Alumni (DDG). Originally associated to Debattierclub München (Munich), he is now committed to debating in Switzerland since he works in Switzerland as press officer.

As earlier announced, Daniel’s team will be completed by Igor Gilitschenski (DCS), Dessislava Kirova (Berlin Debating Union) and Rafael Heinisch (S.A.E.C.L.O. Greifswald).

The tournament series ZEIT DEBATTEN is organised by VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and German Telekom as well as with the support of ZDF, a German public broadcaster. It has been a decade now since the first ZEIT DEBATTEN series started with at least five big annual competitions. One of these is the German debating championship. Honorary patron of the series is the former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

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4 Kommentare zu “ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Daniel Grotzky announced CA”

  1. Jörn says:

    Das ist ja schade, dass Andrea nicht dabei ist!

  2. Lukas Haffert says:

    Die Erfolgsserie des BVB und die ZEIT DEBATTE in Stuttgart in einem Artikel: Da schlägt das westfälische Debattiererherz besonders hoch:


  3. Schöner Link! Der BVB ist in Stuttgart bestimmt herzlich willkommen… jedenfalls außerhalb des Daimler-Stadions 😉

  4. Michael says:

    Fantastischer Artikel 😉

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