[caption id="attachment_35333" align="alignright" width="376"] Mohit Singh and Milla Huuskonen - © Heli-Katri Marttila[/caption]
The team Sweden and East-Sweden (Mohit Singh, Milla Huuskonen; Jönköping/Helsinki) has won the Estonian Open 2019. Out of Opening Opposition, they defeated Toore lehm + kana embrüo (Carl-Martin Keerberg, Erik Haamer; Tartu) in Opening Government, Triin is not funny (Triin Toimetaja, Alexander Chen; Copenhagen) in Closing Government and The Dark Knife Rises (Johan Allen, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa; Stockholm) in Closing Opposition on the motion "TH prefers a world in which the prevailing norm is one of serial monogamy rather than monogamy (incl. infoslide)". The final was judged by a ...