Retrospection on Christmassy Debate in the Dark in Dresden
On December 21st, Christmas found its way to Dresden Debating Union (DDU): About 15 members of DDU came together at the annual Christmassy Debate in the Dark. This debate wasn’t really dark, but a fun debate with candlelight. There were motions offered like “Are only people who are paying church tax allowed to celebrate Christmas?”, “Should Christmas take place twice a year?” and “Christ Child versus Santa Claus”.
Finally there was a debate about the appearance of Santa Claus with candle light, hot spiced wine and self-made biscuits. The government promoted a well-fed, easy-going Santa Claus with a big bushy beard and red cheeks. The opposition adamantly defended the artistic freedom and that everyone can choose its own version of Santa Claus. There a for example numerous students who want to earn a little bit of money on Christmas Eve and do not meet the ideal of the good old man.
Because this time there weren’t any rules and judges during the debate, the funny discussion ended up with the question about six-pack versus beer belly: “Who wants a six-pack if one can have a whole keg?” Afterwards there was a comfy chit-chat between young and old society members, who traditionally visit the Christmassy Debate in the Dark. After more or less three hours an all around successful evening found its end.
Alexander Stötzner / vro / tr