
DDG startet Online-Fortbildung für Debattiertrainings

DDG startet Online-Fortbildung für DebattiertrainingsSorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Aug 28th, 2020 | By | Category: DDG, Termine, Veranstaltungen | Comments Off on DDG startet Online-Fortbildung für Debattiertrainings

Dutch WUDC 2017

Dutch WUDC 2017From December 27th to January 4th the WUDC, the world's largest debating tournament, takes place in The Hague in the Netherlands. As with most international tournaments, debates will be held in British Parliamentary Style and in English. The CA team consists of Syed Saddiq, Karin Merckens, Hyewon Rho, Michael Dunn Goekjian, Omer Nevo, Jodie O'Neill, Veenu Goswami, Yashodhan Nair and Ingrid Rodríguez. Bionda Merckens is the equity officer; Andrea Bos is in charge of language-related topics. Any questions can be directed to info@dutchwudc.nl. Overview: Date: December 27th - January 4th Conveners: Bionda Merckens, Andrea Bos Accommodation: Holiday houses Registration: Closed Registration ...
Oct 7th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Dutch WUDC 2017

UCU Open 2016

UCU LogoFrom November 4th till evening November 5th, the UCU Open 2016 will take place in Utrecht, Netherlands. Being an international tournament, its debates will be held in British Parliament Style and in English. Following five preliminary rounds, there will be semi finals and a final as well as a novice final. The CA team consists of Rebecca Irvine, Nishith Hegde, Clíodhna Ní Chéileachair, Ilija Ivanišević and Ybo Buruma, the convenor is Jelte Schievels. Questions can be directed to ucuopen@gmail.com. All known information: Date: November 4th - November 5th (late evening) Convenor: Jelte Schievels Accomodation: Crash Registration: Online formular Registration fee: 30 € ...
Oct 2nd, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on UCU Open 2016

Scottish EUDC 2018’s Training Centre

Titelbild Training Session in London der Scottish EUDC 2018From November 14th till November 17th (the week between Oxford IV and Cambridge IV), the Scottish EUDC 2018 OrgComm will organize two free training sessions each night at varying universities in London. These training sessions are open to anyone interested and will also be streamed and recorded to make them accessible to people who cannot make it to London. So far, no further information is known, but anyone interested may check out the Facebook page of the event. jgg./jm.
Oct 1st, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Veranstaltungen | Comments Off on Scottish EUDC 2018’s Training Centre

Maastricht Novice 2016

Rhetorica Debating LogoOn Saturday, November 19th, the first Maastricht Novice 2016 will take place. Located in Maastricht, it is a British-Parliament-Style novice tournament (speeches 5 minutes each) with four preliminary rounds followed by a final. The Chief Adjudicators are Srdjan Miletic, Jelte Schievels and Lucy Lester, any questions may be directed to rhetoricadebating@gmail.com. All known information: Date: November 19th, 2016 Accomodation: None, but crash can be organized if needed by contacting the organizer using the above e-mail address Registration: Onlineformular Registration fee: 10€ per speaker, 5€ per judge Adjudicator rule: tba Format: BPS Rounds: 4 preliminary rounds, finale Chief adjudicators: Srdjan Miletic, Jelte ...
Sep 30th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Centrale Open 2016

Titelbild Centrale OpenFrom Friday, December 9th, til Sunday, December 11th, the Centrale Open 2016 takes place in Paris. Since this is an international tournament, debates will be held in British Parliament Style and in English. Following five preliminary rounds, there'll be semi finals and a final, as well as an ESL final. Sella Nevo, Harish Natarajan und Sharmila Parmanand are the Chief Adjudicators; any questions can be directed to ecpdebating@gmail.com. All known informations: Date: December 9th - December 11th, 2016 Accomodation: Crash on campus Regisration: Online formular Registration fee: 55 € per speaker Adjudicator rule: n-1 Format: BPS Rounds: 5 preliminary rounds, semi finals ...
Sep 26th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Centrale Open 2016

Lund IV 2016

Titelbild Lund IV 2016From Friday, December 2nd, to Sunday, December 4th, the Lund IV 2016 will be hosted in Lund. The tournament is international, therefore it will be held under British Parliamentary Style (BPS) rules with English as the spoken language. It consists of 5 preliminary rounds, followed by quarter finals, semi finals and a final. Also, it includes a novice break. The CA-Team consists of Olivia Sundberg Diez and Michael Dunn Goekjian. Questions may be directed to lundiv2016@gmail.com. The information on the tournament in a nutshell: Date: 2-4 December, 2016 Host: Lund Debate Society Accomodation: Hotel Registration: Online Formular Registration fee: 750 SEK Adjudicator rule: n-1 ...
Sep 19th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Tilbury House IV 2016

Logo Tilbury House IV 2016From Friday, November 25th, to Sunday, November 27th, the Tilbury House IV 2016 will be hosted in Cologne. The tournament is international, therefore it will be held under British Parliamentary Style (BPS) rules with English as the spoken language. It consists of 5 preliminary rounds, followed by semi finals and a final. The CA-Team consists of Johan Båge, Duncan Crowe and Melda Eren. Also, mixed teams are allowed. Questions may be directed to Agnes Ineza who can be reached via agnes.ineza@gmail.com. The information on the tournament in a nutshell: Date: 25-27 November, 2016 Host: Tilbury House Accomodation: Hostel Registration: Online Formular Registration fee: ...
Sep 15th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Tilbury House IV 2016

SSE Riga IV 2016

Title Picture of the 18th SSE Riga IVFrom Friday, December 9th, to Sunday, December 11th, the 18th SSE Riga IV will be hosted at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. The tournament is international, therefore it will be held under British Parliamentary Style (BPS) rules with English as the spoken language. It consists of 5 preliminary rounds, followed by an open break with partial quarter finals as well as a novice break and completed by semi finals and a final. Mixed-teams are accepted. The CA-Team consists of Monica Forman, Johan Båge, Michael Dunn Goekjian and a yet to be announced member, Stefan Siridzanski will be the equity ...
Sep 14th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on SSE Riga IV 2016

Munich Open

Munich Open On October 28-30, 2016, the Munich Open will take place for the first time. The tournament is international, therefore it will be held under British Parliamentary Style (BPS) rules with English as the spoken language.  It consists of 5 preliminary rounds, semifinals and the final. Chief Adjudicators are Melda Eren, Olivia Sundberg Diez and Ben Shaw. The role of the equity officer will be fulfilled by Milla Huuskonen. Responsible for the well-being of the participants will be the Chief Convenors Christian Rausch and Katharina Heinrich. You can contact them via vorstand@debattierclub-muenchen.de or on Twitter (@DC_munich). The information on the tournament in a nutshell: ...
Sep 6th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Munich Open

WUDC 2016 in Thessaloniki

WUDC 2016 in ThessalonikiThe World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) is the largest international debating tournament. The first WUDC took place in Glasgow in 1981 in which only 43 teams from seven nations participated. This year, more than 440 teams from all continents compete for the title of World Debating Champion. The WUDC 2016 will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Two clubs cooperate to host the tournament: The Rhetoric Club of Thessaloniki, one of the oldest debating societies in Greece, and the Debating Society of Greece, a group of experienced Greek debate trainers and organisers that provides debate training to young people in universities. ...
Oct 21st, 2015 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on WUDC 2016 in Thessaloniki

Red Sea Open 2015

Red Sea Open 2015On September 6-10, 2015, the Red Sea Open will take place once more in Eilat, Israel.Besides the Red Sea, a pool and free alcohol at the hotel, the organization comittee promises workshops and an experienced Chief Adjudication Core, consisting of Monica Forman, Helena Ivanova and Amanda Moorghen.Teams and adjudicators can still register.The information on the tournament in a nutshell:Host: tba.Convener: tba.Date: 6-10 September, 2015Rounds: Six preliminary rounds, Semifinals and FinalChief Adjudicators: Monica Forman, Helena Ivanova and Amanda MoorghenRegistration fee: Israeli participants - 550 NIS, Participants from abroad - 470 NIS (about 110 Euros)You can find more information in the Facebook-event ...
Aug 18th, 2015 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

European Universities Debating Championships in Vienna

European Universities Debating Championships in ViennaThis summer, about 1000 people will travel to Vienna for the 17th European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros). The Debattierklub Wien (DK Wien) hosts the week-long tournament. Stefan Zweiker is the convener, overseeing 23 other members of the organising committee and international volunteers.One year after and 267 kilometres to the north of Zagreb EUDC, the championship is again up for grabs. Until then, Sheffield holds the title; in the category of English as a Second Language (ESL), the current champions are from Belgrade.The Blue Danube Euros, as the organisers call them, will last from August 2-8.The Chief Adjudicators (CAs) ...
Jun 9th, 2015 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on European Universities Debating Championships in Vienna

Helsinki Open 2015

Helsinki Open 2015After the Nordic Debating Championship in 2013 and the first Helsinki Open last year, the debating societies from Aalto University (ADS) and Helsinki University (HDS) invite debaters in the Far North: to the second Helsinki Open on May 9 and 10, 2015 - one of the Northernmost debating tournaments. The organizers are confident to present a wonderful, not-so-cold event featuring five preliminary rounds with a break into semi-finals as well as socials including traditional Finnish sauna. The tournament will be on Saturday and Sunday, but there will be a social on Friday night. A Google Doc for registration is already ...
Mar 27th, 2015 | By | Category: International, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Helsinki Open 2015

GUU Ancients and GUU Women’s 2015

GUU Ancients and GUU Women’s 2015The Glasgow University Union (GUU) invites debaters from all over the world to participate at the GUU Ancients and the GUU Women's on Friday, May 15 to Sunday, May 17, 2015. The organising comitee promises a three course black-tie dinner and yakka.The Chief Adjudicaters for GUU Ancients are Emilia Carlqvist, Simon Tunnicliffe, Hugh Guidera and Heather Whiteside. For GUU Women's, Parnian Sadeghi, Hannah Martin and Maria Ni Fhlatharta sit on the panel.Important information for GUU Ancients:Host: GUUDate: 15 and 16 May 2015Convener: Duncan CroweRounds: Five preliminary rounds, break to the semisChief Adjudicators: Emilia Carlqvist, Simon Tunnicliffe, Hugh Guidera and Heather WhitesideRegistration fee: £40 in advance for UK based institutions and Open teams (£50 on ...
Mar 25th, 2015 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on GUU Ancients and GUU Women’s 2015

Copenhagen Open 2015

Copenhagen Open 2015The CBS Debating Society announced the second Copenhagen Open. The tournament takes place from the 27th to the 29th of March 2015 and will provide five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches and a break to semifinals. The detailed schedule is available at the Facebook-Event.There are going to be two Chief Adjudicators (CAs) and two Deputy Chief Adjudicators (DCAs):CA Dessislava Kirova, who served as DCA at Manchester European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2013, Co-CA of the Pan-African University Debating Championship in Limpopo 2014 and is an English as a Second Language (ESL) Finalist of the Zagreb EUDC 2014, Finalist of ...
Feb 10th, 2015 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Copenhagen Open 2015

The Jerusalem Open 2015

The Jerusalem Open 2015"Was your institution invited to debate at WUDC Malaysia but not able to attend because you're an Israeli institution? Were you ranked 7th on your institution's list, just missing the cut? Is a €380 registration fee to high for your club to cover?" For debaters who have to answer one of these questions with "yes" but don't want to stay home, the Jerusalem Open might be the solution. [caption id="attachment_25110" align="alignright" width="400"] Debaters who are not able to participate at this year's WUDC can visit Jerusalem instead.[/caption] The idea of hosting a tournament simultaniously to the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) in ...
Nov 14th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on The Jerusalem Open 2015

Judging Seminar in Magdeburg

Judging Seminar in MagdeburgThe Debattierclub Magdeburg announced to host the first English judging seminar in Magdeburg. On Saturday, November 22, the participants will have one day of workshops and training. It will focus on how to arrive at a just call with the panel and how to justify it before the speakers. The workshop will be held by Rebecca Irvine and is aimed at debaters with little judging experience (knowledge of the rules of the British Parliamentary Style is assumed, but not much active judging experience is required). Felicia Hoer wrote that there are ten spots for members from other societies. If necessary, the ...
Nov 13th, 2014 | By | Category: International, Jurieren, News of debating clubs, Termine | Comments Off on Judging Seminar in Magdeburg

Leiden Open 2015

Leiden Open 2015For the eleventh time, the Leiden Debating Union will host the Leiden Open. The tournament will last from February 28 to March 1 and features five preliminary rounds and breaks into semi-finals as well as a novice final. The tournament will be on Saturday and Sunday, but there will be a social on Friday night. A detailed schedule will be announced soon on the tournament’s facebook event. There will be one Chief Adjudicator (CA) with three Deputy Chief Adjudicators (DCAs): CA Daan Welling won last year’s Leiden Open and was a finalist at the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC) in Berlin 2013. ...
Nov 4th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden Open 2015

SSE Riga IV 2014

It is one of the oldest tournaments in Europe: This December, for the 16th time, the SSE Riga IV will take place. Latvia’s capital is European Capital of Culture in 2014.  The British Parliamentary Style-tournament will have five preliminary rounds and a break to quarterfinals as well as a novice final. On Saturday night, a spiritual debate will take place. Steven Ramesh Rajavinothan and Gediminas Užkuraitis are Chief Adjudicators. Both the Tabmaster and the Equity Officer are yet to be announced. Up to 72 teams can participate in the tournament. For more information, see the facebook event. Ruta Gabalina is the ...
Nov 4th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on SSE Riga IV 2014

Vienna Freshers’ 2014

Vienna Freshers’ 2014On the weekend of November 14-15, the Debattierklub Wien will host a novice tournament in British Parliamentary Style (BPS). Everyone with less than a year of experience in debating and over the age of 18 may participate in the four rounds with a direct break into final. Speeches will be only five minutes long. Peer Klüßendorf, Madlen Stottmeyer and Ioana Stupariu will be the Chief Adjudicators. Additional information can be found at the tournament’s facebook event. Here is the information in a nutshell: Date: November 14-15 Chief Adjudicators: Peer Klüßendorf, Madlen Stottmeyer, Ioana Stupariu Team cap: 32 Rounds: Four preliminary rounds, final Registration Fee: €35, including ...
Nov 2nd, 2014 | By | Category: Einsteigerliga, International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Vienna Freshers’ 2014

Tilbury House IV 2014 – 2nd European Debates Conference

Tilbury House IV 2014 - 2nd European Debates ConferenceFrom the 7th to the 9th November, the annual Tilbury House IV will take place in Cologne, Germany. The event will combine the debate tournament with the 2nd European Debates Conference. There will therefore be a public debate with politicians on an European issue. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches and a break to the semi-finals. Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of the tournament will be Yael Bezalel, former finalist of the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) in the category English as a Second Language (ESL) and judge of the EUDC ESL final 2014; and Pete Doughton, octo-final ...
Sep 12th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Tilbury House IV 2014 – 2nd European Debates Conference

Deutschsprachige Debattiermeisterschaft in Münster

Deutschsprachige Debattiermeisterschaft in Münster
Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH, ZEIT DEBATTE | Comments Off on Deutschsprachige Debattiermeisterschaft in Münster

Süddeutsche Meisterschaft in Freiburg

Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH, ZEIT DEBATTE | Comments Off on Süddeutsche Meisterschaft in Freiburg

Westdeutsche Meisterschaft in Aachen

Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Westdeutsche Meisterschaft in Aachen

Nordostdeutsche Meisterschaft in Dresden

Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH, ZEIT DEBATTE | Comments Off on Nordostdeutsche Meisterschaft in Dresden


Sep 4th, 2014 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH, ZEIT DEBATTE | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen

Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015

Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015The World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) is the largest international debating tournament. The first WUDC took place in Glasgow in 1981. Back then, 43 teams from seven nations participated. This year, more than 400 teams from all continents compete for the title of World Debating Champion. The WUDC 2015 will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is hosted by The Debate Society of the Universiti Technologiki Mara, one of the largest universities in Malaysia. The tournament starts on December 26th and lasts until January 3rd. The organisers published the following video:   Adjudication Team Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of the Malaysia Worlds will be ...
Aug 27th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015

SOAS IV 2014

SOAS IV 2014On the 18th and 19th of October, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Debating Society at the University of London will hold their annual SOAS IV in London, England. The first Chief Adjudicator (CA) who has already been announced is Andrew Ford. Remaining CAs are yet to be announced. Equity officer will be Leah Wright. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, a break to quarter-finals as well as a break to semi-finals for teams in the category English as a Second Language (ESL), provided there are enough ESL teams for an ESL semi-final. From the 25th ...
Aug 12th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on SOAS IV 2014

Roosevelt Open 2014

Roosevelt Open 2014The Roosevelt Debating Society will host the third Roosevelt Open on October 17th and 18th in Middleburg in the South-West of the Netherlands. The conveners will be Sarah Rust and Jordy van Rijsingen. According to the information on the Roosevelt Open facebook page, the tournament is supported by the European Commission, Province of Zeeland and the municipality of Goes. This promotion video has been published by the conveners: The Roosevelt Open will feature five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, semi-finals, a final as well as a novice final. The team cap is 40 and the n-1 rule will apply for ...
Aug 5th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

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