
Weihnachtliche Lebensfragen

Weihnachtliche Lebensfragen                     Am 7.12. stellen sich jährlich einem*einer Debattierenden nur zwei Lebensfragen: wie gut werde ich heute debattieren und was soll ich anziehen?               Am 7.12. stellen sich jährlich einem*einer Debattierenden nur zwei Lebensfragen: wie gut werde ich heute debattieren und was soll ich anziehen?               Am 7.12. stellen sich jährlich einem*einer Debattierenden nur zwei Lebensfragen: wie gut werde ich heute debattieren und was soll ich anziehen?               Am 7.12. stellen sich jährlich einem*einer Debattierenden nur zwei Lebensfragen: wie gut werde ich heute debattieren und was soll ich anziehen?               Am 7.12. stellen sich jährlich einem*einer Debattierenden nur zwei Lebensfragen: wie gut werde ich heute debattieren und was soll ich ...
Jan 22nd, 2025 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature |

Austausch und wichtige Fähigkeiten fürs Ehrenamt: Der VDCH-Kickoff 2024

Austausch und wichtige Fähigkeiten fürs Ehrenamt: Der VDCH-Kickoff 2024     
Nov 13th, 2024 | By | Category: Das Thema, Mittwochs-Feature, VDCH, Veranstaltungen |

Themen aus der Perspektive undefinierter Akteure – das „objektive Interesse“ als neuer Operator

Themen aus der Perspektive undefinierter Akteure – das „objektive Interesse“ als neuer Operator  Konstantin debattierte seit 2016 in der Rederei und seit 2023 in Mainz. Als Redner gewann er einige Turniere und chefjurierte viele, unter Anderem die DDM 2023. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin eine Idee, Debatte, Buch oder Person in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Wenn du selbst eine Debatte anstoßen möchtest, melde dich mit deinem Themen-Vorschlag per Mail an team [at] achteminute [dot] de.   Konstantin debattierte seit 2016 in der Rederei und seit 2023 in Mainz. Als Redner gewann er einige Turniere und chefjurierte viele, unter Anderem die DDM 2023. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin ...
Oct 9th, 2024 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature | mit 4 Kommentaren

(Wieder)aufbau von Strukturen – Die Achte Minute bedankt sich bei Lennart Lokstein

(Wieder)aufbau von Strukturen – Die Achte Minute bedankt sich bei Lennart Loksteinah/hb/sb. ah/hb/sb. ah/hb/sb. ah/hb/sb.
Sep 18th, 2024 | By | Category: In eigener Sache, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 4 Kommentaren

Die Ewige Bestenliste des VDCH – Saison 2023/2024

Die Ewige Bestenliste des VDCH – Saison 2023/2024 Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin eine Idee, Debatte, Buch oder Person in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Wenn du selbst eine Debatte anstoßen möchtest, melde dich mit deinem Themen-Vorschlag per Mail an team [at] achteminute [dot] de. jd./hb. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin eine Idee, Debatte, Buch oder Person in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Wenn du selbst eine Debatte anstoßen möchtest, melde dich mit deinem Themen-Vorschlag per Mail an team [at] achteminute [dot] de. jd./hb. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein ...
Jul 17th, 2024 | By | Category: Campus-Debatten, Mittwochs-Feature, VDCH | mit 2 Kommentaren

Das VDCH Land trifft die Welt von Morgen

Das VDCH Land trifft die Welt von Morgen
May 1st, 2024 | By | Category: Debattieren in der Öffentlichkeit, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on Das VDCH Land trifft die Welt von Morgen

Warum wir die durchschnittlich gebildete Zeitungsleserin nicht überzeugen… und warum das okay ist

Warum wir die durchschnittlich gebildete Zeitungsleserin nicht überzeugen... und warum das okay ist Chiara Throner begann 2017 für die Streitkultur Tübingen zu debattieren und wurde 2019 Deutschsprachige Meisterin. Sie war in verschiedenen Ämtern tätig, wie beispielsweise der Regelkomission, dem Streitkultur- und dem VDCH-Vorstand. Heute debattiert sie für Potsdam und studiert an der Freien Universität Berlin Medien und Politische Kommunikation im Master. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin eine Idee, Debatte, Buch oder Person in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Wenn du selbst eine Debatte anstoßen möchtest, melde dich mit deinem Themen-Vorschlag per Mail an team [at] achteminute [dot] de. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr ...
Apr 17th, 2024 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature | mit 6 Kommentaren

DaF können wir besser!

DaF können wir besser!  Josef Hoppe debattiert seit April 2019 in Aachen und ist dort seit 2020 im Vorstand. Unter anderem war er Mitglied der Cheforga für die CARLs-Debatten 2022, gewann den Nachwuchsjurierpreis der WDM 2022 und tabbt 2023 die Campus-Debatte Göttingen sowie die Süddeutsche Meisterschaft. Das Mittwochs-Feature: Mittwochs veröffentlicht die Achte Minute ab 10.00 Uhr oftmals ein Mittwochs-Feature, worin eine Idee, Debatte, Buch oder Person in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Wenn du selbst eine Debatte anstoßen möchtest, melde dich mit deinem Themen-Vorschlag per Mail an team [at] achteminute [dot] de. jh./jgg.  
Jul 19th, 2023 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature | mit 4 Kommentaren

Equitable Access: Strategies for Participants

Equitable Access: Strategies for ParticipantsThis is the first part of a four (!) part series on accessibility in debate, looking at strategies for debaters and judges seeking safe access to debate. The second part will cover CA responsibilities and approaches to ensuring access to debate. The third part will encompass different regions' structures of equity within and outside of tournaments. The fourth and final part will contextualize the gendered and racialized experiences of leaders and organizers across the spectrum of debate circuits. If you have questions, suggestions, or experiences to share, please contact Accessibility in Debate At tournaments, underrepresented gender and ability identities face barriers ...
Aug 23rd, 2020 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on Equitable Access: Strategies for Participants

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part III – Durable Funding During Cuts

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part III - Durable Funding During CutsThis article will address how debate programs can respond to current funding and support cuts by universities. The first part of this series profiled experiences of organizers, coaches, and debaters in different parts of the world. The second part of this series covered different approaches to virtual recruitment and outreach. Will there be a fourth part? Probably not, debaters think in threes. If you have comments or want another COVID-19 piece, please email me at I. Dollars for W's Didn't Work Before & Won't Work Now Most debate programs have historically appealed to their institutions through awards and selective representation at ...
Jun 10th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part III – Durable Funding During Cuts

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment Strategies

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment StrategiesThis article will review recruitment and outreach projects some debate societies have undertaken. It does not attempt to provide  recommendations / criticisms of different policies and responses. The first part of this series profiled experiences of organizers, coaches, and debaters in different parts of the world. The third part of this series will discuss dealing with COVID-19 funding cuts. If you would like to share projects on your local circuit or have comments please feel free to email me at Featuring Gaini Ibragimova, DC "Parassat": With a 20 year history, DC "Parassat" is one of the oldest and strongest debate clubs ...
May 20th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment Strategies

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part I, Transition to Virtual Debating

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part I, Transition to Virtual DebatingThis article will profile the experiences of organizers, coaches, and debaters in different parts of the world. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive picture of the competitive debate scene in that region, nor to provide recommendations / criticisms of different policies and responses. The second part of this series will review strategies for virtual recruitment and outreach. If you would like to share projects on your local circuit or have comments please feel free to email me at Organizing & Institutional Experiences with Virtual Debate The Participants: Vishal - "I've been involved with debating and judging for the University of Malaysia ...
May 6th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part I, Transition to Virtual Debating

Is there a better way to break than speaks? – An interview with Miriam Kohn & Chris Perkins

Is there a better way to break than speaks? - An interview with Miriam Kohn & Chris PerkinsIn the Summer 2018 issue of International Debate, Miriam Kohn (LearningLeaders, Rochester '17) and Chris Perkins (Rochester '17) published an article titled "Fair Play: Proposals for Reform to the Break System in British Parliamentary Debate." In said article, they discussed the possibility to replace team breaks on speaks with a point-based break and additional bye-based elimination round. AchteMinute (AM): First off, so lucky to be chatting with you, Miriam & Chris. Can you tell us briefly about your background in debate? Miriam Kohn (M): Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! My high school didn’t have a debate team, so ...
Nov 14th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature, Themen | mit 2 Kommentaren

“I’ll keep debating” – an interview with Lucía Arce Cubas

"I'll keep debating" - an interview with Lucía Arce CubasToday's feature presents: The first speaker to be top of the tab at an EUDC in both categories as an ESL participant since 2001, Lucía Arce Cubas! In the interview Lucía told us about her origins, debating career and being ESL in the UK. ...
Aug 29th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on “I’ll keep debating” – an interview with Lucía Arce Cubas

Bringing EUDC to Central Asia – an interview with the conveners and CA-team of Astana 2020

Bringing EUDC to Central Asia - an interview with the conveners and CA-team of Astana 2020Olzhas Abdukhamitov and Aigerim Shadeyeva are the conveners of the Astana EUDC, Olzhas volunteered at Novi Sad and Aigerim competed, making it to the ESL Quaters. Raffy Marshall and Monica Forman are the CAs of Astana EUDC. We sat down with them to talk about bringing the EUDC to Central Asia. ...
Aug 22nd, 2018 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on Bringing EUDC to Central Asia – an interview with the conveners and CA-team of Astana 2020

“A challenge we greatly embrace” – Community Interview with the Novi Sad EUDC hosts

"A challenge we greatly embrace" - Community Interview with the Novi Sad EUDC hostsAs announced on our international facebook page we planned doing an interview with the newly elected hosts of the EUDC 2018 in Novi Sad. Everything has happened rather quickly since the former hosts from Edinburgh declared their problems with hosting the EUDC 2018 and we wanted to give the community the opportunity to ask the questions they had in mind. So we ended up having a conference call with Jovan Petronijević, the convener, and Miriana Muntean, the logistics officer and asking them a bunch of question you guys had sent in.  ...
Mar 29th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on “A challenge we greatly embrace” – Community Interview with the Novi Sad EUDC hosts

Bridger – Discussing Differing Opinions

Bridger - Discussing Differing OpinionsSome people debate to improve their skills, some for the competition and some for an ideal of discourse or knowledge. For the latter, we'd like to present an opportunity to engage in conversations with people from all around the world to exchange and discuss differing views: Bridger. The newly developed app just got publicly available, so we thought it a good time to have in interview with the people behind it. ...
Mar 14th, 2018 | By | Category: Debattieren in der Öffentlichkeit, International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on Bridger – Discussing Differing Opinions

Scottish EUDC Launches Training Website

Scottish EUDC Launches Training Website It is not uncommon for major tournaments to host training programmes, as Duncan Crowe, one of the main organizers of the Scottish EUDC training series, puts it. However, the effort invested in the Scottish EUDC training series has been exceptional in length and extent. Instead of being a selected set of workshops delivered directly prior to the competition, this training series has involved the production and distribution of new, live training content directly to societies across Europe. The launch of the Scottish EUDC Training Platform marks the introduction of a new pillar to the international debate education. ...
Nov 29th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature, Rezension, Turniere | Comments Off on Scottish EUDC Launches Training Website

About Life, Debating And How To Become A Better Debater – An interview with Owen Mooney

About Life, Debating And How To Become A Better Debater - An interview with Owen MooneyA few days ago, we interviewed the magnificient Owen Mooney, current EUDC champion. We asked him some questions about his debating development and which advice he would give to novices and debaters who seek to become better. Enjoy some funny stories, expert suggestions and clever comments! ...
Nov 8th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on About Life, Debating And How To Become A Better Debater – An interview with Owen Mooney

“It’s actually a cool story” – An interview with the México WUDC 2018 convenors

"It’s actually a cool story" - An interview with the México WUDC 2018 convenorsSome weeks ago, we interviewed David Alatorre and Montserrat Legorreta, convenors of México WUDC 2018. This week, we can finally present you the results with tons of information - whether it's about the Masters' Competition, the Socials, Livestreams, México Open, Triple breaks, Wi-Fi or the IA allocation system. Enjoy! ...
Oct 11th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on “It’s actually a cool story” – An interview with the México WUDC 2018 convenors

History debates in a nutshell

History debates in a nutshellApart from regular tournaments with debates around topics that generally move - or should move - society, there are some examples were debaters just combine some of their various interests. This led German debaters to establish their very own ruleset for what they call "history debates", ultimately resulting in history tournaments. Additionally, a history debate sometimes even gets set for one round of a regular tournament. In this article, we will introduce you to this feature - maybe you even want to do your own history debate? ...
Oct 4th, 2017 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature, Themen | Comments Off on History debates in a nutshell

“I am really looking forward to it” – Selene Gnadenteich in her interview about convening the EUDC 2017 in Tallinn

"I am really looking forward to it" - Selene Gnadenteich in her interview about convening the EUDC 2017 in TallinnWith the EUDC 2017 in Tallinn coming closer, people might want to prepare their trip - but what to prepare for? We've asked convenor Selene Gnadenteich about the tournament, including the questions we got from the community. ...
Jul 13th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on “I am really looking forward to it” – Selene Gnadenteich in her interview about convening the EUDC 2017 in Tallinn

When Women Speak, we, er, Think? A Conversation with Miriam Kohn on Gendered Communication in British Parliamentary Debate

When Women Speak, we, er, Think? A Conversation with Miriam Kohn on Gendered Communication in British Parliamentary DebateThe use of language in university debating hasn't been studied a lot so far. Miriam Kohn from the University of Rochester did some research - in this interview, she tells us about her results and thoughts on the use of "hedging". Edited for length & clarity with entire thesis and speech transcriptions available here. ...
Apr 27th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on When Women Speak, we, er, Think? A Conversation with Miriam Kohn on Gendered Communication in British Parliamentary Debate

How can we improve judging for women?

How can we improve judging for women?In this week's feature, Helena Hecke investigates the issue of women not being taken serious in adjudication discussions, along with some suggestions to fix it. ...
Apr 12th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | Mit einem Kommentar

Why we need more knives

Why we need more knivesIn this article, I’d like to argue for more knives in BPS debating. Not because I’m the owner of a knife shop – which I’m not – but because there are certain cases where the current rules are unfair towards certain teams and this could be easily corrected. ...
Apr 5th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 6 Kommentaren

Is the ideal judge a blank slate?

Is the ideal judge a blank slate?Lots of experienced debaters keep discussing what might be the best way to adjudicate in British Parliamentary Style. Today, Stefan Torges wants to discuss the perfect adjudicator's position. ...
Jan 11th, 2017 | By | Category: Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 22 Kommentaren

I pack my bags and take…: An EUDC-Guide for Beginners

I pack my bags and take…: An EUDC-Guide for BeginnersComing Sunday at the 14th August the European Debating Championship 2016 will take place in Warsaw and, as usual, the Achte Minute will be there to report. But for now the big question is not yet who managed to break but rather what to bring along. As a wonderful German proverb states: "Life ain't no pony yard" - it means that life isn't easy. Most participants have to pack their own bags, since mother or father don't do it for them anymore. So we want to have a chat out of the sewing box with you about things we deem ...
Aug 10th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 2 Kommentaren

Debaters at the WSDC – Part 2

Debaters at the WSDC - Part 2On the 19th-29th Juli the World Schools Debating Championships take place in and around Stuttgart, Germany (an article about the WSDC 2016 can be found here). The Achte Minute was visiting the event and we’ve interviewed some of the participating debaters from all around the world. Because of the large number of interviews the first part of this Mittwochs-Feature was already published yesterday. In this part you can find the interviews with: Naz Gocek, Branksome Hall - Canada Barbara Krumpholz, Europäisches Gymnasium Bertha-von-Suttner - Germany Thomas Murphy, Dubai College - United Arabic Emirates Abhaya Gauchan, Ratobangala School - Nepal   Naz Gocek, Branksome Hall - Canada [caption id="attachment_29517" ...
Jul 27th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on Debaters at the WSDC – Part 2

Debaters at the WSDC – Part 1

Debaters at the WSDC - Part 1On the 19th-29th Juli the World Schools Debating Championships take place in and around Stuttgart, Germany (an article about the WSDC 2016 can be found here). The Achte Minute was visiting the event and has interviewed some of the participating debaters from all around the world. Because of the large number of interviews, the first part of this Mittwochs-Feature is already published today. The second part will be published regularly at 10am on Wednesday. In this part you can find the interviews with: Kenza Wilks, Dulwich College - England Alejo Gonzalez Virgili, Belgrano Day School - Argentina Jay Tanatswa Muzhingi, Kutama College - Zimbabwe Kenza ...
Jul 26th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on Debaters at the WSDC – Part 1

This month: World Schools Debating Championships in Stuttgart

This month: World Schools Debating Championships in StuttgartIn addition to debating at universities, competition has spread at schools all over the globe in recent decades. For example, participating countries annually send a delegation of pupils aged 14 to 19 to the World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC), which are comparable to the World Universities Debating Championships. Laura Alviz of the Debating Society Germany e.V. explains what exactly that means. WSDC takes place in Stuttgart next week. After the German team had to cover long distances in 2014 and 2015 to reach the Southeast Asian cities Bangkok and Singapore, traveling becomes easier this year. WSDC takes place in seven days ...
Jul 13th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on This month: World Schools Debating Championships in Stuttgart

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