Guilty pleasures, lamb with mint and loving England – Andreas Lazar about the Manchester IV

Datum: Mar 10th, 2011
Category: Themen, Turniere

Wet, wet, wet – you must love England, for its weather, its guilty pleasures (deep fried chicken wings, huge burgers, chips and vinegar) and its talkative debaters. That was equally true for this year’s Manchester IV in late February. With Ruth Faller (CA Galway Euros) and Sam Block (CA De La Salle Worlds) as motion setters for 80 teams, the Manchester Debating Union did a great job entertaining the debaters with regard to culinary and social needs. Particularly popular were the debate videos they had produced, playing with famous TV shows as “Dragon’s Den” or “Glee”, Andreas Lazar from Debattierclub Stuttgart reports. Together with his team mate Michael Saliba, he won the ESL final of the Manchester IV. Please read the German version of this article to learn more on Andreas’ and Michael’s strategy.

Michael Saliba and Andreas Lazar won the Manchester in late February. (Picture: Francesca Hall)

All motions of the Manchester IV:

  • Round 1: This House believes that in times of state breakdown abroad, the UK government should prioritise the rescue of the UK citizens over other humanitarian concerns.
  • Round 2: This House believes that the state should force religious organizations to marry same-sex couples.
  • Round 3: This House would punish internet and communication companies that comply with oppressive regimes’ censorship policies.
  • Round 4: This House believes that the Republican party should actively try to suppress the Tea Party movement.
  • Round 5: This House believes that post-genocide states should inflict very public long-term punishments on those involved in genocide.
  • Final (ESL): This House would be a pacifist.
  • Semi-finals (main break): This House would criminalize the glorification of martyrdom.
  • Final (main break): This House believes that individuals in western developed countries have a greater moral responsibility to starving strangers overseas than to their own families.

Andreas Lazar / apf

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