Masters’ Cup 2012 in Eisenach

Datum: Aug 2nd, 2012
Category: DDG, Termine, Turniere

Let’s roll with the Masters’ Cup 2012 at Eisenach – registration opens now! On September 28 and 29, the Thuringian town where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German will be the stage for the annual debating tournament of the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters. All debaters are invited to register as judges – a good chance to witness old-timers of great reputations or infamous for their long history of debating. You really will get to judge them! As speakers, all DDG members are welcome, plus those awarded the DDG prize for the best junior speaker at the annual German Debating Championship and the acting German Debating Champions. Registration is open for individual speakers only, not for teams. Teams will be drawn after every round, hence, team partners change from round to round.

Die Wartburg zu Eisenach bei Nacht. (Foto: Manuel Adams)

The Masters’ Cup will start on Friday, 28 September at 6 p.m. at Martin-Luther-Gymnasium, a mere 15 minutes’ walk from Eisenach train station. After dinner, the first pre round will commence at 8 p.m. A tradition has already evolved which leads all participants to a bowling night where they have a beer or two, dwell on the latest gossip and browse the DDG yearbook. After more pre rounds and semi finals, Saturday will stage the great final at the historic site of Wartburg’s ballroom where the best four speakers compete for the title “Master of the Masters”.

Fees for the Masters’ Cup are 55 Euros for speakers and 45 Euros for judges and include meals and accommodation (Friday to Sunday). The fees will be reduced to 35 and 25 Euros respectively if accommodation is not needed. Students, that may participate as judges, pay a reduced fee of 20 Euros. If you want to take part in the Masters’ Cup please register until August 17 online.

Sunday, September 30, will be the venue of DDG’s general assembly. All guests are welcome.

The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at the world heritage site Wartburg. The Masters’ style was specifically developed for the Masters’ Cup where teams will be allocated by drawing lots. In teams of two, every speaker gets a time of seven minutes. The jurors judge content, strategy and method equally. Chief adjudicators are traditionally one member each of the executive boards of VDCH (Association of Debating Societies at Universities) and DDG. As speakers, all members of DDG as well as those awarded the DDG prize for the best junior speaker are welcome, while as judges, debaters from all societies are accepted.

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