Cambridge alumni win Inner Temple IV

Datum: Jan 24th, 2017
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere
Winners of the Inner Temple IV 2017 - © MDG

Winners of the Inner Temple IV 2017 – © Michael Dunn Goejikan

The team Fulfilling MDG’s Virtue Signalling Quota (Michael Dunn Goejikan & Muhammad Assadullah Khan) has won the final of the Inner Temple IV 2017. The motion was “This house supports a norm where adult children take in their elderly parents, even in cases where their parents have the financial means to support themselves.”

The final was judged by Steven Ramesh Rajavinothan  in chair, together with Tek Wei Tan, Ibrahim Steele, Mackenzie Tse, Bruce Weaver and Penny S.

Best speaker was Michael Dunn Goejikan with an average of 84.25 speaker points.

The Novice Final with the motion “This house supports President Obama’s decision to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning” was won by Middle Temple B (Josh Happé, Sam Clarke) in Opening Government against the Opening Opposition Imperial MT (Taief Miah, Mindy Chen), Closing Government Westminster B (James Pycock, Sundus Ahmed) and Closing Opposition Imperial GX (Gergely Patko, Xuan Chen) in a 3:2 split between OG and CO.

The final was judged by Ruairidh Macintosh (chair), Ebony James, Steven Ramesh Rajaviothan and two additional panel members.

Justin Graham was announced best novice speakers with an average of 79.25 speaker points.

Best ESL speaker was Sukhdev Singh Malhi with an average of 77.75 speaker points and the best ESL team was Imperial MT.

These teams broke into the open semi- finals:

  1. Fulfilling MDG’s Virtue Signalling Quota (Michael Dunn Goejikan, Muhammad Assadullah Khan)
  2. Trial run for Mexico (Darion Hotan, Daniel Bramble)
  3. LSE Ginger (Jamie Capp, Sophia Rodriguez)
  4. Cambridge HX (Robin Xu, Matt Hazell)
  5. Generic Placeholder C (Alex Harris, Matthew Creese)
  6. LSE Posh (Clara Rupf, Hannah Tyndall)
  7. LSE Scary (Brynne Guthrie, Sukhdev Singh Malhi)
  8. Desis ‘Takeaway’ your Break (Hassan Aftab Bachani, Surya Kumaravel)
CA's of the Innter Temple IV -© private

CA’s of the Innter Temple IV – © private

The Novice break:

  1. Middle Temple B (Josh Happé, Sam Clarke)
  2. Westminster B (James Pycock, Sundus Ahmed)
  3. Imperial GX (Gergely Patko, Xuan Chen)
  4. Imperial MT (Taief Miah, Mindy Chen)

The organizers of this years edition were Jake Armes, Helen Aline Ball and Oliver May. The CA team consisted out of Steven Ramesh Rajavinothan, Mackenzie Tse and Teck Wei Tan and the tournament was held from Friday 20th to Saturday 21st January.

The Motions:
Rd 1: THBT leaders of groups that used violence should not take up significant government positions following the conflict.

Rd 2: TH regrets the norm that encourages and expects young people to attend university

Rd 3: THW make people feel subconsciously guilty for not contributing significantly to alleviate suffering in the world

Rd 4Infotext: Athletics has been plagued by doping allegations and issues, leading to a fall in popularity. However, in the last two Olympics Games (in London and Rio de Janeiro respectively) the Great Britain Athletics team has been very successful and has had no doping allegations or issues. Lord Sebastian Coe is the President of the International Association of Athletics Federations and the Chairman of the British Olympic Association. For the purposes of debate, please take the following as true:
Lord Sebastian Coe has found evidence that numerous British athletes who have competed in the British and/or Rio Olympics games took performance-enhancing drugs. Some of these athletes won medals at one or both of these Olympics.
Lord Coe knows for certain that:
1. he is the only person who has knowledge of this evidence;
2. if he were to destroy this evidence, that no other evidence relating to the British athletes who competed at the London and/or Rio Olympic Games would ever be found; and
3. no British athletes are currently using, or will use at the next Olympic games, performance-enhancing drugs.

TH, as Lord Coe, would destroy rather than release the evidence.

SF: Infotext: Eternity Pills, once consumed, irreversibly stop the ageing process and theorretically allow individuals to live forever. They do not prevent death from trauma or disease.

TH prefers a world in which Eternity Pills exist

F: THS a norm where adult children take in their elderly parents, even in cases where their parents have the financial means to support themselves.

NF: THS President Obama’s decision to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning.


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