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DDG-Mitgliederversammlung wählt Vorstand neu
Sep 30th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: DDG |
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Masters’ Cup 2012: Patrick Ehmann geht aus Finale als Sieger hervor
Sep 30th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: DDG |
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In der Übersicht: die ZEIT DEBATTEN der Saison 2012/2013
Sep 12th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: VDCH |
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FDL: Berlin schreitet in Dortmund Richtung Titelverteidigung
Jul 9th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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Das letzte Vorbereitungsturnier vor der MDD: Der Brüder Grimm Cup in Marburg
May 22nd, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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FDL: Jena gewinnt Heimspiel / Berlin ist lachender Vierter
May 21st, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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Neuer Vorstand in Magdeburg
May 20th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Debatterclub Würzburg will “Vereinsmeier 2012” werden / Würzburger Hofbräu vergibt bis zu 20.000 Euro an Würzburger Vereine
May 9th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Jacobs Open 2012: Some Slots Are Available
Some slots are available during this years' Jacobs Open in Bremen. In April, Jacobs University Bremen (JUB) Debating Society is planning the Jacobs Open 2012 from 13 to 15.
And the victory at Jacobs Open 2011 fell to Becky West and Rogier Baart (Leiden Debating Union) in an all-Dutch final debate on the motion “This house would promote atheism”. Manuel Adams (Berlin Debating Union) compiled a picture gallery and has put it online.
Apr 8th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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Debatte: Was ist uns unsere Sicherheit wert?
Feb 2nd, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs, Termine |
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Jonas Werner and Farid Schwuchow win Berlin Invitational 2012
Jan 20th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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Neue Clubleitung im DUEbattierclub Duisburg-Essen
Jan 20th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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New executive board in Regensburg
The debating society Regensburg elected a new executive board. Martin Apitz is the new elected president, Carolin Hock his deputy, and Tobias Schmidbauer the treasurer.
Congratulations and good luck with your work!
Dec 19th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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New executive board in Ilmenau
The Wortkombinat Ilmenau elected a new executive board. Martin Zielinski is the re-elected as president, Andreas Voigt his deputy, Stefan Liffers as treasurer and Julia Breschke und Felix Grimm.
Congratulations and good luck with your work!
Dec 14th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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New debating society at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
A new debating was founded at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. See what the local newspaper "Nürnberger Nachrichten" has to say about the founding and read the German version of this.
Application to ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011 open
The 11th ZEIT DEBATTEN series is about to begin! The convenor in Karlsruhe has open its application for the first ZEIT DEBATTE this season. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe will be held in OPD. Chief adjudicators are Yin Cai (Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak and Mario Dießner (Berlin). ...
Oct 6th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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Gutenberg Cup 2011
Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (DCJG) is looking for the “Jokes Champion”. The annual Gutenberg-Cup in Mainz is a tournament with exclusively funny motions. This year it is held on November 12 and 13, debating style is Offene Parlamentarische Debatte (OPD; teams consist of tree speakers and one adjudicator), language is German. Registration is open now via e-mail to Fee is 15 Euros per person, crash is available.
New executive board of DDG
The general assembly of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni debating association, have elected a new executive board: President is now Stefan Hübner, his vice-presidents are Marietta Gädeke, Nicolas Eberle, Bastian Laubner and Oliver Hörtensteiner. ...
Masters’ Cup 2011: Lukas Haffert may now call himself Master of the Masters
At the Masters' Cup in the famous fortress of Wartburg in the middle of the Thuringian Forest, Lukas Haffert defeated his competitors. His fellow finalists were Marietta Gädeke, Torsten Rössing and Marcus Ewald. Lukas may now call himself Master of the Masters. The exclusive tourney is hosted by Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni debating society.
The motions read as follows:
Round 1: "Dieses Haus würde Palästina als Vollmitglied in die UN aufnehmen."
Round 2: "Dieses Haus bestraft eine erwiesene Falschbeschuldigung nach der Strafe, die der Beschuldigte erhalten hätte, wenn er aufgrund der Beschuldigung verurteilt worden wäre."
Round 3: "Dieses Haus wandelt ...
Masters’ Cup 2011: Break to Semis
The motion of the break semi-finals read: “Dieses Haus würde dem Wutbürger einen Maulkorb verpassen.”
Semi 1:
Bastian Laubner
Lukas Haffert
Almut Graebsch
Marcus Ewald
Judges: Verena Gräf, Mario Dießner, Andrea Gau, Bernd Hoefer
Semi 2:
Torsten Rössing
Farid Schwuchow
Jan Lüken
Marietta Gädecke
Judges: Allison Jones, Marion Seiche, Alexander Postinett, Benedikt Nufer
The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at the world heritage site Wartburg. The Masters’ style was specifically developed for the Masters’ Cup where teams will be allocated by drawing lots. In teams of two, every speaker gets ...
Masters’ Cup starts today
Today over 50 debaters arrive in Eisenach, where this years's Masters' Cup starts today. The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at the world heritage site Wartburg. The Masters’ style was specifically developed for the Masters’ Cup where teams will be allocated by drawing lots. In teams of two, every speaker gets a time of seven minutes. The jurors judge content, strategy and method equally. As speakers, all members of DDG as well as those ...
New executive board in Mannheim
Mannheim Debating Union e.V. has a new elected executive board. Patrick Weber, Anne-Sophie Lockner, Martin Türck und Miriam Gauer are responsible for the well-being of debating in Mannheim. Congrats!
Sep 20th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Deutschsprachige Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2013 in München
Sep 12th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH |
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Sep 12th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH |
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