Application to ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011 open

Datum: Oct 6th, 2011
Category: Turniere, VDCH

The 11th ZEIT DEBATTEN series is about to begin! The convenor in Karlsruhe has open its application for the first ZEIT DEBATTE this season. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe will be held in OPD. Chief adjudicators are Yin Cai (Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak and Mario Dießner (Berlin).

The ZEIT DEBATTEN series is convened by VDCH in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and Deutsche Telekom, supported through VDCH’s media partner ZDF, a German public broadcaster. It has been a decade now since the first ZEIT DEBATTEN series kicked off with at least five annual tournaments, among them the German debating championship. The series is nested under the honorary patronage of the former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

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