Posts Tagged ‘ Karlsruhe ’
Klartext-Europa: Debatte in Karlsruhe
Aug 4th, 2013 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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MDD 2012: Break to quarters
German language debating championship (MDD) - Break to Quarters:
Berlin Kai & Flo (Kai Dittmann und Florian Umscheid)
Berlin Flauschpfote (Hauke Blume und Niels Schröter)
Hamburg Loki (Kira Lancker und Barbara Schunicht)
München Alpha (Valerio Morelli und Marco Witzmann)
Berlin Babes Bolay Dessislava Kirova und Juliane Mendelsohn)
Berlin HS (Johannes Häger und Georg Sommerfeld)
Stuttgart CNC (Igor Gilitschenski und Michael Saliba)
Münster Lamberti (Johannes Haug und Adrian Gombert)
Mainz Anton (Daniil Pakhomenko und Andrea Gau)
Berlin SW (Farid Schwuchow und Jonas Werner)
München A (Wladislaw Jachtschenko und Markus Dankerl)
Stuttgart A (Andreas Lazar und Sven Moritz Hein)
Jena - Die Untergeher (Jonathan Scholbach und Friederike Meyer zu Wendischhoff)
Karls Ruhe vor dem Sturm (Leonid ...
MDD 2012: Biggest German language debating competition about to start
The German language debating championship is about to start in Vienna, Austria. Competing for the title are 68 teams from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, or debating societies from Aachen, Bayreuth, Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Graz, Göttingen, Halle, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Ingolstadt, Jena, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Klagenfurt, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Mainz, Marburg, München, Münster, Potsdam, Regensburg, Salzburg, Stuttgart, St. Gallen, Tübingen, Wien, Würzburg and Zürich.
Learn more about MDD in the German version of this article and follow us on Facebook and Twitter (hashtag #MDD12).
It's the first time the German language debating championship (Meisterschaft im deutschsprachigen Debattieren or MDD) is hosted ...
Jun 7th, 2012 |
By Anja Pfeffermann |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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New executive board in Karlsruhe
The new executive board of Debatte Karlsruhe consists of Johannes Janosovits, Moritz Klammler, Thank Thank Nguyen, Jan Kaufmann, and Frederik Diehl.
Congratulations and good luck with your work!
Feb 27th, 2012 |
By Xenia Zhykhar |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011: Tab and motions
Here are tab and motions of ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011.
Berlin wins ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe
Great start into the ZEIT DEBATTEN season 2011/2012 for Berlin Debating Union. Their speakers Georg Sommerfeld, Patrick Ehmann and Johannes Häger won the ZEIT DEBATTE's final against Marco Niedermaier, Lukas Windhager and Almut Graebsch who were competing for Debattierclub München. Georg Sommerfeld was the best speaker of the final. The motion was: Do we need the United Staates of Europe? The final was completed by the free speakers Willy Witthaut (Mainz), Sven Hirschfeld (Heidelberg) and Irene Adamski (Halle). The finals' adjudicators: Pauline Leopold (Tübingen), Yin Cai (Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak (SK Berlin), Mario Dießner (SK Berlin), Leonid Vogel (Karlsruhe) and ...
ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe: Break to the final
Berlin and Munich are competing in ZEIT DEBATTE final. The proposition ist from Debattierclub Munich, opposition from Berlin Debating Union. Free speakers (a characteristic of the format OPD) are Sven Hirschfeld (Heidelberg), Irene Adamski (Halle) and Willy Witthaut (Mainz).
Nov 27th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: VDCH |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe: Break to semis
Break at ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011 - here it is! ...
Die 11. ZEIT-DEBATTEN-Serie beginnt
The new ZEIT DEBATTEN series begins! This weekend, speakers and judges from all over VDCH-land flock at Karlsruhe. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe will be held in Offene Parlamentarische Debatte (open parliamentary debate, OPD). Chief adjudicators are Yin Cai (former president of Debating Club Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak (former president of Streitkultur Tübingen and current president of Streitkultur Berlin) and Mario Dießner of Streitkultur Berlin.
The ZEIT DEBATTEN series is convened by VDCH in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and Deutsche Telekom, supported through VDCH’s media partner ZDF, a German public ...
Nov 25th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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Application to ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe 2011 open
The 11th ZEIT DEBATTEN series is about to begin! The convenor in Karlsruhe has open its application for the first ZEIT DEBATTE this season. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe will be held in OPD. Chief adjudicators are Yin Cai (Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak and Mario Dießner (Berlin). ...
Oct 6th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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11th season of ZEIT DEBATTEN series
The next season of the German debating ZEIT DEBATTEN series is set: the general assembly of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, came together in August and decided upon dates and locations of four ZEIT DEBATTEN tournaments, three regional championships and the German debating championship (MDD) 2012. An overview over the coming season 2011/12 is provided here:
ZEIT DEBATTE Karlsruhe, 25 to 27 November 2011
Organised by Debatte Karlsruhe, CAs Yin Cai (DC Heidelberg), Christoph Krakowiak and Mario Dießner (both SK Berlin), ormat OPD.
ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg, 13. to 15. Januar 2012
Organised by Debattierclub Hamburg, ...
New executive board in Karlsruhe
The new executive board of Debatte Karlsruhe is composed of Johannes Janosovits, Leo Vogel, Moritz Klammler, Frederik Diehl and Jan Kaufmann.
Jul 13th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Public debate in Karlsruhe
Read more about the public debate of Debatte Karlsruhe in the German version of this article.
Jun 26th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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CAs for BaWü announced
Carnival and debating in Karlsruhe
This is an article about a Carnival debate in early March at the debating society Debatte Karlsruhe. Please read the German version of this piece to learn about how a masquerade and a debate go together.
ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Nachlese 4
This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this article to see what various debating societies say about the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz on their websites! ...
Jan 29th, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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New executive board in Karlsruhe
Debatte Karlsruhe elected a new executive board. Leo Vogel was elected as the new board member, joining Christian Zimpelmann, whose period on the board will expire in half a year. The Karlsruhe club elects one of its two board members every university semester, each for the duration of one year.
Congratulations and good luck for your work!
Jan 27th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Reporter visited Debatte Karlsruhe
Please read the German version of this article on how a reporter from the newspaper Badische Neueste Nachrichten visited Debatte Karlsruhe. ...
Dec 1st, 2010 |
By Anja Pfeffermann |
Category: News of debating clubs, Presseschau |
Mit einem Kommentar
BaWü 2010 Pickings 4
Munich wins BaWü 2010
Lukas Windhager, Almut Graebsch and Marco Niedermeier have won BaWü 2010. Best speaker of the final was Magnus Schmagold from Göttingen. More information soon on Achte Minute.
BaWü 2010: Break to Semis
Break to Semis at Baden-Württembergische Meisterschaft:
Mainzelmünchen (Daniil Pakhomenko, Andrea Gau, Wladi Jachtschenko)
Mainz Phyrgische Mütze (Thore Wojke, Nicolas Eberle, Sascha Schenkenberger)
Debatte Karlsruhe (Michael Pruß, Christoph Baumhardt, Jenny Bachmann)
München Friedensengel (Almut Graebsch, Lukas Windhager, Marco Niedermeier)
Free Speakers (OPD style):
Magnus Schmagold (DC Göttingen)
Marcus Ewald (DCJG Mainz)
Konrad Grießinger (DCJG Mainz)
Johannes Vatanyutaweewat (DCGF Frankfurt)
Nicolas Friebe (DC Göttingen)
Simon Lehle (Streitkultur Tübingen)
Willy Witthaut, Anette Purucker, Jan Lüken, Jörn Hahn, Mario Dießner, Volker Tjaden, Lukas Haffert, Anja Pfeffermann, Yin Cai, Dominic Hildebrand. ...
Information night in Karlsruhe
The Debatte Karlsruhe hosts an information night on in October 20. Venue is the building 20.13, room 109 at Karlsruhe University.
Oct 20th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs, Termine |
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Dortmunder Freundschaftsturnier Pickings 3
We are sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please check back later.
Oct 3rd, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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Schobbe-Cup 2010 Review 3
We are sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please check back later.
New executive board in Karlsruhe
The meeting of members on June 30 of Debatte Karlsruhe elected a new executive board for the debating club. Christian Zimpelmann was elected as the new board member, joining Michael Pruß, whose period on the board will expire in half a year. The Karlsruhe club elects one of its two board members every university semester, each for the duration of one year.
Congratulations and good luck for your work!
Jul 4th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Kaffee und Kuchen bei Karlsruher Alumni-Debatte
Die Debatte Karlsruhe berichtet auf ihrer Internetseite von der Karlsruher Alumni-Debatte 2010. Die ehemaligen Debattanten des VDCH-Clubs in Karlsruhe trafen sich am Samstag, 19. Juni, zu Kaffee und Kuchen, wurden über das aktuelle Vereinsgeschehen informiert und durften selbst noch einmal ran - in einer Debatte, an der Vereinsmitglieder der verschiedenen Debattiergenerationen teilnahmen. Ein Feierabendbier war dann aber auch noch drin!
Jun 25th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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DDM 2010 Nachlese 9
Noch ein Club schreibt über die Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010.
Die Debatte Karlsruhe hat einen DDM-Bericht aus Karlsruher Sicht veröffentlicht. Hier ein Auszug:
"Die besten Debattierer Deutschlands trafen sich am verlängerten Wochenende vom 2.-6. Juni im schönen Münster um sich im Redewettstreit zu messen. Auch die Debatte Karlsruhe stellte sich diesem Wettkampf mit zwei Teams. Nach sieben Runden, konnten beide Teams einen soliden Platz in der Mitte des hochklassigen Teilnehmerfeldes, in dem Clubs aus allen Teilen Deutschlands (und sogar aus Österreich) vertreten waren, erringen. [...]
Im Finale standen sich dann Tübingen, ...
Debatte Karlsruhe berichtet über “Debattier-Krümel”
Die Debatte Karlsruhe berichtet über zwei Freundschaftsdebatten zwischen Rednern aus Karlsruhe und Mainz. ...
May 11th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs, Presseschau, Themen |
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Öffentliche Freundschaftsdebatte in Karlsruhe
Am Freitag, den 7. Mai, sind Debattanten des DCJG Mainz bei der Debatte Karlsruhe zu Gast zum freundschaftlichen rednerischen Schlagabtausch. Gäste sind willkommen zu den Debatten, die im Wartburgformat ausgetragen werden, das, so Johannes Grygier von der Debatte Karlsruhe, "auch außerhalb der Thüringer Wälder immer mehr Freunde gefunden hat". Das Publikum ist zum Mitmachen eingeladen - Zuschauer dürfen nicht nur die Themen der beiden Debatten bestimmen, sondern dem Wartburgformat gemäß zudem den Rednern Fragen anbieten.
Freundschaftsdebatte Karlsruhe vs. Mainz
Freitag, 7. Mai, 20 Uhr
Studentisches Kulturzentrum Z10, Zähringerstraße 10, Karlsruhe
May 6th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Termine |
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Regios Nachlese 3
Paderborn berichtet von der Nord-, Wien und Karlsruhe von der Süd- und Münster von der Westdeutschen Meisterschaft im Hochschuldebattieren. Einhelliges Urteil: Tolle Turniere. ...
Apr 23rd, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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