Posts Tagged ‘ App ’

Bridger – Discussing Differing Opinions

Bridger - Discussing Differing OpinionsSome people debate to improve their skills, some for the competition and some for an ideal of discourse or knowledge. For the latter, we'd like to present an opportunity to engage in conversations with people from all around the world to exchange and discuss differing views: Bridger. The newly developed app just got publicly available, so we thought it a good time to have in interview with the people behind it. ...
Mar 14th, 2018 | By | Category: Debattieren in der Öffentlichkeit, International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on Bridger – Discussing Differing Opinions

Introducing: “Timekept”

Introducing: "Timekept""Is it ok if we use Debatekeeper?" - words you'll often hear at tournaments, proving that an app supporting the adjudication process is always welcome. However, there was one problem: iOS users had no possibility to use it. An alternative app is now available - New Zealand debater Philip Belesky programmed "Timekept", which is available for 0,99€ at the App Store. Following his invitation, the Achte Minute had Anastasia Kreis check it out. [caption id="attachment_31419" align="alignright" width="400"] © Philip Belesky[/caption] After starting the app you'll first be offered a broad list of national and international debate formats, which you can arrange, prioritise ...
Mar 2nd, 2017 | By | Category: International, Jurieren | mit 2 Kommentaren

An App to Fight Anxiety: Debatebreaker for Android

An App to Fight Anxiety: Debatebreaker for AndroidIt is the longest time at a debating tournament: The last closed round is over and you are waiting for the break. The tabbing team always takes longer than promised, and the social can barely pass the time. [caption id="attachment_25851" align="alignright" width="300"] Debatebreaker's logo[/caption]There are the patient debaters who can sit back and relax, and let the break surprise them. If you belong to the many who are not like that, you probably spend the time constantly speculating about your chances. You have a rough idea of your score, but will it be enough for the break?There are some rules of thumb that you ...
Feb 11th, 2015 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature | mit 2 Kommentaren

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