Posts Tagged ‘ Belgrad ’

A European debate league? An interview with the new EUDC president Marcus Ewald

Ex-EUDC-Präsident Jens Fischer und aktueller EUDC-Präsident Marcus Ewald im Gespräch in Belgrad. (Foto: Henrik Maedler)Ewald for president! Again, after Jens Fischer, a German debater is now holding the office as president of the EUDC Council sitting at the annual European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC or Euros): Marcus Ewald is the new EUDC president! He answered Willy Witthaut's question about his agenda about a European debating league and the new and complicated break system at Worlds. ...
Aug 20th, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on A European debate league? An interview with the new EUDC president Marcus Ewald

EUDC 2012: An interview with the EUDC runners-up from Berlin

Jonas Werner und Niels Schröter (im Bild von hinten) von der BDU haben es als Team ins ESL-Finale bei den Euros in Belgrad geschafft. In der Kategorie "English as a Second Language (ESL) dürfen die Redner antreten, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist. (Foto: Henrik Maedler)Prepping at Cambridge, studying The Economist, scrutinizing mechanisms - this and much more is what Jonas Werner (winner of German language debating championship 2009) and Niels Schröter (both from the Belrin Debating Union, or BDU) revealed when our Belgrade correspondent Willy Witthaut interviewed them after they made it to the ESL final at the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC or Euros). ...
Aug 20th, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 3 Kommentaren

EUDC 2012: The Belgrade Bid – Who is on board?

After nine years of absence the Euros shall return to the Balkans if everything goes accordingly to Serbian plans. In 2003 the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) had been hosted in the Croatian capital Zagreb. Now Belgrade wants to be stage to the 14th Euros to be held in 2012. The convenors expect 220 teams by the river Danube. Belgrade allures to the party package the European debating circuit always produces with a wild nightlife. The org comm of Milan Vignjević will do the very best within their power to get the most out of it for the ...
Jan 22nd, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on EUDC 2012: The Belgrade Bid – Who is on board?

EUDC 2012 – Two bids and a hoax

EUDC 2012 – Two bids and a hoaxLet the competition begin: Two cities bid for hosting the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) 2012. The bidders are Leeds from the English county West Yorkshire and the Serbian captial Belgrade. In addition to that, there's an alleged bid from London's BPP Debating Society - rumour has it that this a hoax. Belgrade composed a prominent team. Convenor is Milan Vignjević. His bid is backed-up by the University of Belgrade. But he himself has gained a lot of experience as both debater and convenor: He broke to ESL qurters at Amsterdam Euros 2010 and is co-convenor of the Belgrade ...
Jan 19th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on EUDC 2012 – Two bids and a hoax

Belgrade Open 2011

Belgrade Open 2011 Belgrade, the “white city”, will probably still be white from snow in February when the Belgrade Open 2011 will be held from 25 to 27 February. Language of debate is English, the format is British Parliamentary Style (BPS). Registration is open from 5 January. Please register online on the homepage of the Belgrade Open 2011. Nota bene: The n-1 rule is applied for judges! The registration fee is 45 Euros per person and includes accommodation, meals and socials. The convenors promise a CA team of eminent and experienced adjudicators: Steven Nolan, Marko Cirovic, Frederick Cowell, Lucinda David, Lewis Iwu, Isabelle Loewe ...
Dec 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Belgrade Open 2011

Rauchen im Hörsaal und Bier für den Taxifahrer: Überraschende Einblicke beim Belgrade Open 2010

Rauchen im Hörsaal und Bier für den Taxifahrer: Überraschende Einblicke beim Belgrade Open 2010"We run a VIP service here" bekam man oft zu hören, wenn man sich dafür bedankte vom Flughafen abgeholt zu werden, die Hotelzimmer gezeigt bekam oder man anmerkte, wie praktisch doch die serbischen SIM-Karten seien, die zu Beginn der Belgrade Open 2010 an die Redner und Juroren ausgeteilt wurden, mit denen man kostenlos unter den Teilnehmern und Organisatoren SMS autauschen und telefonieren konnte. Erst das morgendliche Wecken war dann ein wenig zu paternalistisch. 52 Teams, juriert unter anderem von Will Jones (Chefjuror der WUDC 2010) und Leela Koenig (Chefjurorin der EUDC 2010) traten in der Jurafakultät der Universität Belgrad in fünf auf die ...
Mar 2nd, 2010 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on Rauchen im Hörsaal und Bier für den Taxifahrer: Überraschende Einblicke beim Belgrade Open 2010

Belgrade Open 2010

Von 26. Februar bis 1. März findet das Belgrade Open 2010 statt. Das Finale des Turniers wird im Serbischen Parlament ausgetragen. Das Turnier wird in englischer Sprache und im Debattierformat BPS stattfinden, geplant sind fünf Vorrunden, Halbfinale und Finale. Chefjuroren werden der ehemalige Weltmeister und diesjährige Weltmeisterschaftschefjuror Will Jones, der EUDC-Finalist Stephen Nolan, EUDC-Finalistin Simone van Elk und und der diesjährige Weltmeisterschaftsviertelfinalist Milan Vignjevic sein. Die bisher registrierten Teilnehmer/innen werden in Belgrads ältestem Hotel, dem Hotel Kasina, untergebracht, wegen des großen Andrangs wurde nun zusätzlich ein Hostel gebucht, "just to make sure that as many people as possible can participate in ...
Jan 20th, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Belgrade Open 2010

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