Posts Tagged ‘ DIE ZEIT ’

Zu Gast beim „Debattierclub, der eine Zeitung nebenher betreibt“ – Tina Rudolph über den Präsidententag der ZEIT 2014

Zu Gast beim „Debattierclub, der eine Zeitung nebenher betreibt“ - Tina Rudolph über den Präsidententag der ZEIT 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
Dec 17th, 2014 | By | Category: Mittwochs-Feature, Veranstaltungen | Comments Off on Zu Gast beim „Debattierclub, der eine Zeitung nebenher betreibt“ – Tina Rudolph über den Präsidententag der ZEIT 2014

Presidents’ day at the ZEIT publishing house

On October 5 and 6, many presidents of the local debating societies from under the umbrella of VDCH (the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, or Verband der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen) are going to assemble at the publishing house of DIE ZEIT in Hamburg. The main sponsor of the tournament series ZEIT DEBATTEN is going to give insight into the work of the editorial team of one of the largest weekly newspapers in Germany. The debaters are going to talk to the editor-at-large, the chief editors of theprint as well as the online issue and many others.
Sep 20th, 2012 | By | Category: Termine, VDCH | Mit einem Kommentar

DDM 2011: Nachlese 1

Learn about what the media in Germany and beyond have to say about the German Debating Championship, or Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2011. Please read the German version of this bit. Find the tabs of DDM online: The one after prelims and the final tab. ...
Jun 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, VDCH | mit 8 Kommentaren

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