WUDC 2011: Andreas Lazar about preparation, irritations and New Year’s Eve without snow

Datum: Jan 21st, 2011
Category: Menschen, Themen, Turniere

Sorry, this article is not yet available in English. Please read the German version to learn more on how Andreas Lazar and his team mate from Debattierclub Stuttgart made it to ESL finals at WUDC 2011.

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2 Kommentare zu “WUDC 2011: Andreas Lazar about preparation, irritations and New Year’s Eve without snow”

  1. miliba says:

    “um die dreißig” gilt dann doch nur für Andreas. Ich trage den Alterstitel dann gerne in 2-3 Jahren…

  2. Sarah J. says:

    Wie alst bist Du denn, Michael?

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