Vienna IV 2012

Datum: Sep 10th, 2011
Category: Termine, Turniere

Save the date: March 9 to 11! On these three days, the Vienna IV 2012 is going to take place as Debattierklub Wien announced. Further details will be promoted on Achte Minute as soon as possible. This year, Austin Schwartz and Travis Steele won the Vienna IV final as Colgate Extra White from the position of Opening Government on the motion “This house believes that parties’ electoral campaigns should only be funded by the state”. Their counterparts were Galatasaray, Heidelberg and Belgrade. The final is also available online.

About three months after the IV, Vienna is going to be the venue for the German language Debating Championship, or Meisterschaft im Deutschsprachigen Debattieren (MDD).

xzy / apf

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