World Debate Forum 2013 in Berlin

Datum: Nov 5th, 2012
Category: International, Termine
Is there debate beyondcompetition? The World Debate Forum believes there is. There is debate in education, advocacy, nation building; on the internet, TV, Radio; in a hundred languages among a million people.
On the 5th and 6th of January in Berlin, we are creating a space for those of you who agree or want to find out, to share your perspectives and ideas. We hope it’ll be the TED talks of the debate world, but that will only happen if there are interesting people with interesting topics.
Is there a better way to allocate judges to debates? Does debate increase tolerance? Has debate become more educational or just more assertive? What is the state of debate in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Belarus, Poland, Pakistan? Do you have debate in your schools, universities, companies? Do you have strategies to teach, fund, promote, build, market, evaluate debate?
Registration with accommodation is 100 Euros, and without currently 50 EUR, though we’re working on bringing that down. The forum will be hosted by the amazing people of Berlin WUDC and held at Humboldt University building at Dorotheenstraße. We’re looking for both presenters and participants – there will space for forums, mini-workshops, presentations and more. With the right people and a nice little framework, we can get a lot done.
Visit us at our website at for more information (including how to register) and to see videos from past forums and join the conversation/ask questions.
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1 Kommentare zu “World Debate Forum 2013 in Berlin”

  1. Alex (DD) says:

    In Deutschland existieren drei hier entwickelte Debattierformate, in denen regelmäßig Turniere abgehalten werden (OPD, Wartburg, Masters-Cup-System) sowie mit der Tübinger Debatte und der Disputation zwei weitere Formate, die öfter mal benutzt werden (außerdem noch die Deklamation, aber naja, die tritt ja nicht so wirklich in Erscheinung). Insofern kann man sagen: Das deutsche Debattieren wird dadurch geprägt, dass es nicht auf nur ein Format festgelegt ist. Daraus sollte man doch irgendetwas für das World Debate Forum basteln können…

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