Mannheim wins EBS Open

Datum: Oct 16th, 2013
Category: International, Turniere

EBS openLast weekend, the first EBS Open organized by Bhavesh Agarval took place in Wiesbaden. There were only 16 teams due to the fact that a lot of teams canceled only a few days before the tournament. However, all participants were happy with the small EBS Open! Chief Adjudicators were Marietta Gädeke and Michael Shapira.


R1: THW make EU voting compulsory.

R2: You are a 19 year old boy who just finished his Abitur. As this boy, THW join the Bundeswehr (an infoslide was provided).

R3: THW ban private Universities.

R4: THW grant all Ethnic Germans a full Right of Return (an infoslide was provided as well).

Final: THW place pictures of poverty on all luxury goods.


Opening Government: Aachen Bullshit Mountain (Marcel Jühling & Marc-Andre Schulz)

Opening Opposition: Mannheim (Jana Gilke & Khang On)

Closing Government: Hiding from the equity officer (Bob Alberts & Max Boiten)

Closing Opposition: HätteHätteFahrradkette (Thore Wojke & Willy Witthaut)

Panel: Michael Shapira, Sina Strupp, Franziska Städter, Stefan Kegel, Maxim Korotkov

Winner of the EBS Open is Mannheim, congratulations!


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