HDDc wins Ljutomer Worlds Schools tournament

HDDc – winners of the tournament © Private
The International Worlds Schools tournament Ljutomer, Slovenia was won by the team HDDc (Marija Jarnjak / Hrvoje Kozic / Maja Roglic).They debated the final on the motion “THBT we should boycott comedians who poke fun at minority stereotypes” in proposition against the team Bezigrad Green Stars (Reja Debevc / Matija Pusnik / Filip Koro) from Slovenia in opposition.
Government won the debate with a very emotional case about the importance to protect minorities. Opposition argued against that on a principle level of how making fun about everyone means equality, as well as about the connecting factor of jokes and political correctness.
The final was judged by Sharmila Parmanand, Claire Ryan and Bedrich Bluma.
Iza Jerman from the team Logos from Slovenia was declared best speaker.
The Break:
1. HDDc (Marija Jarnjak / Hrvoje Kozic / Maja Roglic; Croatia) 6 wins
2. DGM Black (Stasa Kucer / Sara Brdnik / Lucija Ivanusa; Slovenia) 6 wins
3. Bezigrad Green Stars (Reja Debevc / Matija Pusnik / Filip Koro; Slovenia) 5 wins
4. Czech Red (Matej Ballaty / Timofej Kozuchov / Katerina Adamkov)5 wins
5. Bezigrad Pink Stars (Zan Koprivec Perjet / Filip Gavranovic / Jure Sušnik; Slovenia)5 wins
6. Logos (Vasja Groselj / Iza Jerman / Zan Jernej Kovac; Slovenia) 4 wins
7. 16ta Zagreb (Ivana Brajdic / Viktoria Zoric / Nika Cavar) 4 wins
8. DGM Red (Urh Zorko / Masa Predin / Erleta Berisha; Slovenia) 4 wins

Slovenian President Borut Pahor – © ZIP
2017 marks 20 years of debating in Slovenia. To celebrate and honor this, the president of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, was the opening speaker of the tournament. He spoke about the importance of being able to express ones thoughts clearly and about why this should be done in a foreign language and the native.
The CAs were Bojana Skrt from Slovenia, Sharmila Parmanand from the Philippine and Claire Ryan from New Zealand. The tournament was hosted by Liana Miholič.
The Motions:
Round 1: THBT the US should shift its foreign policy toward Russia to cooperation instead of isolation. (Prepared)
Round 2: THBT Prisoners should be allowed to raise their children in prison. (Impro)
Round 3: THBT Graffitti writing is a legitimate way of expressing political opinion. (Impro)
Round 4: TH would not listen to musics containing lyrics that glorify violent and criminal lifestyles. (Impro)
Round 5: THBT Feminist organisations should not accept male members. (Prepared)
Round 6: THBT we should boycott comedians who poke fun at minority stereotypes. (Prepared)
Quarter Final: THBT it is better for revolutionary leaders and their family members in post-conflict states to not seek political office.
Semi Final: THBT the US should shift its foreign policy toward Russia to cooperation instead of isolation. (Prepared)
Final: THBT we should boycott comedians who poke fun at minority stereotypes. (Prepared)
Final and Round 6 are the same motion.
Round 1 and the Semi-Final as well.
That’s done at many world schools tournaments.
Interesting. Is this done, so the (public?) final will be of a higher quality than the impro debates?
I’ve asked someone who has CAed and organized WS tournaments for many years and the reason for having the same motion in the outrounds has several reasons.
1. Time: WS format has 1 hour of prep time. So you can basically do two prepared debates in the time it would take you to have one impromptu debate. This is especially due to the fact, that organizers try to get as many rounds as possible in a very limited time, because tournaments should not be too long (which would get exhausting, as well as expensive)
2. Prepared motions only given to out outrounds will normally not get prepared enough which will lead to worse debates and the students don’t think enough about their argumentation.
3. It gives the speakers the chance to debate all sides of the motion (if possible) and therefor the preparation will be far more comprehensive