Vienna/Warsaw wins Cracow Open

Miri Muntean and Mateusz Wójtowicz – © Sara Arciszewska
The final of the Cracow Open 2019 was won by the mixed-team One knife stand (Miri Muntean, Mateusz Wójtowicz; Vienna/Warsaw) in Opening Government. They defeated the Opening Opposition Ancient Namda Matriarchs (Katrin Fallmann, Heather Robinson; Vienna/KCL), Closing Government KCL A (Darion Hotan, Seyoung Jeon) and Closing Opposition Abbas & Fazain (Abbas Azmat, Faizan Raja; Lahore) on the motion “THR rising commodification of close and intimate relationships”. The debate was judged by Romée Lind (chair), Maciej Lulewicz, Markus Myllymäki, Radosław Czekan and Sonia Veltkamp.
Best speaker of the tournament was Darion Hotan who reached an average of 83.60 speaker points.
Team Break:
1. KCL A (Darion Hotan, Seyoung Jeon) – 15 pts | 835 spks
2. The Red Army (Marina Kojić, Natalija Ljubić; Vienna) – 11 pts | 779 spks
3. Ancient Namda Matriarchs (Katrin Fallmann, Heather Robinson) – 11 pts | 776 spks
4. Jaroń/Dagil (Krzysztof Jaroń, Aleksandra Dagil; Wroclaw/Warsaw) – 10 pts | 773 spks
5. Abbas & Fazain (Abbas Azmat, Faizan Naseer Raja) – 9 pts | 787 spks
6. One knife stand (Miri Muntean, Mateusz Wójtowicz) – 9 pts | 770 spks
7. Bartkowiak/Korencan (Dawid Bartkowiak, Elizabeta Korencan; Poznan/Ljubljana) – 9 pts | 769 spks
8. 8) (Braedon Lehman, Frederic Augustin; Berlin) – 9 pts | 768 spks
The adjudication break consisted (in alphabetical order) of Alexander Stachurski, Florencja Aarts, Maciej Lulewicz, Markus Myllymäki, Paidamwoyo Mangondo, Radosław Czekan, Romée Lind, Sara Arciszewska and Sonia Veltkamp.
The tournament was convened by the Klub Debat Parlamentarnych UJ in person of Emilia Wójcik and Alexander Stachurski with the latter one also being responsible for the tab. Acting as CA’s were Radosław Czekan, Paidamwoyo Mangondo and Romée Lind. The equity team consisted of Olivia Chwat and Sonia Veltkamp.
The Motions:
R1: This House welcomes complete video surveillance systems of public spaces in cities.
R2: This House believes that the EU should pursue further relations with China, at the expense of relations with the US.
R3: This House would criminalize defamation.
R4: This House, as an individual, prefers believing that they can singlehandedly change the world over believing that they are just one pawn in the grand scheme of things.
R5: This House believes that pro-refugee advocacy groups should portray refugees as valuable contributors to society, rather than victims of their circumstances.
SF: This House believes that wages should be predominantly determined by the public utility of a job.
F: This House regrets rising commodification of close and intimate relationships (including but not limited to hiring actors to play your family members; commercial hugging; premium accounts on dating apps).