Posts Tagged ‘ Budelmann ’

“Keep a good proportion of tradition“ – Hannes Budelmann about DDG beacons and debating

“Keep a good proportion of tradition“ – Hannes Budelmann about DDG beacons and debatingSince late September, Hannes Budelmann does not hold any honorary office – for the first time in years. For the past three years, he had been member of the executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters. Hannes talked to Achte Minute about his work for debating, his personal future, and perspectives of the alumni association. Achte Minute: Hannes, you had been on the DDG executive board for the past three years, 2009/2010 as their president – what did you like most? Hannes Budelmann: Let me think about that… Actually, it was organizing that was the most fun: ...
Oct 3rd, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Menschen | Comments Off on “Keep a good proportion of tradition“ – Hannes Budelmann about DDG beacons and debating

A pub, a castle, a beach – This was the Masters’ Cup 2010

A pub, a castle, a beach - This was the Masters' Cup 2010Eisenach is neither very big nor is it very exciting. Out-of-towners attract attention. A bewildered taxi driver asks a party-hungry debater whether he has arrived today. He has not. He has arrived here the day before. What for? To do the same thing, the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft  (DDG), the German alumni association of former student debaters, has done every year in this small but lovely Thuringian town: Convene its Masters’ Cup. [caption id="attachment_5488" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Die neu eingeführten Manschettenknöpfe mit DDG-Vereinsabzeichen. Daneben gibt es auch Pins fürs Revers und Magnetpins. (Foto: Oliver Hörtensteiner)"][/caption] All DDG members are allowed to compete, all others are ...
Sep 29th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

New executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft

New executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft The German Debating Society for Alumni Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) has elected a new executive board. Gudrun Lux is now president, Stefan Hübner, Oliver Hörtensteiner and Isabelle Loewe her deputies. [caption id="attachment_5457" align="alignleft" width="288" caption="The new executive board of DDG: Gudrun, Isa, Stefan and Oliver. (Foto: Anna Hörtensteiner)"][/caption] ...
Sep 26th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG | Mit einem Kommentar

Der größte Masters’ Cup aller Zeiten beginnt

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Sep 24th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Turniere | Comments Off on Der größte Masters’ Cup aller Zeiten beginnt

Masters’ Cup 2010: CA Team nominated / Registration closes September 3rd

Hannes Budelmann, president of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters, announced the CA team of Masters' Cup 2010. Traditionally, one member each from VDCH and DDG executive boards are the chief adjudicators of Masters' Cup. This year, this will be the recently elected president of VDCH Jan Lüken and Hannes' deputy, DDG vice president Gudrun Lux. Hannes, who once has been co-convenor of Euros 2006 will be chief organiser of the alumni tournament. The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at ...
Aug 25th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Masters’ Cup 2010: CA Team nominated / Registration closes September 3rd

Makeover for DDG’s web presence

The web presence of the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters, hosts a now broadened range of pages for those interested in the history of the alumni association, the various events such as the traditional Masters’ Cup or the award for the up-and-coming debaters at the German debating championships where just recently Florian Umscheid was elected best junior speaker by the DDG members present since he convinced the jury with his wit and deep analysis. Even freshmen and newcomers to the alumni association will find some things to explore on the re-fashioned DDG pages: the present executive board ...
Aug 1st, 2010 | By | Category: DDG | mit 2 Kommentaren

Achte Minute sports a new logo and a new co-publisher

You can see the change in our website's header already: Achte Minute has a new logo and a new (though old) co-publisher. The new logo has already adorned Achte Minute's Twitter and Facebook sites, to great acclaim. Now the new logo, designed by Verena Gräf of Debattierclub Kikero Bozen, is also present on Achte Minute's main site. Verena, 23, is currently in the finishing strechtes to complete her Bachelor of Arts in design studies at the University Bozen. Achte Minute would like thank Verena for her work and dedication! Starting in June, Achte Minute is published again by two publishers. Besides the ...
Jul 6th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, VDCH | mit 2 Kommentaren

DDM 2010 Nachlese 8

DKW auf der DDM 2010"Münster ist wohl sehenswert, obwohl es in nicht in Österreich liegt", urteilt der Wiener Club in seinem Bericht über die Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM). Diese DDM-Nachlese bringt Euch nicht nur einen alpenländischen Eindruck von der DDM, sondern auch einen Gesamteindruck von allen zehn Meisterschaften, die es bisher gab - die Bildershow vom DDM-Samstagabend ist online! ...
Jun 14th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH | Mit einem Kommentar

Stadtgeschichte und Weltreise – Ein Rückblick auf das DDG-Urlaubswochenende in Bremerhaven

Stadtgeschichte und Weltreise - Ein Rückblick auf das DDG-Urlaubswochenende in BremerhavenAm vergangenen Wochenende war es mal wieder so weit: Die Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) veranstaltete ihr traditionelles Urlaubswochenende. Diesmal hatte Hannes Budelmann in seine Heimatstadt Bremerhaven eingeladen – und wenn der Präsident ruft, dann folgen wir natürlich! Und so konnten wir an den drei Tagen vom 7. auf den 9. Mai Bremerhaven sowohl kulinarisch als auch stadthistorisch kennenlernen. Denn das Wochenende startete mit der Kombination von Mamma Mia und Papa Budelmann. Der erste von beiden Programmpunkten stellte den italienischen Geheimtipp der Stadt dar, in den wir Freitagabend einkehrten, um je nach Ankunftszeit entweder bei Pizza und Pasta oder schon beim Tartufo angekommen ...
May 13th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG | Comments Off on Stadtgeschichte und Weltreise – Ein Rückblick auf das DDG-Urlaubswochenende in Bremerhaven

DDG-Urlaubswochenende 2010 in Bremerhaven

DDG-Urlaubswochenende 2010 in BremerhavenDas Urlaubswochenende der Deutschen Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) findet in diesem Jahr von 7. bis 9. Mai in Bremerhaven statt. Traditionell fährt die DDG einmal im Jahr zusammen in Urlaub - ohne Debatten, Jurierbögen, Hämmern und Zeitdruck. ...
Feb 28th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Termine | Comments Off on DDG-Urlaubswochenende 2010 in Bremerhaven

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