Posts Tagged ‘ Fabregat ’

Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020

Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020[caption id="attachment_36956" align="alignright" width="455"] The Dutch victory celebration featuring European champions Katharina Margareta Jansen (4th from left), Emma Lucas (5th f.l.) Louis Honee (6th f.l.) and David Metz (7th f.l.) - © Louis Honee[/caption] The Astana EUDC 2020 has come to an end and it has been a successful tournament for the Leiden Debating Union. The Dutch debating society was able to win both the ESL and Open final and topped the ESL speaker awards as well. In the grand final, Leiden A (David Metz, Emma Lucas) took the victory out of Closing Opposition against the Opening Government Leiden C (Louis Honee, ...
Aug 8th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020

Mixed-Team wins UDP Open

Mixed-Team wins UDP OpenThe team Mary Berry (Tudor Musat, Iona Covei) was victorious at the UDP Open 2019. Out of Opening Government, they defeated the Opening Opposition Sciences Proles (Daniel Chouchena, Hao Juan Tan), the Closing Government 5,000 Troops to Paris (Olivia Sundberg Diez, Guillermo Serrano) and UDS please don't start a revolution (Joris Graff, Marthe Wijfjes). The motion read: "TH as a Yellow Vest, supports attempts by Les Emergents to run for elections in European and French elections (incl. infoslide)".  The final was judged by all breaking judges with Lucy Murphy as chair as well as Emily Frizell, George Hames, Huyen Nguyen, Klaudia Maciejewska, Milla Huuskonen ...
Feb 10th, 2019 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Mixed-Team wins UDP Open

Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio are World Champions 2019

Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio are World Champions 2019The World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) 2019 in Cape Town, which took place 28.12.18-03.01.19, has ended with victories for teams from Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio A. The holding of the Open final was accompanied by protests of the Black-African debate community. Open [caption id="attachment_34947" align="alignright" width="400"] Kevin Lee and Bostan Nurlanov - © private[/caption] The Open final was won by Sydney D (Kevin Lee, Bostan Nurlanov) out of Closing Government. Their victory marked the third world championship triumph in the last five years for their debating union. Other participants in the final were Cornell B (Denny Lee, Aniroodh Ravikumar) in Opening Government ...
Jan 6th, 2019 | By | Category: Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Harvard, Oxford and Comillas are the champions for 2018

Harvard, Oxford and Comillas are the champions for 2018The World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) 2018 in Mexico, which took place 28.12.17-04.01.18, are concluded and the champions for the three language categories have emerged. Open Champion is Harvard, ESL-Champion is Oxford and EFL-Champion is Comillas. The finals were hosted in the historical Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris in the centre of Mexico-City. [caption id="attachment_33275" align="alignright" width="400"] The Open Final - © Jacky Hsinghsien Chang Chow[/caption] The team Harvard A (Danny DeBois, Archie Hall) won the Open Final as Opening Government on the motion "This house would rather save the life of a single child, over extending the life of 5 ...
Jan 8th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Harvard, Oxford and Comillas are the champions for 2018

WUDC 2018 – The Break

WUDC 2018 - The BreakOnce again the anglophone World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) took place during the turn of the year. This year's location was Mexico City. The tournament started the 27.12.17 and ended the 04.01.18. After nine preliminary rounds the teams breaking to the outrounds were announced on New Year's Eve. At the WUDC, teams participate classified as one of three language categories: EPL (English as a Proficient Language), ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). EPL-classified teams can only participate in the Open Break, ESL-teams depending on their ranking either in the Open Break oder the ...
Jan 7th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Leiden wins Munich Open

Leiden wins Munich Open[caption id="attachment_33086" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners and chief adjudicators of the Munich Open 2017. From left to right: Nishith Hedge (CA), Gigi Gil, Devin van den Berg, Melda Eren (CA), Paul Smith (CA) - © Julian von Lautz[/caption] Gigi Gil and Devin van den Berg from Leiden won the Munich Open 2017, speaking as team Leiden B in Closing Government to the motion „TH supports the creation of an artificial island for those who do not want to live under the jurisdiction of any state.“ They beat Kustin is not to be trusted (Anna Akimova, Artyom Zolotareb) in Opening Government, Stockholm ...
Nov 27th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden wins Munich Open

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