Posts Tagged ‘ ibragimova ’

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment Strategies

COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment StrategiesThis article will review recruitment and outreach projects some debate societies have undertaken. It does not attempt to provide  recommendations / criticisms of different policies and responses. The first part of this series profiled experiences of organizers, coaches, and debaters in different parts of the world. The third part of this series will discuss dealing with COVID-19 funding cuts. If you would like to share projects on your local circuit or have comments please feel free to email me at Featuring Gaini Ibragimova, DC "Parassat": With a 20 year history, DC "Parassat" is one of the oldest and strongest debate clubs ...
May 20th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature | Comments Off on COVID-19 and Local Circuits: Part II, Virtual Recruitment Strategies

NU A wins Parassat Open

NU A wins Parassat Open NU A (Tashkenbayev Mukhtar, Alisher Juzgenbayev) won the 2020 Parassat Open. They were speaking from Opening Opposition against ULU A (Maurice Coutiel, Przemek Stolarski) in Opening Government, Ateneo AV (Luigi Alcaneses, Mikko Vitug) in Closing Government, and Stay hear hear (Hadar Goldberg, Lior Sokol) in Closing Opposition on the motion: "This House Opposes the commercialization of competitive debating (such as for profit debate training, paid workshops, paying IAs a salary, paying pros to speak with wealthy beginners, etc)". The adjudication panel was chaired by Milla Huuskonen. Judging with her were Alikhan Kazinov, Josef Moscovici, Katharina Margarita Jansen, and Miri Muntean. The Pro-Am final ...
May 13th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on NU A wins Parassat Open

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