Posts Tagged ‘ Lechner ’

Stuttgart gewinnt die ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster

Stuttgart gewinnt die ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster 
May 13th, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 7 Kommentaren

Registration for ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster

You may now register for ZEIT DEBATTE Münster. The tournament is to be held in German, so please read the German version of this article to learn more about how to register.
Mar 27th, 2012 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Registration for ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster

Impressions from the women-only tourney in Jena

Extra, extra! The first women only debating tournament in the history of German debating took place: Jena hosted the girls from August 17 to 19. Chief adjudicators Andrea Gau (Mainz), Sarah Jaglitz (Greifswald) and Dessislava Kirova (Berlin) and female debaters from Greifswald, Halle, Münster, Mainz, Tübingen and Jena assembled in the Thuringian town to debate. Fun Fact No. 1:  It was the boys who were catering for the girls: Coffee, cake, and hot'n'spicy Curry à la Clemens Lechner. Yummy! Fun Fact No. 2: Half of the debaters for vegetarians. Hence, the vegetarian curry. Fun Fact No. 3: An ...
Aug 23rd, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 16 Kommentaren

Streitkultur Berlin Debates with Students of DGAP’s EU-Middle-East Summer School

Dominic Hildebrand leitet einen Workshop der DGAP-Summer School This article is not avalaible in English. Please read the german post. ...
Jul 25th, 2011 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | Mit einem Kommentar

DDM 2011: Nachlese 1

Learn about what the media in Germany and beyond have to say about the German Debating Championship, or Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2011. Please read the German version of this bit. Find the tabs of DDM online: The one after prelims and the final tab. ...
Jun 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, VDCH | mit 8 Kommentaren

Jena is German Champion 2011

Severin Weingarten, Moritz Niehaus and Clemens Lechner of Debattiergesellschaft Jena won the 11th German Debating Championship. More informations to follow soon. Please read the German version meanwhile.
Jun 12th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 6 Kommentaren

DDM talks: Always second?

This article is not available in English. Please read the German version to learn about how the team from Jena gained a reputation to always go second in the German Championship. ...
Jun 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Florian Umscheid on the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena

Please read the German version of this article to learn more on how Florian Umscheid saw the ZEIT DEBATTE tournament in Jena.
May 29th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

Arguments in the state of the early birds – The Eastern German Championship of Halle

Please read the German version of this article to learn more about how our author saw the Eastern German Championship of mid-April and how he mocks the creativity of some judges when it came to knowing the rules of the format OPD, or open parliamentary debate.
Apr 26th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen | mit 31 Kommentaren

Regional German Championships 2011: Breaks to semis in East, West and North

East, West and North have debated all day long in Halle, Frankfurt and Osnabrück to select the best debaters at German regional championships. Format of this year's regionals is OPD, or Offene Parlamentarische Debatte (open parliamentary debate). Achte Minute has all the results for you. ...
Apr 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere, VDCH | mit 26 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Leipzig wins final!

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Leipzig wins final! Leipzig won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011! Please read more on this in the German version of this article. ...
Jan 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

Retrospection on Berlin Invitational and Punk 2011

Retrospection on Berlin Invitational and Punk 2011 We’re sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please read the German version.
Jan 10th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

Jena wins Berlin Invitational

Clemens Lechner and Moritz Niehaus from Debattiergesellschaft Jenahave just won this year's Berlin Invitational hosted by the Berlin Deabting Union (BDU) in the German capital. The motion read "Dieses Haus fordert nach drei Straftaten Haft bis ans Lebensende". They defeated the other teams (Debattierclub Magdeburg/BDU, BDU proper, Wortgefechte Potsdam) from the position of Opening Government. vro / apf
Jan 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on Jena wins Berlin Invitational

Berlin Invitational 2011: Break and motions

The following made it to the final of the Berlin Invitational 2011: Opening Government: Clemens Lechner and Moritz Niehaus (Debattiergesellschaft Jen) Opening Opposition: Jan-Dirk Capelle and Jonas Werner (Debattierclub Magdeburg/Berlin Debating Union) Closing Government: Dessislava Kirova and Filip Bubenheimer (Berlin Debating Union) Closing Opposition: Moritz Kirchner and Florian Umscheid (Wortgefechte Potsdam) Judges are Torsten Rössing (Klartext Halle), Daniel Sommer (Debating Club Heidelberg), Bernd Hoefer (Debattierclub Kiel), Patrick Ehmann (Berlin Debating Union) and Katharina Kleine-Tebbe (Debating Society Paderborn). The motions: Dieses Haus würde Haiti in die USA eingliedern. Dieses Haus würde die europäische Außenpolitik an Macchiavelli ausrichten. Dieses Haus fordert eine Erbschaftssteuer von 100% zugunsten ...
Jan 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Again the professors won – Retrospection on ZEIT DEBATTEN evening in Jena

Again the professors won – Retrospection on ZEIT DEBATTEN evening in JenaOn 4 November, the Debattiergesellschaft Jena (DGJ) organised its annual ZEIT DEBATTEN evening, which is a public debating contest between students and professors. In the last years, the exhibition debate that is generously supported by the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT had inspired a lot of spectators and made them familiar with debating in general. This year the team of professors consisted of Eberhard Eichenhofer (Law), Alfred Fahr (Biology/Pharmaceutics) and Andreas Freytag (Economics). Speaking for DGJ were Clemens Lechner, Friederike Meyer zu Wendischhoff and Jonathan Scholbach - Clemens being a German Debating Championship finalist of three times, Friederike and Jonathan finalists ...
Nov 17th, 2010 | By | Category: News of debating clubs, Themen | Comments Off on Again the professors won – Retrospection on ZEIT DEBATTEN evening in Jena

Zehn Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaften der Hochschulen – ein Rückblick von Bernd Hoefer

Zehn Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaften der Hochschulen – ein Rückblick von Bernd Hoefer"Das Wort Debattierklub bleibt eine Schmähung, solange die Öffentlichkeit solche Debakel erlebt." – Zu einem in diesem Schlussakkord gipfelnden Verriss sah sich das Feuilleton der Berliner Zeitung am 10. Juli 2001 veranlasst, als es über das Finale der ersten Deutschen Debattiermeisterschaften berichtete. Die publizistische Abreibung hielt den Zug der Debattiergeschichte gleichwohl nicht auf. Als Debakel wurden die folgenden neun Finals jedenfalls nicht mehr gebrandmarkt. Mittlerweile locken die Deutschen Meisterschaften Medien aller Couleur, um fröhlich und freundlich der staunenden Öffentlichkeit der Redekunst frönende junge Menschen zu präsentierten und Universitäten und die Lokalpresse feiern "ihre" Deutschen Meister wie eine erfolgreiche Sportmannschaft – ...
Jun 28th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH | mit 6 Kommentaren

DDM 2010 Nachlese 6

Noch ein Zeitungsartikel aus Jena und der Turnierbericht aus München sind in der Achte-Minute-Redaktion eingelaufen. Hier ist die Nachlese 6 zur Deutschen Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010! ...
Jun 11th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on DDM 2010 Nachlese 6

DDM 2010 Nachlese 2

DDM 2010 Nachlese 2Weiter geht's im fröhlichen Berichtereigen: Ein paar Zeitungen schreiben ausführlich über die Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010 und die ersten Clubberichte sind online. Das ganze hat Euch die Achte Minute mit ein paar Bildern garniert. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! ...
Jun 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on DDM 2010 Nachlese 2

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart Nachlese 3

Das Greifswalder "webmoritz" berichtet, im Stuttgarter Blog sind schon ein paar Fotos zu sehen und auch von den Debattierclubs in Frankfurt am Main und Mainz gibt es inzwischen Turnierberichte. Hier im Überblick.   ...
Jan 29th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart Nachlese 3

VDCH-Turnierserie hat ersten Sieger 2010: Debattierclub Greifswald gewinnt ZEIT DEBATTE in Stuttgart!

Sarah Jaglitz und Rafael Heinisch vom Debattierclub Greifswald haben die erste ZEIT DEBATTE des Jahres 2010 gewonnen. Im Stuttgarter Wilhelmspalais konnten sich die beiden am Sonntagnachmittag aus der Eröffnenden Regierung heraus gegen Tim Richter und Gudrun Lux vom Debattierclub Bonn (Eröffnende Opposition), Moritz Niehaus und Clemens Lechner von der Debattiergesellschaft Jena (Schließende Regierung) und Patrick Ehmann und Farid Schwuchow von der Berlin Debating Union (Schließende Opposition) durchsetzen. Zum besten Redner kürte die Ehrenjury Clemens Lechner. Ausgezeichnet: Rafael, Clemens und Sarah (v.l., Foto Kun Yin, DCS) Das Finalthema lautete "Dieses Haus würde Parteispenden verbieten"; juriert wurde das Finale von Isabelle Loewe (DC Bonn), ...
Jan 24th, 2010 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

ZEIT DEBATTE Münster 2012

Facts: May 11 to 13, 2012 Münster BPS Chief adjudicators: Clemens Lechner, Dessislava Kirova, Lukas Haffert The ZEIT DEBATTEN series is convened by VDCH in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and Deutsche Telekom, supported through VDCH’s media partner ZDF, a German public broadcaster. It has been a decade now since the first ZEIT DEBATTEN series kicked off with at least five annual tournaments, among them the German debating championship. This is now season eleven which comprises four regular tournaments and the German language debating championship. The series is nested under the ...
Aug 28th, 2004 | By | Category: Termine | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Münster 2012

Regional Championships 2012

There will be three parallel regional debating championships across Germany in April. Facts: South: Ingolstadt Chief adjudicators: Marcus Ewald, Jan Lüken East: Jena Chief adjudicators: Pauline Leopold, Clemens Lechner North: Kiel Chief adjudicators: Michael Saliba, Benedikt Nufer Format: BPS
Aug 28th, 2004 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Regional Championships 2012

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