Posts Tagged ‘ Nadler ’

“Visiting the most beautiful city in the world: Hamburg” – Franziska Städter reviews the ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg

"Visiting the most beautiful city in the world: Hamburg" - Franziska Städter reviews the ZEIT DEBATTE HamburgOver the weekend I have been up north, where I heared about a famous debater who could only surpass the fromidable beginning of his speech by his closing remarks. This modus vivendi holds true for the ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg as well - a tournament which raised a lot of expectations, fullfilled them all and even went far beyond what was expected. This review has not been published in English. Please read more on this in the German version of this article.
Jan 22nd, 2013 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on “Visiting the most beautiful city in the world: Hamburg” – Franziska Städter reviews the ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg

ZEIT DEBATTE series starts this weekend

The new ZEIT DEBATTEN series begins! This weekend (November 23 to 25), speakers and judges from all over Germany, Switzerland, Austria and even France flock at Tübingen. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen will be held in Offene Parlamentarische Debatte (open parliamentary debate, OPD). Chief adjudicators are Philipp Stiel (German Champion 2010, Tübingen/Berlin) sowie Wiebke Nadler (Leipzig/Heidelberg) and Leonid Vogel (Karlsruhe). The tournament series ZEIT DEBATTEN is organised by VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and German Telekom as well as with the ...
Nov 23rd, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE series starts this weekend

In der Übersicht: die ZEIT DEBATTEN der Saison 2012/2013

Sep 12th, 2012 | By | Category: VDCH | Comments Off on In der Übersicht: die ZEIT DEBATTEN der Saison 2012/2013

ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen

The next big event of the ZEIT DEBATTEN is already announced: Streitkultur Tübingen will convene the first ZEIT DEBATTE in the 2012/2013 season. The German speaking debating circuit will meet in Tübingen from November 23 to 25. Language of the tournament, as in the whole series, is German, the ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen will be held in OPD (open parliamentary debate). Chief adjudicators are 2010 German champion Philipp Stiel (Tübingen/Berlin), Wiebke Nadler (Leipzig/Heidelberg) and Leo Vogel (Karlsruhe) The tournament series ZEIT DEBATTEN is organised by VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, in cooperation with the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and ...
Aug 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen

New executive board in Heidelberg

New executive board for Debating Club Heidelberg: President is now Lucas Danco. His deputy is Franzi Kriegelstein, Wiebke Nadler serves as treasurer.
Aug 1st, 2012 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | Mit einem Kommentar

Heidelberg, Berlin and Mainz are Regional Champions 2012

We proudly present the winners of this year’s German regionals: Heidelberg won the Southern German regional. Berlin won the Northern German regional. Mainz won the Middle German regional. Congrats to everyone! In the South, Wiebke Nadler und Till Kroeger from Debating Club Heidelberg defeated Teams from Munich an Vienna. Jakob Reiter (Debattierklub Wien) was awarded most popular speaker of the final; Sven Hirschfeld (Heidelberg) and Konrad Gütschow (Tübingen) topped the tab. In the North, Georg Sommerfeld and Johannes Häger from BDU Berlin defeated Teams from Potsdam and other Teams from Berlin. Jonas Werner was awarded best speaker of the final. In the Middle, Andrea Gau and Daniil ...
Apr 22nd, 2012 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Heidelberg, Berlin and Mainz are Regional Champions 2012

Heidelberg gewinnt ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg / Breaks und Themen auf einen Blick

Please read the German version of this.
Jan 15th, 2012 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 7 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Jena 2011 Pickings I

This article ist only available in german language. Don't hesitate to read the original version. ...
Jun 9th, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Jena 2011 Pickings I

ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Break to Final

The break to finals of the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena is online! Please read the German version of this article to learn who made it to final. vro / apf ...
May 22nd, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Break to Final

ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Breaks to semis

The Break of the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena is online! Please read the German version of this article to learn who made it to semis. apf / vro ...
May 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

New executive board in Leipzig

The debating society Streitpunkt Leipzig convened for its board elections and elected a new board: Alexander Karl Postl, Jakob Fertmann and Salomon Krug. International officer is Katharina Ander. Congratulations and good luck with your work!
Apr 13th, 2011 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | Comments Off on New executive board in Leipzig

A poem, another poem and a prophecy – That was the Rheingötter competition

We're very, very sorry this text is not available English. Please read the German version of this article to learn more about poetry among debaters and the final debate on two formats widely spread in Germany: BPS vs. OPD. apf / sol
Feb 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 6 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 2

This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this article to see what various debating societies say about the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz on their websites! ...
Jan 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 2

Mainz as a milestone – A review on ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011

Mainz as a milestone - A review on ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011This article is not yet available in English. Please read the German version to learn more about wine tasting, masquerade and ... uhm ... yes, debating and motions at ZEIT DEBATTE 2011 in Mainz. It was a great tournament with amazing socials. ...
Jan 19th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 1

This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this article to see what various debating societies say about the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz on their websites! ...
Jan 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Leipzig wins final!

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Leipzig wins final! Leipzig won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011! Please read more on this in the German version of this article. ...
Jan 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

Jens Fischer is Master of Masters 2010

Jens Fischer is Master of Masters 2010Jens Fischer won the Masters' Cup 2010 of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German Debating Society for Alumni. Saturday night he prevailed opposing the motion "This House would operate the Loveparade 2011". His opponents in the final where Sebastian Berg, Lukas Haffert and Patrick Ehmann. CAs Jan Lüken and Gudrun Lux judged the final with Caroline Moll, Wiebke Nadler and Anja Pfeffermann. ...
Sep 26th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Spiegel besucht Logikmeister und trifft Leipziger Debattantin

Sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please check back later.
Aug 13th, 2010 | By | Category: Menschen, Presseschau | Comments Off on Spiegel besucht Logikmeister und trifft Leipziger Debattantin

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