Debating on a Highway

Datum: Jul 20th, 2010
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen

On Sunday, July 18, came about something that we haven’t seen since the oil crisis in the 1970ies: the motorway A40 (near Dortmund) was car-free! But that was not due to the high gasoline prices, but due to culture in and around the Ruhrpott. A passage of 60 kilometers length between Duisburg and Dortmund was occupied by the festival “Still-Leben” – a lot of creative people, musicians, artists, as well as picnickers came together to celebrate.

And, needless to say, the Debattierclub Münster did not miss the opportunity to debate publicly during that cultural event – with the help of the debate club Debatte Dortmund. Nearly a dozen speakers debated on the motorway!

There were three public debates on the following topics (freely translated):

  • Can we litter that or is it art?
  • We need a 17th federal state Ruhr!
  • No more air conditioners in ICEs!

The last debate attracted the most people, when the government called for changing the ICEs to “saunas on wheels” in order to make it easier for people to get to know each other. But as well the statement against art (from the “trucker from Wattenscheid”) was acknowledged with applause!

Putting it in a nutshell: 10 debaters, a temperature of about 50°C (at least that is what it felt like), two tables, 60 kilometers of closed motorway, three public debates, one sunburn per person and three millions spectators. That’s how it has to be!

Katharina Röhm / glx / saj

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3 Kommentare zu “Debating on a Highway”

  1. Haha, das klingt spitze! 😀
    Das ist mal ein sinnvoller Beitrag zur Klimaschonung, denn die ganze heiße Luft, die wir Debattanten so produzieren, wird durch die gesparten Autoabgase sicher aufgewogen.
    Liebe Grüße von der Autobahn,

  2. Jan F. says:


    nochmal danke an die Münsteraner für die tolle Aktion im Rahmen der tollsten Aktion (Stilleben genannt)

    Ich muss aus persönlichen Gründen aber den Brummifahrer verteidigen, denn
    erstens kam der aus Dortmund
    und zweitens war der nicht gegen Kunst, denn
    “einen 18m LKW einzuparken, datt is Kunst, woll!!!!”

    Jan (debado)

    P.S.: Mein erster Eintrag bei 8. Minute 😀

  3. Verena Gräf says:

    Super coole Sache! Von der Autobahnsperrung haben sie sogar im ORF berichtet. Man sollte sich mal überlegen, wo man noch so überall debattieren kann! Bozen beim Alpencup in der Mitte eines Teiches in einem schönen Park, Münster und Dortmund auf der gesperrten Autobahn … what’s next? Debattieren unter freiem Himmel hat auf jeden Fall was 🙂

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