FDL: Round 1

Datum: Nov 14th, 2011
Category: Turniere

The Gutenberg-Cup was the first round of the Freie Debattierliga, or free debating league (FDL). According to the rules of the FDL (in German only), the preliminary results are the following:


  1. Mainz
  2. Freiburg
  3. Heidelberg (Debating)
  4. Frankfurt
  5. Marburg


  1. Victoria Reuter
  2. Zsolt Szilagyi
  3. Jan Papsch
  4. Robert Epple
  5. Michael Powala, Johannes Samlenski, Thore Wojke

The Freie Debattierliga, or free debating league (FDL) is a loose association of debating societies staging local tournaments in German speaking Central Europe. It encompasses the year-round competition between both deb socs and speakers. This season is the second season after the founding during the course of the general assembly of the Association of Debating Societies at Universities (VDCH) in August 2010. Well-established tournaments such as Streitkultur Cup Tübingen, Gutenberg Cup Mainz, the Berlin Punk and the Boddencup Greifswald have become part of the FDL during the past season.

Manuel Adams / apf

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