Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IV

Datum: Jun 16th, 2020
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere

The Utopian Final of the Cyberpunk IV was won by The zoom where it happens (Gil Peled, Ido Kotler; Tel Aviv) in Opening Government, speaking against [KDA] the Real ULU A (Maurice Coutiel, Nick Zervoudis; London) in Opening Opposition, Team Underscore Name (Areeb Sherwani, Jacklin Kwan; Sheffield/Manchester)  in Closing Government, and To die hating OO, that was freedom (Josh Freeman, Joseph Lewis; LSE) in Closing Opposition on the motion “Assuming the technology exists, this house would allow people to buy and sell years of their life.” The debate was chaired by Emily Frizell, judging with her were Arie Mora, Lucy Murphy, Matthew Creese, and Namita Pandey. 

The Dystopian Final was won by Backhalf to the Future (Hadar Goldberg, Roy Schulman; Tel Aviv/Jerusalem) in Closing Opposition, speaking against BDU at BDU but not BDU (Flora Baek, Elena Mueller; Berlin) in Opening Government, :0000000 (Pascall O’Neill, Elaina Taylor; Bard) in Opening Opposition, and demand utopia (Assaph Hanany, Elaye Karstadt; Tel Aviv/Jerusalem) in Closing Government on the motion “TH, as someone with hyperempathy, would not take the pill.” The judge panel consisted of Klaudia Maciejewska (chair), Dafna Haran, Dani Georgiev, Franka Boender, and Gwylim Taylor.

The Pro-Am Final was won by pirates (Chris Pang, Naomi Panovka; McGill) in Opening Opposition, debating against “you’re breathtaking” (Darina, Isaac) in Opening Government, Bristol Cyberspunk (Cecil Khayat, Jonathan Craven; Bristol) in Closing Government, and Edinburgh (C)apitalist Hellscape (Jason Woods, Cerys Walsh) in Closing Opposition on the motion “Assuming the technology exists, this house would allow people to buy and sell years of their life.” Adjudicating were Mateusz Wojtowicz as chair together with Alexandra Lovell, Lucie Slamova, Maciej Lulewicz, and Sean Pearce.

The Break – Utopia (Gold):
1. The zoom where it happens (Ido Kotler, Gil Peled) – 11 pts | 643 spks
2. Team underscore Name (Areeb Sherwani, Jacklin Kwan) – 10 pts | 651 spks
3. [KDA] The Real ULU A (Maurice Cautiel, Nick Zervoudis) – 10 pts | 641 spks
4. To die hating OO, that was freedom (Josh Freeman, Joseph Lewis) – 9 pts | 637 spks

The Break – Dystopia (Silver):
1. demand utopia (Elaye Karstadt, Assaph Hanany) – 9 pts | 636 spks
2. BDU at BDU but not BDU (Flora Baek, Elaina Mueller) – 9 pts | 628 spks (Pro-Am)
3. :OOOOOOO (Pascall O’Neill, Elaina Taylor) – 9 pts | 624 spks (Pro-Am)
4. Backhalf to the Future (Hadar Goldberg, Roy Schulman) – 8 pts | 646 spks

The Break – Pro Am:
1. pirates (Chris Pang, Naomi Panovka) – 8 pts | 641 spks
2. Edinburgh (C)apitalist Hellscape (Jason Woods, Cerys Walsh) – 8 pts | 626 spks
3. Bristol CyberSpunk (Cecil Khayat, Jonathan Craven) – 7 pts | 622 spks
4. “you’re breathtaking” (Darina, Isaac) – 7 pts | 619 spks

Top Speakers:
1. Jacklin Kwan, 82 avg speaks
2. Hadar Goldberg, 81.75 avg speaks
3. Areeb Sherwani, 80.75 avg speaks
3. Nick Zervoudis, 80.75 avg speaks
4. Ido Kotler, 80.75 avg speaks
6. Naomi Panovka, 80. 25 avg speaks
7. Gil Peled, 80 avg speaks
7. Chris Pang, 80 avg speaks
9. Joseph Lewis, 79.75 avg speaks
9. Elaye Karstadt, 79.75 avg speaks
9. Roy Schulman, 79.75 avg speaks

ESL Speakers:
1. Hadar Goldberg, 81.75 avg speaks
2. Ido Kotler, 80.75 avg speaks
3. Gil Peled, 80 avg speaks
4. Elaye Karstadt, 79.75 avg speaks
4. Roy Schulman, 79.75 avg speaks

Novice Speakers:
1. Naomi Panovka, 80.25 avg speaks
2. Jonathan Craven, 78.25  avg speaks
2. Cerys Walsh, 78.25 avg speaks
4. Isaac, 77.75 avg speaks
5. Cecil Khayat, 77.25 avg speaks
5. Emily Levis, 77.25 avg speaks

The Cyberpunk IV 2020 saw 48 teams competing in 4 in-rounds with a direct break to a gold final (places 1-4), a silver final (places 5-8) and a pro-am final. It was organized by Ron Leizrowice, Dina Anuar, Jasmin Glynne, Matthew Xiang, Marios Tsukis, and Chloe Yeung. On the tabulation team were Elise Kapferer, Wenn Ler, Matthew Xiang. The CA team consisted of Lucy Murphy, Melda Eren, Noam Dahan, and Tudor Musat. The complete Tab can be found here.


R 1: Infoslide: In this parallel reality, Earth has a second moon, Terraformed to support life, but significantly less prosperous (much less fertile, no natural resources), a communist society has been established on that moon. In this society people are genuinelly equal, governmental power is not manipulated or corrupted, and basic needs are mostly provided, but the living standard is about that of people living on 10$ a day.

This house, without knowledge of who they will be, would prefer to be born into the 2nd Moon

R 2: Infoslide: Teleportation technology exists that allows anyone to teleport anywhere in the world that is a public space. This technology is accessible to all humans. Governments can place laws over its use, but are incapable of amending the technology.

THS the existence of teleportation

R 3: THP a world where, starting tomorrow, women can shoot lightning from their fingertips

R 4: Infoslide: People with superpowers exist. Some are born mutants (like Mystique) some are wonders of technology (like Batman) some are a result of genetic engineering and/or transformation (like the Hulk)

THW ban privately contracting the services of superpeople by individuals or companies.

Silver F: Infoslide: 1. Hyperempathy is a psychological disorder that a minority of people have that gives people the sensation that they can internally feel the sensations and emotions they perceive in others at a similar intensity. 2. There is a pill that permanantely removes hyperempathy from a person.

Pro-Am F & Open F: Infoslide: Years of life can be extracted and traded among people. People do not know how many years of life they have left. Years of life are traded away from end of life by natural death. If a seller sells more years than they have left, the seller perishes and the buyer receives as many years as they had left.


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