Posts Tagged ‘ Alviz ’

Leiden/Oxford win Tilbury House IV 2018

Leiden/Oxford win Tilbury House IV 2018[caption id="attachment_33707" align="alignright" width="400"] David Metz (left) and Oskar Sherry (right) - © Aditto Bhattacharjee‎[/caption] Congratulations to the team Sebas, you can't mech out racism with 10 seconds left in your speech (Oskar Sherry (Oxford), David Metz (Leiden)) for winning last weekend's Tilbury House IV 2018. They won the final from Opening Opposition on the motion "THW legalise dueling to the death" against Give us new podcasts (Katharina Jansen, Stefan Kotz (Maastricht)) in Opening Government, Streitkultur Peitho (Konrad Gütschow, Lennart Lokstein (Tübingen)) in Closing Government and Streitkultur - Focus on Science (Marius Hobbhahn, Samuel Scheuer (Tübingen)) in Closing Opposition. The final was ...
Mar 15th, 2018 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden/Oxford win Tilbury House IV 2018

Toronto wins World Schools Debate Academy Tournament

Toronto wins World Schools Debate Academy Tournament[caption id="attachment_32286" align="alignleft" width="309"] Winning team Toronto 1 - © UTS Speech and Debate Society[/caption] The tournament at the World Schools Debate Academy 2017 was won on a 6 - 3 split desicion by Toronto 1 (Gautam Manohar, Adithya Chakravarthy, Angela Li, Andrei Comlosan Pop and Mia Richmond; Canada) in Opposition on the motion "THBT developed nations should not recruit high skilled workers such as doctors and engineers from developing countries". They debated in the final against the team North European Trade Agreement (Sonia Meehan, Leo Ohl, Julius Schillinger, Luesa Vallin and Mariam Kojo; Finnland/Germany). The final was adjudicated by Duncan Crowe (c), Kristina Loayza, Jenny Tumas, Rok Hafner, Penny Sadeghi , Malvika Kala, Roel Becker, Elizabeta ...
Jul 9th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Bežigrad wins Winter Holiday Open, Zagreb

Bežigrad wins Winter Holiday Open, ZagrebAt the Winter Holiday Open in Zagreb, a World Schools Debate tournament, USA Debate A (Liz Yount, Josh May, Aditya Dhar and Ella Michaels) participated the final in proposition against Bežigrad Green Stars (Matija Pušnik, Reja Debevc, Filip Korošec in Opposition on the motion TH regrets the commercialization of feminism. [caption id="attachment_30642" align="alignright" width="400"] The winning team bežigrad Green Stars - © WHO[/caption] The proposition debated the intersectionality of feminism, secondly the limitation of political action and lastly the resulting commodification and need for opposition to the system. Opposition argued against this with the arguments that the commercialization will lead to popularisation of feminism and ...
Dec 19th, 2016 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Bežigrad wins Winter Holiday Open, Zagreb

This month: World Schools Debating Championships in Stuttgart

This month: World Schools Debating Championships in StuttgartIn addition to debating at universities, competition has spread at schools all over the globe in recent decades. For example, participating countries annually send a delegation of pupils aged 14 to 19 to the World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC), which are comparable to the World Universities Debating Championships. Laura Alviz of the Debating Society Germany e.V. explains what exactly that means. WSDC takes place in Stuttgart next week. After the German team had to cover long distances in 2014 and 2015 to reach the Southeast Asian cities Bangkok and Singapore, traveling becomes easier this year. WSDC takes place in seven days ...
Jul 13th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Mittwochs-Feature, Turniere | Comments Off on This month: World Schools Debating Championships in Stuttgart

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