Posts Tagged ‘ Bryder ’

That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018

That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018[caption id="attachment_34789" align="alignright" width="400"] The training team from left to right: Jonas, Milos, Cliodhna, Benji, Sharmila, Joona, Milla, Brian, Johan, Matti - © Evertime Visuals[/caption] The Nordic Debate Academy was the first in a series of trainings co-ordinated by the Athens EUDC and Thailand WUDC. This training was hosted by the Danish Debate Association in conjunction with FINDA - Finnish Debating Association, Stockholm Debate Society, and Lund Debate Society / Lunds Debattsällskap at the Copenhagen Business School. The NDA featured two and a half days of workshops and a four round tournament with a break to finals. 10 countries were represented at the ...
Nov 30th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere, Veranstaltungen | Comments Off on That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018

Tartu wins Estonian Open

Tartu wins Estonian Open[caption id="attachment_31871" align="alignright" width="400"] The winning team: Erik Haamer & Kerli Kalk - © Tartu Ülikooli Väitlusklubi[/caption] Tartu has scored a home victory at the Estonian Open 2017 with Tartu A (Erik Haamer, Kerli Kalk) taking the victory in Closing Opposition on the motion "TH supports US airstrikes on Syrian military targets". They defeated the Opening Government Riga B (Rasmuss Filips Geks, Edgars Klētnieks), Opening Opposition Müün sapaka keret (Vikki Perijainen, Maria Kull) and Closing Government Mainor A (Kaspar Kelder, Oskar Gross). The judge panel consisted of Triin Toimetaja as chair, Daan Welling, Olesja Zorina, Maarja Tambet and Anneliis Rea. [caption id="attachment_31870" align="alignleft" width="199"] Novice winners: Heleriin ...
Apr 18th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Tartu wins Estonian Open

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