Posts Tagged ‘ Chudnovskaya ’

Jönköping/Helsinki wins Estonian Open

Jönköping/Helsinki wins Estonian Open[caption id="attachment_35333" align="alignright" width="376"] Mohit Singh and Milla Huuskonen - © Heli-Katri Marttila[/caption] The team Sweden and East-Sweden (Mohit Singh, Milla Huuskonen; Jönköping/Helsinki) has won the Estonian Open 2019. Out of Opening Opposition, they defeated Toore lehm + kana embrüo (Carl-Martin Keerberg, Erik Haamer; Tartu) in Opening Government, Triin is not funny (Triin Toimetaja, Alexander Chen; Copenhagen) in Closing Government and The Dark Knife Rises (Johan Allen, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa; Stockholm) in Closing Opposition on the motion "TH prefers a world in which the prevailing norm is one of serial monogamy rather than monogamy (incl. infoslide)". The final was judged by a ...
Apr 11th, 2019 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Jönköping/Helsinki wins Estonian Open

Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open

Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open[caption id="attachment_35249" align="alignright" width="400"] The Belgrade delegation and their teampartners including the open final winners Floris Holstege (l.) and Janko Djordjevic (2nd f. r.) as well as best speakers Miloš Marjanovic and Tin Puljić (3rd/4rd f. l.) - (c) Otvorena komunikacija[/caption] The Budapest Open 2019 saw the teams in Closing Government sweeping both final rounds, with De grootse Nederlands-Servische alliantie (Janko Djordjevic, Floris Holstege;Belgrade/Leiden) winning the crown on the motion "This house regrets the narrative that forgiveness is a virtue". Against them were Autinzam i renesansa (Tin Puljić, Ilija Ivanišević; Zagreb/Belgrade) in Opening Government, Velika Srpsko-Holandska Alijansa (Miloš Marjanovic, David Metz; Belgrade/Leiden) in ...
Mar 25th, 2019 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open

Munich/Oxford wins Riga IV 2018

Munich/Oxford wins Riga IV 2018[caption id="attachment_34887" align="alignright" width="300"] Melda Eren and Jure Hederih - © Gigi Gil[/caption] The 20th edition of the SSE Riga IV was won by the mixed-team Balkans: Dangerously Emotional (Melda Eren, Jure Hederih; Munich/Oxford). They won the final motion "THW prefer a world where wealth is seen as shameful" out of Closing Government against the Opening Government Riga Mortis (Roel Schoenmakers, Nastia Grishkova; Tilburg/KCL), the Opening Opposition The Dark Knife (Meradj Oidermaa, Johan Allen; Stockholm) and the Closing Opposition Tartu A (Erik Haamer, Carl-Martin Keerberg). The final was judged by Tin Puljić, Tom Manor, Rasmuss Filips Geks, Edgars Klētnieks and Assel ...
Dec 19th, 2018 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Munich/Oxford wins Riga IV 2018

Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open

Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open[caption id="attachment_31439" align="alignright" width="400"] Monica Forman and Daan Welling - © Balázs Dezsényi[/caption] The team Orban Outfitters (Daan Welling & Monica Forman) won the final of the 96-team Budapest Open 2017. They were Opening Opposition on the motion "THBT it is the Moral Imperative of Liberals within Eastern Europe to stay within their Home Country, rather than Emigrate to More Progressive Countries.” Orban Outfitters beat out We know team names. We have the best team names (Olle Reberg, Jamie Batchelor) in Opening Government who replaced the advancing Melda + Jonah (Melda Eren, Johan Båge) who left due to scheduling conflicts. They also ranked above Tel Aviv Ya Habibi ...
Mar 10th, 2017 | By | Category: News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open

Stockholm wins Ota Open

Stockholm wins Ota Open[caption id="attachment_31296" align="alignright" width="400"] From left to right: Lilian Suo, Brian Wong, Rita Chudnovskaya, Jesper Eriksson, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi, Ella Jonninen, Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen. - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption] At the grand final of the Ota Open 2017, the team Wolf Pack Alpha (Jesper Eriksson, Rita Chudnovskaya - Stockholm) managed to win as opening opposition on the motion "This house believes that major media outlets should seek to recruit individuals who openly support Donald Trump." They spoke against Otaly Excited (Lilian Luo - Ressu, Brian Wong - Oxford) in opening government, Don't worry, she's just my cousin! (Markus ...
Feb 19th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Stockholm wins Ota Open

Leiden wins Lund IV 2016

Leiden wins Lund IV 2016„We are here because we didn't have a cancellation agreement“ (Jeroen Wijnen and Roel Becker, Leiden) won the final of the Lund IV in Opening Opposition. Debating the motion "THB that nuclear weapons have made the world a safer place.", they defeated "Belgrade A" (Ilija Ivanišević and Đorđe Jovićević) in Opening Government, "UCD Law A" (Adam Stairs and Aodhan Peelo) in Closing Government and "Cambridge CK" (George Clay and Muhammad Asadullah Khan) in Closing Opposition. The full debate is available on Youtube. Best speaker was Aodhan Peelo (UCD Law A) with an average of 82.6 points. [caption id="attachment_30505" align="alignright" width="400"] From left ...
Dec 8th, 2016 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden wins Lund IV 2016

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