Posts Tagged ‘ Frazer ’

Harvard wins HWS IV

Harvard wins HWS IV[caption id="attachment_34639" align="alignright" width="400"] The top two speakers and champions of this year's HWS IV: Aditya Dhar and Tejal Patwardhan - © Eric Barnes[/caption] The HWS IV 2018 was won by Harvard DP (Tejal Patwardhan, Aditya Dhar) from Opening Government. They debated the final on the motion "This House believes that the state should curb assortative mating" against Yale CP (Ko Lyn Cheang, Lorenzo Pinasco) in Opening Opposition, Brandeis/Northeastern SS (Ravi Simon, Dennis Su) in Closing Government, and Rochester FO (Ben Frazer, Warish Orko) in Closing Opposition. The final was chaired by Buzz Klinger with Alexander Beaumont, Allie McGowan, Dan Yoon, Daniel Berman, Shani Bennett, and Steph White.  The Novice Final of the tournament was ...
Nov 10th, 2018 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Harvard wins HWS IV

HWS Round Robin Results – Tel Aviv Champions & Danny DeBois (Harvard) Top Speaker!

HWS Round Robin Results - Tel Aviv Champions & Danny DeBois (Harvard) Top Speaker![caption id="attachment_31902" align="alignright" width="400"] Enting Lee speaks as Leader Opposition in the final round of the 2017 HWS Round Robin (c) Howard and William Smith Colleges[/caption] The HWS Round Robin has claimed yet another weekend of the lives of some of the best debaters in the world. In a tradition that began at the 2016 HWS Round Robin, two judging panels watched each round and delivered oral adjudications independently, with the aggregate number of points & speaker points used to determine the break (tab here). After a struggle for team spots, which can be achieved either through winning a prestigious named tournament or ...
Apr 25th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on HWS Round Robin Results – Tel Aviv Champions & Danny DeBois (Harvard) Top Speaker!

Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open

Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open[caption id="attachment_31439" align="alignright" width="400"] Monica Forman and Daan Welling - © Balázs Dezsényi[/caption] The team Orban Outfitters (Daan Welling & Monica Forman) won the final of the 96-team Budapest Open 2017. They were Opening Opposition on the motion "THBT it is the Moral Imperative of Liberals within Eastern Europe to stay within their Home Country, rather than Emigrate to More Progressive Countries.” Orban Outfitters beat out We know team names. We have the best team names (Olle Reberg, Jamie Batchelor) in Opening Government who replaced the advancing Melda + Jonah (Melda Eren, Johan Båge) who left due to scheduling conflicts. They also ranked above Tel Aviv Ya Habibi ...
Mar 10th, 2017 | By | Category: News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden(Alumni)/Tel Aviv wins the 2017 Budapest Open

WUDC 2015: And the winners are…

WUDC 2015: And the winners are...The World Universities Debating Championship 2015 in Malaysia has its champions:And the winners are...The Open CategorySydney A (Edward Miller, Nick Chung) won the final in the Open Category. They debated the motion "This House believes that humanitarian organisations should, and should be allowed to, give funding, resources or services to illegal armed groups when this is made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians." and won against Oxford A (Patrick Bateman, Natasha Rachman) in Opening Government, BPP A  (Steven Rajavinothan, Michael O'Dwyer) in Opening Opposition and Harvard A (Bo Seo, Fanelesibonge Mashwama) in Closing Opposition. The final was adjudicated by Shafiq Bazari (chair), Dominic ...
Jan 5th, 2015 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015

Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015The World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) is the largest international debating tournament. The first WUDC took place in Glasgow in 1981. Back then, 43 teams from seven nations participated. This year, more than 400 teams from all continents compete for the title of World Debating Champion. The WUDC 2015 will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is hosted by The Debate Society of the Universiti Technologiki Mara, one of the largest universities in Malaysia. The tournament starts on December 26th and lasts until January 3rd. The organisers published the following video:   Adjudication Team Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of the Malaysia Worlds will be ...
Aug 27th, 2014 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Malaysia World Universities Debating Championship 2015

Independent Adjudicator Application for WUDC 2015 is open

Independent Adjudicator Application for WUDC 2015 is openThe organisers of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC), taking place in Kuala Lumpur from 27 December to 4 January, have opened the first application round for Independent Adjudicators. According to the hosts, there will be two application rounds, the first until late June and the second in September, in order to allocate fundings and judging spots as effectively as possible. On the 12th of May, the organisers published general information on the independent adjudicator application process on facebook. On the 24th, they posted another message including the application link and more detailled information about the first phase. Below, the two ...
May 27th, 2014 | By | Category: International, Jurieren, News of debating clubs | Comments Off on Independent Adjudicator Application for WUDC 2015 is open

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