Posts Tagged ‘ Jonninen ’

That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018

That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018[caption id="attachment_34789" align="alignright" width="400"] The training team from left to right: Jonas, Milos, Cliodhna, Benji, Sharmila, Joona, Milla, Brian, Johan, Matti - © Evertime Visuals[/caption] The Nordic Debate Academy was the first in a series of trainings co-ordinated by the Athens EUDC and Thailand WUDC. This training was hosted by the Danish Debate Association in conjunction with FINDA - Finnish Debating Association, Stockholm Debate Society, and Lund Debate Society / Lunds Debattsällskap at the Copenhagen Business School. The NDA featured two and a half days of workshops and a four round tournament with a break to finals. 10 countries were represented at the ...
Nov 30th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere, Veranstaltungen | Comments Off on That was the Nordic Debate Academy 2018

Helsinki/Aalto win Turku Mini

Helsinki/Aalto win Turku Mini[caption id="attachment_31966" align="alignright" width="200"] Winning Team and CA Team of Turku Mini - Craig McDonald (left), Milla Huuskonen (centre), Joona Suhonen (centre) and Kaisa Hyry (right) - © Imène Mimouni.[/caption] Congratulations to the team Winland A (Milla Huuskonen, Helsinki, and Joona Suhonen, Aalto) for winning the Turku Mini 2017! They won the final from Opening Opposition defeating Max&Johan (Johan Vilén and Max Fogdell, Helsinki) in Opening Government, Kakkaa lumella (Ella Jonninen and Aleksi Niemi, Tampere) in Closing Government, and Aalto Right (Sara Halonen and Adnan Abdi) in Closing Opposition on the motion "This House would grant the five veto bearing UN ...
May 3rd, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Helsinki/Aalto win Turku Mini

Stockholm wins Ota Open

Stockholm wins Ota Open[caption id="attachment_31296" align="alignright" width="400"] From left to right: Lilian Suo, Brian Wong, Rita Chudnovskaya, Jesper Eriksson, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi, Ella Jonninen, Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen. - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption] At the grand final of the Ota Open 2017, the team Wolf Pack Alpha (Jesper Eriksson, Rita Chudnovskaya - Stockholm) managed to win as opening opposition on the motion "This house believes that major media outlets should seek to recruit individuals who openly support Donald Trump." They spoke against Otaly Excited (Lilian Luo - Ressu, Brian Wong - Oxford) in opening government, Don't worry, she's just my cousin! (Markus ...
Feb 19th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Stockholm wins Ota Open

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