Posts Tagged ‘ Lutz ’

New executive board for DK Wien

Welcome the new executive board of Debattierklub Wien: Jakob Reiter is now president, he is assisted by Karoline Lutz as secretary and Regina Puthenpurayil as treasurer. Accountants are Matthias Moser und Lukas Grill.
Nov 9th, 2011 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | Comments Off on New executive board for DK Wien

Galway Euros 2011: Facts and Figures

Since we guess that our appreciated readers follow us on Twitter your head will most probably be replete with impressions from Galway Euros. But what are the facts and figures about the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros)? Or maybe you have been there yourself and want to sort things out now? Your Achte Minute team provides you with all you might want to know - and even beyond. By the way, you still might wanna follow the Hashtag #EUDC on Twitter - you'll find funny stories and how everybody copes with the ...
Aug 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 6 Kommentaren

Galway Euros 2011: The German language teams

Achtung, the Germans! The teams from the German speaking regions make up one of the largest groups here at Galway Euros, the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC and Euros) held in Ireland this year. 17 teams from Germany and Austria are competing for the title at the western coast of the Emerald Isle. To make sure you keep your fingers crossed for the right teams, we are presenting you with the names: ...
Aug 10th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 4 Kommentaren

A poem, another poem and a prophecy – That was the Rheingötter competition

We're very, very sorry this text is not available English. Please read the German version of this article to learn more about poetry among debaters and the final debate on two formats widely spread in Germany: BPS vs. OPD. apf / sol
Feb 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 6 Kommentaren

Streitkultur Cup 2010

Mixed teams of all kind are welcome at the Streitkultur Cup 2010. That comprises novices and experienced speakers, male and female debaters, and even debaters from different institutions. The most renowned open competition on the German speaking debating circuit will take place on 11 December in Tübingen and will be held in the format of OPD (open parliamentary debate, a format developed by the hosting society), hence teams of three may now register via vorstand[at] Please let your host, the famous Streitkultur Tübingen, know how many teams your institution is going to send to the tournament. Registration fees are 10 Euros ...
Nov 2nd, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Streitkultur Cup 2010

EUDC 2010 Pickings 2

Photos and reports of the EUDC 2010 – here you get the links and insights into the tournament! ...
Aug 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on EUDC 2010 Pickings 2

EUDC talk: Lukas Haffert all alone

EUDC talk: Lukas Haffert all aloneIn the interview series  “EUDC talk” we met Lukas Haffert of the Swiss DebatingClub St. Gallen who told us about his first EUDC debate where he spoke twice. ...
Jul 14th, 2010 | By | Category: Menschen, Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

Regionalmeister 2010: Tilbury House Köln, Berlin Debating Union, Klartext Halle und Debating Club St. Gallen!

Köln, Berlin, Halle und St. Gallen sind die VDCH-Regionalmeister 2010. Die Finaldebatten der Regios zum Thema "Dieses Haus glaubt: Es gibt kein Urheberrecht in der Literatur" wurden parallel am Sonntagnachmittag in Dortmund, Hannover, Ilmenau und München ausgetragen. Die Finalisten hatten sich in den Halbfinals zum Thema "Dieses Haus fordert die Kopfpauschale im Gesundheitssystem" durchgesetzt. Bei der Westdeutschen Meisterschaft 2010 im Dortmunder Rathaus konnte die Schließende Opposition überzeugen: Assen Kochev und Tillman Schrammel von Tilbury Hous Köln sind Westdeutscher Meister 2010. Als besten Redner des Finales zeichnete die Ehrenjury Yann Schweisgut-Montané vom Debattierclub Bonn aus. Westdeutsche Vizemeister sind der Debattierclub Bonn mit Yann ...
Apr 18th, 2010 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Regionalmeister 2010: Tilbury House Köln, Berlin Debating Union, Klartext Halle und Debating Club St. Gallen!

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