Posts Tagged ‘ Ostrovsky ’

The argument with “Qatar 1”: What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi Sad

The argument with "Qatar 1": What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi SadFollowing days of massive discussion on social media, the EUDC Council held an extraordinary meeting regarding events at the EUDC in Novi Sad, where a team from Qatar University refused to debate Israeli teams. In order to clarify what happened, we summed up the recent developments for you. ...
Aug 13th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on The argument with “Qatar 1”: What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi Sad

EUDC 2018 results: Tel Aviv win both finals

EUDC 2018 results: Tel Aviv win both finalsThe Novi Sad EUDC, lasting 30.07.-05.08.18, came to an impressive conclusion: Teams from Tel Aviv won both the ESL (English as a Second Language) and the Open final! The ESL dominance continued with - originally Mexican - debater Lucía Arce, starting for Sheffield, being both top speaker in ESL and in total. Read more about the constellations, teams, speakers, judges and motions below. ...
Aug 8th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on EUDC 2018 results: Tel Aviv win both finals

EUDC 2018: The Break

EUDC 2018: The BreakAs the 2018 European Universities Debate Championship progresses, the break is now online. ...
Aug 3rd, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on EUDC 2018: The Break

Tel Aviv wins the Athens Open 2018

Tel Aviv wins the Athens Open 2018[caption id="attachment_33925" align="alignright" width="400"] Left to right: Dan Lahav (CA), Idan Bressler (Winner), Amichay Even Chen (Winner), Ido Kotler (Best Speaker), Duncan Crowe (CA) - © Annie Schwartz[/caption] After a weekend in Greece the Athens Open 2018 got won by ‘Tel Aviv A’ (Amichay Even Chen and Idan Bressler). They spoke in the final from Opening Government defeating ‘Novi Sad kenobi’ (Jovan Petronijević and Milos Marjanovic) in Opening Opposition, ‘Tel Aviv - You’ve been struck by a smooth POI’ (Annie Schwartz and Gil Peled) in Closing Government, and ‘Random nomen graecum’ (Roy Schulman and Elaye Karstadt) in Closing Opposition on the motion ‘This house believes that the general approach of states ...
May 10th, 2018 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

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