Posts Tagged ‘ Rennekamp ’
Würzburg gewinnt CARLs-Debatten 2024
Am vergangenen Wochenende fanden in Aachen die CARLs-Debatten statt. Beim Turnier in der Printenstadt setzte sich im Finale das Team Sven & Anne bestehend aus Sven Bake und Anne Uder auf der Eröffnenden Opposition durch, während Felix Reischl die beste Rede des Finals hielt.
Berlin (Debating Union), Heidelberg (Rederei) und Tübingen gewinnen die Regionalmeisterschaften 2023
Apr 23rd, 2023 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Campus-Debatten, Turniere, ZEIT DEBATTE |
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Oxford/Marburg gewinnt Brüder Grimm Cup, Streitkultur gewinnt die DDL
Im Finale des Brüder Grimm Cups 2021 konnte sich das Team Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey; Marburg/Oxford) aus der Schließenden Regierung durchsetzen. Sie besiegten die Eröffnende Regierung Münster Bongcloud (Paul Schmitz, Johannes Meiborg), die Eröffnende Opposition Sozialer Abstieg bleibt möglich (Maximilian Meybauer, Georg Maxton; Hamburg) und die Schließende Opposition Die reitzenden Steine (Julius Steen, Tim Reitze; Rederei). Das Thema der Debatte lautete: "Dieses Haus glaubt, dass Sportwettbewerbe zwischen Nationen mehr schaden als nützen". Die Finaljury bestand aus Lara Tarbuk (Hauptjurorin), Benedikt Rennekamp, Jonas Reichert, Jola Schmidt und Sven Jentzsch.
1. Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey) - 9 ...
Jul 19th, 2021 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: FDL/DDL, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Tübingen wins Tilbury House Cologne Open
[caption id="attachment_35651" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners: Samuel Scheuer and Marius Hobbhahn - © Tilbury House[/caption]
In the Grand Final of the Tilbury House Cologne Open 2019, Marius Hobbhahn and Samuel Scheuer of the Streitkultur Tübingen were able to take the tournament win as team Colognialism - Appropriating your points in Opening Opposition on the motion “THO artwork that humanizes pro-regime germans during the Second World War". They defeated Opening Government Be my Whip (Lisa Knodt, Lion Seiffert; Maastricht), Closing Government The DDG was wrong (Luise Häder, Anton Leicht; Heidelberg/Münster) and Closing Opposition BDU Breaking Down (Lena Kolle, Elena Müller; Berlin). The final was ...
Jun 14th, 2019 |
By Anton Leicht |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Glasgow wins Manchester IV
[caption id="attachment_31345" align="alignright" width="163"] Winners of the Manchester IV Open Final 2017: Owen Mooney (left), Eileen De Souza (right) - © Craig McDonald[/caption]
Congratulations to the three winning teams of this year’s Manchester IV!
The Open Final was won by GUU Clubs of alcohol and depravity (Owen Mooney and Eileen De Souza) in Closing Government. They defeated Oxford HC (Jure Hederih and Louis Collier) in Opening Government, UCL Janeway (Martin Devenney and Leo Yung) in Opening Opposition, and Edinburgh Nevertheless, She Persisted (Ethan Silver and Nishith Hedge) in Closing Opposition on the motion “This house believes that militaries in new democracies should ...
Feb 25th, 2017 |
By Craig McDonald |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Friedrichshafen/Munich wins first Munich Open
[caption id="attachment_30238" align="alignright" width="400"] The winning team of this year's Munich Open: Calyxx Peucker & Philipp Müller - © Jan-Gunther Gosselke[/caption]
From October 28th till October 30th, the first Munich Open took place after substantial preparations by conveners Katharina Heinrich and Christian Rausch. CAed by Monica Forman, Ben Shaw and Melda Eren, it extended the former trio of important international tournaments in the German circuit (Berlin IV, Tilbury IV, Vienna IV) by a fourth.
Following five preliminary rounds, 'Berlin B' (Stefan Torges & Julian Stastny) , 'Clash and Burn' (Friedrichshafen/Munich, Calyxx Peucker & Philipp Müller), 'Heidelberg Rennehardt' (Benedikt Rennekamp & Martin Reinhardt), 'My minority ...
EUDC 2016: The results
[caption id="attachment_29710" align="alignright" width="344"] View over Warsaw - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption]
The European Universities Debating Championship is over. Winner of the ESL-final is Tel Aviv A (Dan Lahav, Ayal Hayut-man) from Closing Government, thus becoming ESL-Champions, whereas the teams Tel Aviv C (Tom Manor, Noam Dahan) from Opening Government, Leiden D (Lisa Schallenberg, Simon Martina-Perez) from Opening Opposition and Leiden A (Floris Holstege, Emma Lucas) from Closing Opposition become vice ESL-Champions. The final's motion was "This house believes that western states should support breakaway regions in former Sovjet states (e.g. East Ukraine l South Ossetia) joining the Russian federation conditional on holding free and ...