WUDC 2012: Tag 6 – Der Halbfinalbreak

Datum: Jan 2nd, 2012
Category: Themen, Turniere

Today’s sixth day of the Worlds Universities Debating Championship saw lots of joy and lots of heartbreak – it was the first day of final rounds! After yesterday’s break announcement started with the open octofinals, followed by English as a Second Language (ESL) quarterfinals, open quarterfinals and concurrent EFL and ESL semifinals.

EFL – English as a Foreign Language

EFL semis:

  • Def Tech A
  • Universitas Indonesia C
  • STAN A
  • Zagreb A
  • Belgrade C
  • FSU A
  • Ewha
  • UCD

The EFL final:

  • Belgrade C
  • Defense Technology A
  • Ewha Debating Society A
  • Zagreb A

ESL – English as a Second Language

ESL semis:

  • Belgrade A
  • Tel Aviv A
  • Ljubljana A
  • IIUM B
  • BDU B (Dessislava Kirova, Juliane Mendelsohn)
  • Leiden A
  • Galatasaray A
  • Utrecht A

ESL final:

  • BDU B
  • IIUM B
  • Leiden A
  • Tel Aviv A

Main break

Open quarters:

  • BPP A
  • Oxford A
  • Stanford A
  • Birmingham A
  • Oxford B
  • Sydney B
  • Vic Wellington A
  • Durham A
  • Harvard A
  • Monash C
  • Auckland B
  • UCD L&H A
  • Sydney A
  • Oxford C
  • Nottingham A
  • Monash B


Unfortunately, we do not have any information yet on breaking judges. We will update this article accordingly as soon as we do! Our sincere apologies!


  • Round 1: This House would make fathers take paternity leave.
  • Round 2: This House would prevent politicians from making fact claims that, while not technically lies, are substantially misleading to voters.
  • Round 3: This House would force large companies who leave an area to pay the costs of any resulting structural unemployment.
  • Round 4: This House would require individuals to use all their wealth beyond USD 5 million for philanthropic projects.
  • Round 5: This House would require deaf parents to send their children (whether deaf or hearing) to mainstream schools for their primary and secondary education.
  • Round 6: This House supports politicians who pass progressive legislation, even where this is contrary to the wishes of the democratic electorate.
  • Round 7: This House supports the free movement of labour worldwide.
  • Round 8: This House would exempt academic disputes from defamation law.
  • Round 9: This House would ban all private healthcare in favour of a comprehensive public healthcare system.
  • Open octos: This house would not allow a single media company to own multiple TV channels or newspapers (whether in print or online).
  • ESL quarters: This house would limit government ministers’ standard of living to that of someone on the current median wage.
  • Open quarters: This house believes that “Western” consultants advising dictatorships have a moral duty to sabotage them.
  • ESL semis: In countries with few female politicians, this house believes it is good to have a politically active ‘first lady’.
  • EFL semis: This house believes that when doctors discover a patient has STDs, they should reveal that info to the patient’s partner.

Follow the live tweets of our correspondent Florian Prischl from the out-rounds on Twitter, Hashtag #WUDC. Support our coverage of the Worlds: Help our correspondent Florian Prischl, send us e-mails to team[at]achteminute.de or direct messages on Twitter. Wanna watch WUDC debates online? Then tune in to iDebate – they livestream debates from all rounds.

Since 1981, debaters from all over the world have been competing at the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds) at alternating locations across the planet. It was not before 1996 that the British Parliamentary Style became the mandatory format for this annual tournament. From 27 December 2011 to 4 January 2012, the international debating community assembles in Manila for the second time: 1999′s host was Ateneo University in the Philippinian capital – the first time for WUDC to come to Asia at all. Language of debate is English and there are three categories: Open for native speakers, ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). Current World Champions are Monash A from Australien (open category), Haifa A from Israel (ESL) and Tokyo B from Japan (EFL).

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2 Kommentare zu “WUDC 2012: Tag 6 – Der Halbfinalbreak”

  1. Mathias says:

    Danke Florian für die Chronik. Berlin: Kudos!

  2. Irene says:

    R-E-S-P-E-K-T Berlin!!!
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Alle meine Daumen, Finger und Zehen sind euch für’s Finale gedrückt.
    Und so oder so, wird dieser Einzug auf’m Neujahrsturnier hoffentlich nochmal gebührend gefeiert. 🙂

    Und besten Dank an die grandiosen Berichterstatter!

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