Posts Tagged ‘ Kirova ’
Is the ideal judge a blank slate?

Copenhagen Open 2015

Feb 10th, 2015 |
By Elisabeth Gniosdorsch |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere |
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„Let’s not reinvent the wheel every year“ – Dessislava Kirova on South Africa’s bid for WUDC 2017

Jan 28th, 2015 |
By Anne Gaa |
Category: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature |
Mit einem Kommentar
WUDC 2015: And the winners are…

WUDC 2015: The Break, all the Results and Motions

Debating at WUDC 2015: The VDCH-Teams

Chennai Worlds 2014: And the winners are…

A letter from South Africa WUDC 2016

Dec 25th, 2013 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: International, Turniere |
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Call for Feedback on DCA Applicants for Malaysia Worlds 2015

Nov 5th, 2013 |
By Annette Kirste |
Category: International, Jurieren |
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WUDC 2013: Press review 1

Dec 28th, 2012 |
By Anna Mattes |
Category: International |
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Tilbury House IV 2012: Registration is now open
You may now register for the Tilbury House IV in Cologne. Your chance to prepare for Berlin Worlds! The competition will be staged on December 7 to 9. Language of debate is English, the format is BPS. Team cap is 36. World's DCA Isabelle Fischer (née Loewe) is going to be chief adjudicator together with Danique van Koppenhagen and Dessislava Kirova.
Tilbury House IV 2012
December 7 to 9
Cologne, Germany
BPS, English
CAs: Isabelle Fischer, Danique van Koppenhagen and Dissislava Kirova
Registration is open now.
Sep 19th, 2012 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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New executive in Berlin
The Berlin Debating Union (BDU) has elected a new executive board: Niels Schröter is the new president. He is supported by Bruno Davids (treasurer) and Julian Ohm, Christina Dexel and Marijana Todorović. They follow Dessislava Kirova (president) and Juliane Mendelsohn (treasurer), Kai Dittmann, John-Thomas Eltringham and Juliane Zeuschner.
Jul 5th, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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MDD 2012: Break to semis
68 teams, seven prelims and a quarters round make up for semis in Vienna. The following eight teams made it to semis of the German language debating championship (Meisterschaft im deutschsprachigen Debattieren or MDD):
Berlin Stadt im Norden (Annette Kirste, Julian Ohm)
Mainz Anton (Andrea Gau, Daniil Pakhomenko)
Stuttgart CNC (Michael Saliba, Igor Gilitschenski)
Berlin Flauschpfote (Hauke Blume, Niels Schröter)
MS Hamburg Loki (Kira Lancker, Barbara Schunicht)
Berlin HS (Johannes Häger, Georg Sommerfeld)
Berlin Babes Bolay (Dessislava Kirova, Juliane Mendelsohn)
München Alpha (Valerio Morelli, Marco Witzmann)
(This is not a ranking. )
Learn more about MDD in the German version of this article and follow us on Facebook and Twitter ...
FDL: Berlin wins Dresden tournament / Mainz top FDL team
Georg Sommerfeld and Bruno Davids of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) won Saggsn Masders 2012, a tournament in the Saxonian capital Dresden. Georg was also awarded best speaker of the final. The other final teams were from Mainz (Willy Witthaut and Betty Braun) and of BDU: Sarah von Kaminietz and Martin Funck, and Hauke Blume and Marijana Todorovich).
The top speakers of the tourney:
Georg Sommerfeld
Willy Witthaut
Hauke Blume
Sarah von Kaminietz, Dessislava Kirova
The top team results of the league after Saggsn Masders:
Mainz (53)
Heidelberg Debating (44)
Tübingen (44)
Berlin Debating Union (36)
Freiburg (26)
Top speaker results after Saggsn Masders:
Willy Witthaut (64)
Almut Graebsch (45), Zsolt Szilagyi (45)
Philipp Stiel (44)
Please ...
Jacobs Open 2012: Some Slots Are Available
Some slots are available during this years' Jacobs Open in Bremen. In April, Jacobs University Bremen (JUB) Debating Society is planning the Jacobs Open 2012 from 13 to 15.
And the victory at Jacobs Open 2011 fell to Becky West and Rogier Baart (Leiden Debating Union) in an all-Dutch final debate on the motion “This house would promote atheism”. Manuel Adams (Berlin Debating Union) compiled a picture gallery and has put it online.
Apr 8th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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Registration for ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster
You may now register for ZEIT DEBATTE Münster. The tournament is to be held in German, so please read the German version of this article to learn more about how to register.
Mar 27th, 2012 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Termine, Turniere, VDCH |
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Brothers Grimm Cup
Please read the German version to learn more about this tournament in Marburg, which is named after the famous collectors of folk tales Brothers Grimm.
Mar 25th, 2012 |
By Xenia Zhykhar |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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WUDC 2012: “To a life less ordinary” – The World Universities Debating Championships in Manila
Trauma overcome! Worlds' runner-up Dessislava Kirova gives Achte Minute'e appreciated readers an insight on how she and her team mate Juliane Mendelsohn have overcome their trauma of being defeated in quarters - and how the proceed straight on to the finals of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds) in Manila, Philippines. (The story is in German, please check back later for an English translation.) ...
WUDC 2012: Interview with the runner-ups Dessislava Kirova and Juliane Mendelsohn
Female power straight on through to the final - Dessislava Kirova and Juliane Mendelsohn of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) are runner-ups to Omer and Sella Nevo from Israel who won the ESL final of the World University Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds). Congrats from Achte Minute to all! The ladies gave Achte Minute an interview - please switch to the German page to read the full story or check back later for an English translation.
WUDC 2012: Tag 6 – Der Halbfinalbreak
Today's sixth day of the Worlds Universities Debating Championship saw lots of joy and lots of heartbreak - it was the first day of final rounds! After yesterday's break announcement started with the open octofinals, followed by English as a Second Language (ESL) quarterfinals, open quarterfinals and concurrent EFL and ESL semifinals. ...
WUDC 2012: Starting now!
Debaters from all over the world are flocking in to Manila, Philippines. From 27 December 2011 to 4 January 2012, they assemble at De La Salle University (DLSU) to compete for the title of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds).
From under the roof of VDCH there will be the following debating society competing with around 400 teams from about 70 countries - all in a peaceful competition, the WUDC 2012 or DLSU Worlds:
Berlin Debating Union: John Eltringham, Narendran Ramasendaran, Dessislava Kirova, Juliane Mendelsohn, Kai Dittmann, Matthias Winkelmann
S.A.E.C.L.O. Greifswald: Rafael Heinisch, Ida Heidecker
Debattierclub Mannheim: Jana Gilke, Katrin Sadroschinski
Debattierclub Johannes ...
Berlin Punk 2012
Please read the German version of this article to learn more about the Berlin Punk tourney.
Berlin Invitational 2012
The Berlin invitational will be a tournament on January 20, 2012. It will be in German, so please switch to the German version of this article to learn more about the details.
Oct 5th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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Impressions from the women-only tourney in Jena
Extra, extra! The first women only debating tournament in the history of German debating took place: Jena hosted the girls from August 17 to 19. Chief adjudicators Andrea Gau (Mainz), Sarah Jaglitz (Greifswald) and Dessislava Kirova (Berlin) and female debaters from Greifswald, Halle, Münster, Mainz, Tübingen and Jena assembled in the Thuringian town to debate.
Fun Fact No. 1: It was the boys who were catering for the girls: Coffee, cake, and hot'n'spicy Curry à la Clemens Lechner. Yummy!
Fun Fact No. 2: Half of the debaters for vegetarians. Hence, the vegetarian curry.
Fun Fact No. 3: An ...
Galway Euros 2011: Facts and Figures
Since we guess that our appreciated readers follow us on Twitter your head will most probably be replete with impressions from Galway Euros. But what are the facts and figures about the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros)? Or maybe you have been there yourself and want to sort things out now? Your Achte Minute team provides you with all you might want to know - and even beyond. By the way, you still might wanna follow the Hashtag #EUDC on Twitter - you'll find funny stories and how everybody copes with the ...
Galway Euros 2011: The Break to Quarters
Tel Aviv A is double breaking at Galway Euros! That is in the open and in the ESL break. Something that is only possible at Euros, not at Worlds. Find the rest of the break to quarter finals below - we have it all for you: The open break as well as the ESL break. That was one exciting announcement ... my goodness!
The competitors of the open break have to be early birds: Debate starts at 9 a.m., ...
Quarter final 1:
TCD Hist B
King's Inn A
UCC Philosoph B
Quarter final 2:
Oxford A
Warwick ...
Aug 11th, 2011 |
By Anja Pfeffermann |
Category: Turniere |
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Galway Euros 2011: The German language teams
Achtung, the Germans! The teams from the German speaking regions make up one of the largest groups here at Galway Euros, the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC and Euros) held in Ireland this year. 17 teams from Germany and Austria are competing for the title at the western coast of the Emerald Isle. To make sure you keep your fingers crossed for the right teams, we are presenting you with the names: ...
Der dritte Boddencup – Ein Wasserstandsbericht von Manuel Adams
Rain, rain, rain - all over Germany! But the brave debaters of the Boddencup never gave in and even did their BBQ in Greifswald. A short lesson on German geography: "Bodden are brackish bodies of water along the southwestern shores of the Baltic Sea, primarily in Germany's state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern around the island of Rügen," as Wikipedia has it. This year's Boddencup was staged by Greifwald's debating society for the third time in a row. It was also the final of the first season of Freie Debattierliga, or free debating league (FDL). Read more on a rainy weekend by the ...