FDL: Berlin wins Dresden tournament / Mainz top FDL team

Datum: May 3rd, 2012
Category: Turniere

Georg Sommerfeld and Bruno Davids of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) won Saggsn Masders 2012, a tournament in the Saxonian capital Dresden. Georg was also awarded best speaker of the final. The other final teams were from Mainz (Willy Witthaut and Betty Braun) and of BDU: Sarah von Kaminietz and Martin Funck, and Hauke Blume and Marijana Todorovich).

The top speakers of the tourney:

  1. Georg Sommerfeld
  2. Willy Witthaut
  3. Hauke Blume
  4. Sarah von Kaminietz, Dessislava Kirova

The top team results of the league after Saggsn Masders:

  1. Mainz (53)
  2. Heidelberg Debating (44)
  3. Tübingen (44)
  4. Berlin Debating Union (36)
  5. Freiburg (26)

Top speaker results after Saggsn Masders:

  1. Willy Witthaut (64)
  2. Almut Graebsch (45), Zsolt Szilagyi (45)
  3. Philipp Stiel (44)

Please find more details in the online tab.

Manuel Adams / apf

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1 Kommentare zu “FDL: Berlin wins Dresden tournament / Mainz top FDL team”

  1. Manuel A. (FDL) says:

    Detail zum Punktestand für Clubs wie Einzelredner finden sich auf http://goo.gl/3GyVf.

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