Posts Tagged ‘ John ’
Berlin Debating Union wins first tournament at Bard College Berlin
Konstantina Nathanail and Pegah Maham from the Berlin Debating Union have won the Bard College Berlin ProAm.
[caption id="attachment_32914" align="alignright" width="377"] The winners of the Barc College Berlin Pro/Am: Konstantina Nathanail and Pegah Maham - © Elâ Marie Akay[/caption]
The two from the team Constant Mayhem convinced the jury as Opening Opposition to the motion “This House would prefer to live in a world in which genetic engineering of fetuses is possible and widely accessible.” All three other teams in the final were from the Berlin Debating Union, too: Martian Law (Marcel John, Martijn Roo) in Opening Government, BDU Huggator (Kathrin Niederschuh, ...
Nov 7th, 2017 |
By Jonas Huggins |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Tel Aviv wins UCD Law Soc IV
Tel Aviv L&H (Dan Lahav & Ayal Hayut-Man) won the first ever UCD Law Soc IV from Opening Opposition on the motion "THBT the Catalonian Government should have cancelled the independence referendum after it was ruled unconstitutional".
[caption id="attachment_32806" align="alignright" width="400"] Tel Aviv L&H (Ayal Hayut-man and Dan Lahav ) - © UCD Law Soc[/caption]
They debated against We Gonna Rokc Dwon Two Dyslexic Avenue (Cian Luddy & Caoimhe Meaney, UCC Philosophical Society) in Opening Government, I'm fine. It's fine. We're fine. (Chris Costigan & Amy O'Sullivan, TCD Philosophical Society) in Closing Government and Bailey orders Asian Teck-a-Wei II: The Chopstick Chronicles (Bailey Reid, KCL & Teck Wei Tan, Oxford) in Closing Opposition.
The ...
Oct 25th, 2017 |
By Helena Hecke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Streitkultur-Cup 2011
Streitkultur Tübingen is becoming 20 - and celebrating this anniversary with a huge Streitkultur Cup on December 9 to 11. Be part of it and read the German version of this to learn more about it.
Oct 14th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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Galway Euros 2011: Facts and Figures
Since we guess that our appreciated readers follow us on Twitter your head will most probably be replete with impressions from Galway Euros. But what are the facts and figures about the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros)? Or maybe you have been there yourself and want to sort things out now? Your Achte Minute team provides you with all you might want to know - and even beyond. By the way, you still might wanna follow the Hashtag #EUDC on Twitter - you'll find funny stories and how everybody copes with the ...
Galway Euros 2011: The German language teams
Achtung, the Germans! The teams from the German speaking regions make up one of the largest groups here at Galway Euros, the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC and Euros) held in Ireland this year. 17 teams from Germany and Austria are competing for the title at the western coast of the Emerald Isle. To make sure you keep your fingers crossed for the right teams, we are presenting you with the names: ...
New executive board in Tübingen
The debating society of Tübingen, Germany, has elected a new executive board: Marie Rulfs is new president. Deputies are Konrad Gütschow, Mark Schönhaar, Helen Y. Pan and Sarah John. ...
Jul 1st, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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They made it: World record in non-stop debating
Tübingen made it: A new world record in non-stop debating! The brave debaters are Pauline Leopold, Steffen Jenner (runner-ups to this year's German Debating Championship), Peter Croonenbroeck (German champion 2010), Sebastian Frankenberger (chair of the German party ÖPD), Boris Konrad (world record in competitive memory) and Roman Kremer (candidate for Die Piraten in the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg). They have been debating 44 hours without a break.
Please read the German version of this to learn about the motions and other details.
Now live: World record attempt in non-stop debating
You may now follow the world record attempt of Streitkultur Tübingen in long time debating. They are going to debate 44 debates in a row in OPD style. A livestream is online. You may also follow their twitter account @ZwoelfteMinute to get live informations. Finally: There is a Facebook Site online, too.
Jun 24th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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DDM 2011: Breaks to octos
This article is not available in English. Please read the German version to learn about which teams, free speakers and adjudicators made it to octos at the Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM), or German Championship in Heidelberg. ...
ZEIT DEBATTE Jena 2011 Pickings I
This article ist only available in german language. Don't hesitate to read the original version.
Jun 9th, 2011 |
By Verena Rosa Graef |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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Florian Umscheid on the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena
Please read the German version of this article to learn more on how Florian Umscheid saw the ZEIT DEBATTE tournament in Jena.
ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Tübingen wins
Streitkultur Tübingen (Simon Lehle, Steffen Jenner and Sarah John) won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Jena 2011!Simon also was awarded Best Speaker. Please read more on this in the German version of this article.
vro / apf
ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Break to Final
The break to finals of the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena is online! Please read the German version of this article to learn who made it to final.
vro / apf ...
May 22nd, 2011 |
By Verena Rosa Graef |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Breaks to semis
The Break of the ZEIT DEBATTE Jena is online! Please read the German version of this article to learn who made it to semis.
apf / vro ...
Debattengeeigneter Gerichts- und Verhandlungssaal eingeweiht
Die Streitkultur Tübingen weihte am Donnerstag, 10. Juni, einen Gerichts- und Verhandlungssaal an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität mit einer Deklamation und einer Debatte ein. Für den Verhandlungssaal zeichnet das Streitkultur-Ehrenmitglied Rüdiger Wulf, Juraprofessor an der Tübinger Uni, verantwortlich. Und standesgemäß für ein Mitglied des ältesten Debattierclub Deutschlands setzte sich Wulf dafür ein, dass der Saal nicht nur für Gerichtsverhandlungen taugt, sondern auch debattengeeignet ist. Wie Wulf als Mitglied der Ehrenjury bei der Tübinger ZEIT DEBATTE im Mai angekündigt hatte, spielte die Streitkultur eine wichtige Rolle bei der Eröffnung des neuen Übungssaals für Juristen und Debattanten.
[caption id="attachment_4033" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Daniel Rau bei der ...
Jun 12th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Politik und Gesellschaft, Themen |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen Nachlese 3
Begeisterung allenthalben: Die Debattierclubs berichten von der ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen. Hier gibt es Zitate, Ein- und Ausblicke. ...
Ad Fontes: Die Turnierserie kehrte heim! – Einblicke in die ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen 2010
"Danke, dass du OPD erfunden hast!", verabschiedete sich ein Stuttgarter Debattant am vergangenen Sonntag nach der ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen von Michael Hoppmann, dem Godfather des deutschsprachigen Debattierens. Unter dem Motto "Nur die Vernunft lehrt schweigen. Das Herz lehrt reden." hatte am Wochenende die Streitkultur Tübingen zum Debattierturnier an den Neckar geladen: Knapp 100 Redner aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gaben sich hier ein Stelldichein, ja, gar aus Bozen und Boston reisten Debattanten an, um bei der ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen dabei zu sein. "Die Turnierserie kehrt heim" schreiben die Organisatoren von der Streitkultur auf ihre Homepage, denn die ...
Tübingen gewinnt die ZEIT DEBATTE Wien 2010
Philipp Stiel, Sarah John und Peter Croonenbroeck (im Bild v.l.) vom VDCH-Club Streitkultur Tübingen haben die erste ZEIT DEBATTE außerhalb Deutschlands am ersten Märzwochenende in Wien gewonnen. In einem hochklassigen Finale zum Thema "Ich mag verdammen, was du sagst, aber ich werde mein Leben dafür einsetzen, dass du es sagen darfst. (Voltaire zugeschrieben) / Soll jegliche Einschränkung der Redefreiheit aufgehoben werden?" setzten sie sich gegen Tom-Michael Hesse, Wiebke Nadler und Can Ertogrul durch, die für Streitpunkt Leipzig angetreten waren. Peter konnte auch die hochkarätige Ehrenjury überzeugen und wurde von dieser zum besten Redner der Finaldebatte ausgezeichnet. Zudem führte er nach dem ...
Mar 8th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Presseschau, Themen, Turniere, VDCH |
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