WUDC 2011: The ESL quarters

Datum: Jan 2nd, 2011
Category: Themen, Turniere

One quarter of the teams of the ESL break are from Germany! That would make one German team in each room, one could think. But in final rounds, the tab is folded. That means that for instance room one assembles teams ranking on 1, 7, 8 and 16. Thanks to this folding, room three of the ESL qurter finals will see two German teams: Stuttgart A (Andreas Lazar and Michael Saliba) and Berlin B (Patrick Ehmann and Bastian Laubner). Other German teams in the quarters are Berlin B (Florian Umscheid and Dessislava Kirova) and Gutenberg A (Marcus Ewald and Marietta Gädeke from Mainz. They are currently debating the motion: “This house believes that domestic courts should try foreign nationals who commit war crimes abroad.”

The exact draws of ESL quarters:

  • IIUM A – Lahore A – Berlin B – Haifa A
  • Ljublijana A – UMAC A – Indonesia A – Ljubijana C
  • Stuttgart A – Leiden B – IIUM C – Berlin A
  • UCTI A – UT Mara B – Gutenberg A – Koc A

The order of teams indicates the positions in the debate: Opening Government – Opening Opposition – Closing Government – Closing Opposition. IIUM A ist a team from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, UMAC A is from the University of Macau, UCTI A from the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation and UT Mara B is another team from Malaysia, namely from the Universiti Teknologi Mara. Koç A stands for the Wehbi Koç University of Istanbul an. Lahore A, Haifa A, Indonesia A and Leiden B are self-indicating.

Because of technical difficulties the quarters are not livestreamed on the internet. However, the recorded debates will be available on iDebate.

apf / glx

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2 Kommentare zu “WUDC 2011: The ESL quarters”

  1. Manuel says:

    Colm hat eine schöne Übersicht erstellt:

    All-VDCH-ESL-Final ist möglich!

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