Dortmund: Und wieder ein Sieg für Berlin
A lucky streak for the Berlin Debating Union (BDU): After winning the Potsdam PULS Punk, they managed to emerge as victors at the Training Tournament in Dortmund on 4 June. The opposition consisting of the WUDC 2013 convenor Patrcik Ehmann, Florian Umscheid and Manuel Adams defeated the government team from Potsdam with Jan-Dirk Capelle, Mathias Hamann and Jana Bachmann in the final. The topic was “Sex sells – is it legitimate to use sexual services to motivate employees and customers?” referring to a current sex scandal at a German insurance. The prelims topics thanks to the CAs Julian Schneider (Debattierclub Münster) and Thore Wojke (Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz) were:
- Round 1: Do we need a green dictatorship?
- Round 2: The best education for a clever person is found in travel, is it not?
- Round 3: Should the denial of the crimes of the GDR regime be subjected to legal prosecution?
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