Wo der Bär steppt – Manuel Adams über das Berlin Humboldt IV 2011

Datum: Jul 13th, 2011
Category: Themen, Turniere

Mixing cocktails, strolling through Berlin, the German women football team losing to Japan, prospective Worlds and Euros convenors beating each other in distributing their giveaways … All that and much more is the Berlin IV. Find here the motions, the break to (semi-)finals and the tab! And read the German version of this article to learn more about how Manuel Adams saw the Berlin IV or what it is called these days.

The motions:

Convenor Dessislava Kirova talking to a participant of the Berlin IV. (Picture: Manuel Adams)

  • 1. Vorrunde: This house would financially incentivise parents to have two or more children.
  • 2. Vorrunde: This house believes that any language which needs protection is not worth protection.
  • 3. Vorrunde: This house would make all prison sentences indefinite until the prisoner is deemed rehabilitated.
  • 4. Vorrunde: This house would privatise water.
  • 5. Vorrunde: For peacekeeping missions in Africa, this house would only use African troops.
  • 6. Vorrunde: This house would only hold team sports competitions with mixed-sex teams.
  • Halbfinale: This house would introduce universal jurisdiction for cyber-crimes.
  • Finale: This house believes that animal cruelty is acceptable in a work of art.

The break:

  • 1. University College Cork (UCC) Law B (Becky West und Gearóid Wrixon)
  • 2. Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (Marcus Ewald und Marietta Gädeke)
  • 3. University of London Union (ULU) A (Samantha Neville und David Jones)
  • 4. Utrecht Debating Society (UDS) A (Luciën de Bruin und Tomas Beerthuis)
  • 5. University of London Union (ULU) B (Lucas Issacharoff und Siodhbhra Parkin)
  • 6. Leiden Debating Union (Rogier Baart und Suus Kingma)
  • 7. University of London Union (ULU) C (Carlo Cabrera und Micha Beekman)
  • 8. Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (Andrea Gau und Daniil Pakhomenko)

Manuel Adams / xzy / apf

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2 Kommentare zu “Wo der Bär steppt – Manuel Adams über das Berlin Humboldt IV 2011”

  1. Manuel says:

    Die weiteren Photos sind jetzt online: http://goo.gl/KWKYR

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