Tallinn EUDC 2017: The break

Datum: Aug 18th, 2017
Category: International, Turniere

On the third day of the European University Debate Championship 2017 the pre-rounds come to an end, meaning: The break happens. We’ve gathered all the information available for you and will edit more once we get our hands on it.

Tallinn EUDC logo


Abigail Branford, Alex Moise, Ameera Natasha Moore, Andrew Green, Andrew Seow, Ayal Hayut Man, Benji Kalman, Beth Mallen, Craig McDonald, Daan Welling, Dan Lahav, Dana Green, Daniel Berman, Dee Courtney, Duncan Crowe, Elliot Porter, Gareth Williams, Gavin O’Leary, Gustaf Lundgren, Hannah Speed, Harry Elliot, Imran Mateo, Jamie Jackson, Kallina Basli, Louis Collier, Lucy Murphy, Marc-André Schulz, Martin Devenney, Matthew Oldham, Michael Coleman, Mifzal Mohammed, Mike Weltevrede, Miri Muntean, Nick Zervoudis, Nicola Harvey, Nicole Liu, Noa Ovadia, Ohad Davidow, Olivia Sundberg Diez, Omer Nevo, Oskar Avery, Oskar Sherry, Penny Sadeghi, Rebecca Irvine, Rebecca Montacute, Robert Barrie, Rosa Thomas, Ruta Gabalina, Ryan Thalari, Sam Browne, Sella Nevo, Senna Maatoug, Sharmila Parmanand, Sheraz Qureshi, Stav Singer, Stefan Siridzanski, Steven Rajavinothan, Thomas Simpson, Tim Sharpe, Tommy Cave, Vikki Perijainen, Yair Har-Oz, Ybo Buruma


English as a Proficient Language (EPL):

1st: Cambridge B, 23 tp.

2nd: Tel Aviv B, 22 tp.

3rd: Cambridge C, 21 tp.

4th: Edinburgh A, 21 tp.

5th: GUU A, 20 tp.

6th: Oxford C, 20 tp.

7th: Oxford D, 20 tp.

8th: Oxford A, 19 tp.

9th: Oxford B, 19 tp.

10th: Cambridge A, 19 tp.

11th: Leiden B, 19 tp.

12th: TCD Phil A, 19 tp.

13th: UCD Law A, 19 tp.

14th: Cambridge E, 19 tp.

15th: Tel Aviv A, 19 tp.

16th: Hebrew A, 19 tp.

17th: Durham A, 18 tp.

18th: KCL A, 18 tp.

19th: Leiden A, 18 tp.

20th: TCD Hist A, 18 tp.

21st: UCC Philosoph A, 18 tp.

22nd: Oxford E, 18 tp.

23rd: Belgrade A, 18 tp.

24th: Berlin C, 18 tp.


English as a Second Language (ESL):

1st: Tel Aviv B, 22 tp.

2nd: Leiden B, 19 tp.

3rd: Tel Aviv A, 19 tp.

4th: Hebrew A, 19 tp.

5th: Leiden A, 18 tp.

6th: Belgrade A, 18 tp.

7th: Berlin C, 18 tp.

8th: Belgrade B, 18 tp.

9th: Berlin A, 18 tp.

10th: Leiden C, 17 tp.

11th: Munich A, 17 tp.

12th: Helsinki A and Zagreb A, sharing 17 tp. and speaks

14th: BGU A, 16 tp.

15th: Haifa A, 16 tp.

16th: Tartu A, 16 tp.


The EUDC 2017 motions so far:

R1: This house believes that the US should ban extremist groups (e.g. the KKK and neo-nazi groups).

R2: This house believes that the WTO should allow developing countries to impose policies aimes at protecting domestic industries, even at the expense of harming international trade.

R3: This house regrets the rise of the ‚Sharing Culture’ (a culture which encourages the frequent posting of both mundane and intimate details of one’s life on social media platforms, and the commenting on and reacting to others posts of this nature).

R4: This house believes that states should significantly fund female-only tech companies.

R5: This house, as Israel, supports the Jewish People’s Intelligence Service Doctrin.

Info text: The Jewish People’s Intelligence Service Doctrin is a proposal which states that the Israeli Intelligence service should have a significant responsibility not only to Israeli’s citizens’ security, but also to the security to the Jewish communities abroad. If this doctrin were adopted, Israel would use significant resources and launch potentially violent operations in order to keep Jewish people safe internationally.

R6: This house supports universities treating students like customers (e.g. by allocating significant ressources to improving students’ lifestyles, and granting students influence over university decisions and the content and delivery of the course curricula).

R7: This house believes that Western medical institutions should neither cooperate with, nor use the data produced by, non-Western medical institutions that do not meet Western standards on human clinical trials.

Info text: Non-Western medical institutions are becoming increasingly competitive within the field of human clinical trials and now constitute a major share of the world’s scientific output. These trials operate under local medical standards that are less stringent than Western ones.

R8: This house believes that LGBT groups should actively seek to include Side B christians.

Info text: Side B christians are christians who identify as experiencing same sex attraction but nevertheless believe that homosexual sex is sinful, and therefor attempt to remain celibate.

R9: This house supports the creation and use of Lethal Autonomous Robots.

Info text: Lethal Autonomous Robots are fully autonomous military weapons that can select and engage targets without human intervention.

The Achte Minute team wishes all teams and judges the best of luck for the coming days! Reporting from Tallinn are Lennart Lokstein, Helena Hecke, Jan-Gunther Gosselke, Craig McDonald and Saskia Höfer.


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