Posts Tagged ‘ Gosselke ’
(Wieder)aufbau von Strukturen – Die Achte Minute bedankt sich bei Lennart Lokstein
Sep 18th, 2024 |
By Annika Hanraths |
Category: In eigener Sache, Mittwochs-Feature |
mit 4 Kommentaren
Berlin (Debating Union), Heidelberg (Rederei) und Tübingen gewinnen die Regionalmeisterschaften 2023
Apr 23rd, 2023 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Campus-Debatten, Turniere, ZEIT DEBATTE |
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Mainz und Würzburg gewinnen Ironman- und Nikolausturnier
Dec 4th, 2022 |
By Hannah Bilgenroth |
Category: FDL/DDL, Turniere |
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DC Heidelberg gewinnt Laternencup 2022
Am Wochenende fand in Saarbrücken der Laternen-Cup statt. Im Finale konnte sich das Team Helle Leuchten Heidelberg (Markus Baldermann, Till Beese, Sophie Hartung) vom DC Heidelberg auf der Opposition gegen das Regierungs-Team Lallternen-Pub (Johannes Meiborg, Lilith Bodenhausen, Ben Justus Riepe) vom DC Münster durchsetzen.
Oxford/Marburg gewinnt Brüder Grimm Cup, Streitkultur gewinnt die DDL
Im Finale des Brüder Grimm Cups 2021 konnte sich das Team Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey; Marburg/Oxford) aus der Schließenden Regierung durchsetzen. Sie besiegten die Eröffnende Regierung Münster Bongcloud (Paul Schmitz, Johannes Meiborg), die Eröffnende Opposition Sozialer Abstieg bleibt möglich (Maximilian Meybauer, Georg Maxton; Hamburg) und die Schließende Opposition Die reitzenden Steine (Julius Steen, Tim Reitze; Rederei). Das Thema der Debatte lautete: "Dieses Haus glaubt, dass Sportwettbewerbe zwischen Nationen mehr schaden als nützen". Die Finaljury bestand aus Lara Tarbuk (Hauptjurorin), Benedikt Rennekamp, Jonas Reichert, Jola Schmidt und Sven Jentzsch.
1. Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey) - 9 ...
Jul 19th, 2021 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: FDL/DDL, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020
[caption id="attachment_36956" align="alignright" width="455"] The Dutch victory celebration featuring European champions Katharina Margareta Jansen (4th from left), Emma Lucas (5th f.l.) Louis Honee (6th f.l.) and David Metz (7th f.l.) - © Louis Honee[/caption]
The Astana EUDC 2020 has come to an end and it has been a successful tournament for the Leiden Debating Union. The Dutch debating society was able to win both the ESL and Open final and topped the ESL speaker awards as well.
In the grand final, Leiden A (David Metz, Emma Lucas) took the victory out of Closing Opposition against the Opening Government Leiden C (Louis Honee, ...
Aug 8th, 2020 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: International, Turniere |
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Tübingen wins Tilbury House Cologne Open
[caption id="attachment_35651" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners: Samuel Scheuer and Marius Hobbhahn - © Tilbury House[/caption]
In the Grand Final of the Tilbury House Cologne Open 2019, Marius Hobbhahn and Samuel Scheuer of the Streitkultur Tübingen were able to take the tournament win as team Colognialism - Appropriating your points in Opening Opposition on the motion “THO artwork that humanizes pro-regime germans during the Second World War". They defeated Opening Government Be my Whip (Lisa Knodt, Lion Seiffert; Maastricht), Closing Government The DDG was wrong (Luise Häder, Anton Leicht; Heidelberg/Münster) and Closing Opposition BDU Breaking Down (Lena Kolle, Elena Müller; Berlin). The final was ...
Jun 14th, 2019 |
By Anton Leicht |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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BGU wins Vienna IV
[caption id="attachment_35501" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners of the Vienna IV 2019: Hilla Schwartz,Jonathan Shapira - © Debattierklub Wien[/caption]
At the Vienna IV 2019, the team BGU A (Hilla Schwartz, Jonathan Shapira) was victorious in the grand final. Out of Closing Opposition, they defeated KCL A (Joel Richardson, Emily Frizell) in Opening Government, Targyarean & Snow (Klaudia Maciejweska, Jure Hederih; Warsaw/Oxford) in Opening Opposition and One of us is sort of retired, the other one is actually from Australia (Brian Wong, Jack Solomon; Oxford) in Closing Government on the motion "THBT Gavrilo Princip was justified in killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand (incl. infoslide)". ...
May 26th, 2019 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Maastricht wins Erasmus Rotterdam Open
[caption id="attachment_35269" align="alignright" width="400"] Katharina Jansen and Lisa Knodt - (c) Erasmus Debating Society[/caption]
The team Merkel II & III (Lisa Knodt, Katharina Jansen) of the Rhetorica Debating Society Maastricht has won the Erasmus Rotterdam Open 2019. Out of Opening Opposition, they defeated the Opening Government Glorious like the Mongolian navy (Milla Huuskonen, Markus Myllymäki; Helsinki), Closing Government Tudor and Anne (but not Henry and Boleyn) (Tudor Musat, Ana Coman; Cambridge/Bukarest) and Closing Opposition We beg you to propose. That's what she said. (Elizabeta Korenčan, Roel Becker; Llubljana/Leiden) on the motion "Assuming the technology exists, TH supports the use of augmented ...
Mar 28th, 2019 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Mixed-Team wins Munich Research Open
[caption id="attachment_35221" align="alignright" width="400"] From left to right: Winners of the Open Final (Lucy Murphy, partner Dawid Bartkowiak missing) and the Novice Final (Marina Kojić & Mira Eberdorfer), best speaker Tin Puljić and best novice speaker Louisa Broeg - (c) Debattierclub München[/caption]
In a final jugded by Aisling Tully (chair), Huyen Nguyen, Matt Hankin, Przemek Stolarski, Miri Muntean, Joona Suhonen and Seyoung Jeon, the team Trauma All-Stars (Dawid Bartkowiak, Lucy Murphy) in Closing Government won the Munich Research Open 2019 against teams Bonaparte Zeno & Marike (Marike Breed, Zeno Glastra van Loon) in Opening Government, Oxford BS (Jack Solomon, Louisa Broeg) ...
Mar 17th, 2019 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Cambridge wins KCL Open 2018
Portrait of a Tudor as a young Al (Tudor Musat and Alasdair Donovan, Cambridge) have won the 2018 edition of the KCL Open. Organized by conveners Emily Frizell and Joel Richardson, the tournament took place from June 30th to July 2nd at the King's College in London and was chief-adjudicated by Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell, Tejaswini Krishnaprasad and Cian Luddy.
In a grand final judged by Tim Squirrel (chair), Clara Rupf, George Goddard, James Laird-Smith and Penny Sadeghi, Portrait of a Tudor as a young Al (OO) faced Remember, big speaks gaps are homophobic (Joe Roussos and Imogen Harper-Lawrence, OG, Oxford), I guess technically ...
Jul 6th, 2018 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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WUDC council 2018: Resolution summary
Tallinn EUDC 2017: Tel Aviv and Glasgow are the new European Champions
The European Universities Debate Championship 2017, taking place in Tallinn, have come to an end. On the day of the finals both the last four teams of the Open track and the English as a Second Language (ESL) track came together at the Nordea Concert hall for the two finals. ...
Aug 21st, 2017 |
By Lennart Lokstein |
Category: International, Turniere |
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Tallinn EUDC 2017: The break
On the third day of the European University Debate Championship 2017 the pre-rounds come to an end, meaning: The break happens. We've gathered all the information available for you and will edit more once we get our hands on it. ...
Aug 18th, 2017 |
By Lennart Lokstein |
Category: International, Turniere |
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Vienna wins PEP IV 2017
[caption id="attachment_31855" align="alignright" width="400"] Winners of PEP IV 2017: Mark Etzel and Miri Muntean - (c) DK Wien[/caption]
Vienna Z (Miri Muntean, Mark Etzel) has won this year's PEP IV, debating the motion 'This House Supports the EU backed Western Balkans Customs Union, even at the price of terminating the free trade agreement with Russia and joining the EU sanctions on Russia' in Opening Opposition against the Opening Government St. Gallen University A (Jan-Gunther Gosselke, Katarina Kuzman), Closing Government CEC A (Kristina Georgieva, Monika Naydenova) and Closing Opposition Bard College Berlin A (John Kay, Matt Caito).
Best speaker of the tournament was ...
Apr 17th, 2017 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Belgrade wins Novi Sad Open
[caption id="attachment_31451" align="alignright" width="330"] Really Bad Hombres, winners of the first Novi Sad Open - (c) Jan-Gunther Gosselke[/caption]
The team Really Bad Hombres (Miloš Marjanović & Teodora Resetar) has won Novi Sad Open 2017 in Opening Opposition, debating the motion "THBT all companies should be majority owned and controlled by their workers" against Break or Move Out (OG, Chris Edgar & Ben Shaw), Helicopters at night (CG, Dariusch Klett-Cotta & Paul Reiter) and Samo je korak do dna (CO, Ilija Ivanišević & Janko Djordjevic). The final was judged by Emilia Carlqvist, Paul Smith, Jovan Petronijevic and Milja Sijakinjic.
Best speaker of the tournament ...
Mar 9th, 2017 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Debaters at WUDC – Part 3
There are a lot of different people from a lot of different countries participating at the WUDC and we try to introduce you to as many as possible!
In this part you will find interviews with the following participants:
Beatriz de León and Yolanda González, Spain
Charlotte Gabriel and Nathanael Revaldi, Indonesia
Jan-Gunther Gosselke, Switzerland
Beatriz de León and Yolanda González, Spain
[caption id="attachment_30845" align="alignleft" width="400"] Beatriz de León and Yolanda González - © Johannes Meiborg[/caption]
AM: Hello who are you two and what brought you into debating?
BdL: I'm Beatriz, 20 years old and I study law and international relations at the University Francisco de Vitania in ...
Jan 2nd, 2017 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: International, Menschen, Turniere |
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Leiden wins Lund IV 2016
„We are here because we didn't have a cancellation agreement“ (Jeroen Wijnen and Roel Becker, Leiden) won the final of the Lund IV in Opening Opposition.
Debating the motion "THB that nuclear weapons have made the world a safer place.", they defeated "Belgrade A" (Ilija Ivanišević and Đorđe Jovićević) in Opening Government, "UCD Law A" (Adam Stairs and Aodhan Peelo) in Closing Government and "Cambridge CK" (George Clay and Muhammad Asadullah Khan) in Closing Opposition. The full debate is available on Youtube.
Best speaker was Aodhan Peelo (UCD Law A) with an average of 82.6 points.
[caption id="attachment_30505" align="alignright" width="400"] From left ...
Dec 8th, 2016 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, Turniere |
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Friedrichshafen/Munich wins first Munich Open
[caption id="attachment_30238" align="alignright" width="400"] The winning team of this year's Munich Open: Calyxx Peucker & Philipp Müller - © Jan-Gunther Gosselke[/caption]
From October 28th till October 30th, the first Munich Open took place after substantial preparations by conveners Katharina Heinrich and Christian Rausch. CAed by Monica Forman, Ben Shaw and Melda Eren, it extended the former trio of important international tournaments in the German circuit (Berlin IV, Tilbury IV, Vienna IV) by a fourth.
Following five preliminary rounds, 'Berlin B' (Stefan Torges & Julian Stastny) , 'Clash and Burn' (Friedrichshafen/Munich, Calyxx Peucker & Philipp Müller), 'Heidelberg Rennehardt' (Benedikt Rennekamp & Martin Reinhardt), 'My minority ...
EUDC 2016: The results
[caption id="attachment_29710" align="alignright" width="344"] View over Warsaw - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption]
The European Universities Debating Championship is over. Winner of the ESL-final is Tel Aviv A (Dan Lahav, Ayal Hayut-man) from Closing Government, thus becoming ESL-Champions, whereas the teams Tel Aviv C (Tom Manor, Noam Dahan) from Opening Government, Leiden D (Lisa Schallenberg, Simon Martina-Perez) from Opening Opposition and Leiden A (Floris Holstege, Emma Lucas) from Closing Opposition become vice ESL-Champions. The final's motion was "This house believes that western states should support breakaway regions in former Sovjet states (e.g. East Ukraine l South Ossetia) joining the Russian federation conditional on holding free and ...