Posts Tagged ‘ Hübner ’
Generations – Willy Witthaut on the German debating Alumni tournament Masters’ Cup
We are sorry, this post is only available in German. We strongly recomend yo to study that beautiful language and read our magazin in German. This is, because our German is way better than our English ;)
DDG-Mitgliederversammlung wählt Vorstand neu
Sep 30th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: DDG |
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Thunder in paradise – the central German masters
We're sorry: This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this to learn the details about the regional championships, this on in Jena.
May 3rd, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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Die ZEIT DEBATTEN gehen ins neue Jahr
The German language ZEIT DEBATTEN series is taking on again in the (not so) new year - this time with a stop in Hamburg. Please read the German version of this to read more on the convenors, the chief adjudication core and the socials.
To get current news from ZEIT DEBATTE Hamburg please follow Achte Minute on Twitter and look out for the hashtag #ZDhh.
Jan 13th, 2012 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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DDG, Kienholz and Lenny Kravitz

Whipped cream and knowledge management – Part Two of the Presidents’ Day in Hamburg
Where are ZEIT DEBATTEN going? How is hosting tournaments attractive? How can knowledge be transferred from society to society? How do whipped cream and a baking cakes competition fit into all of this? Please read the German version of Philipp Stiel's sum-up of the VDCH Presidents' Day in Hamburg.
Oct 8th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: VDCH |
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Serpentines, old stagers and The Beach: Sina Strupp on the Masters’ Cup
New executive board of DDG
The general assembly of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni debating association, have elected a new executive board: President is now Stefan Hübner, his vice-presidents are Marietta Gädeke, Nicolas Eberle, Bastian Laubner and Oliver Hörtensteiner. ...
Masters’ Cup starts today
Today over 50 debaters arrive in Eisenach, where this years's Masters' Cup starts today. The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at the world heritage site Wartburg. The Masters’ style was specifically developed for the Masters’ Cup where teams will be allocated by drawing lots. In teams of two, every speaker gets a time of seven minutes. The jurors judge content, strategy and method equally. As speakers, all members of DDG as well as those ...
Change of CA at Masters’ Cup
Change in the adjudication panel: Bernd Hoefer will replace Isabelle Loewe, currently vice-presidentof Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni debating society. Bernd really is an old stager on the German language debating circuit: He was a runner-up at the German debating championship in 2002, vice-president of the then newly founded Association of Debating Societies at Universities (Verband der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen, VDCH) and sat in numerous panels as final judge and was chief adjudicator at tournaments of the renowned series ZEIT DEBATTEN, among them the German debating championship in 2004. Benedikt Nufer, currently VDCH president, is going to support him ...
Masters’ Cup 2010: CA Team nominated
Gudrun Lux, president of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters, announced the CA team of Masters' Cup 2011. Traditionally, one member each from VDCH and DDG executive boards are the chief adjudicators of Masters’ Cup. This year, this will be the recently elected president of VDCH Benedikt Nufer and Gudrun's deputy, DDG vice president Isabelle Loewe.
The Masters’ Cup is the annual tournament which is staged at Eisenach since 2005. The venue for the final is the ballroom at the world heritage site Wartburg. The Masters’ style was specifically developed ...
Aug 24th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: DDG, Turniere |
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Masters’ Cup wants younger judges
You are a German alumnus or alumna debater? Well then, join the German alumni debating society and take part in the Masters' Cup in Eisenach. Stage of this spectacle is the famous Wartburg on top of the Thuringian Forest. Read more on the details and the infamous socials in the German version of this article.
Jul 28th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Jena: Tübingen wins
Streitkultur Tübingen (Simon Lehle, Steffen Jenner and Sarah John) won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Jena 2011!Simon also was awarded Best Speaker. Please read more on this in the German version of this article.
vro / apf
Charm vs. hunger – Gudrun Lux on the Western German Championship
Friendliness, lunch, recovery - and what Stefan Hübner, Franziskus Bayer and Tim Richter have to do with it. Twitter, losing one's voice, a huge deb soc and the audience's award of best speaker - and what Jenny Bachmann, Jenny Holm, Nicolas Eberle and Andrea Gau have to do with it. Please read Gudrun Lux' entertaining cover-up on the Western German regional - in Deutsch.
Apr 20th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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Masters’ Cup 2011
Anticipatory joy is the greatest joy: the date for the Masters' Cup 2011 has already been fixed! The tournament will be held from 23 to 24 September in Eisenach. Afterwards, on 25 September, this year's general meeting of the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) takes place.
There are a few preliminary rounds and the semis scheduled that will be fought out at Martin Luther grammar school. The final will take place at the historic Wartburg, which is a castle. On Friday evening there will be a visit to an Irish Pub, on Saturday evening the participants will have dinner at the Wartburg and ...
A poem, another poem and a prophecy – That was the Rheingötter competition
We're very, very sorry this text is not available English. Please read the German version of this article to learn more about poetry among debaters and the final debate on two formats widely spread in Germany: BPS vs. OPD.
apf / sol
Isa Loewe, Bene Nufer, Daniel Grotzky and Daniel Sommer became rhine gods 2011
Isabelle Loewe (DC Bonn), Benedikt Nufer (DC Hamburg) and Daniel Grotzky (DC München) as team Die Zwillinge vom Zillertal won the Rheingötter-Debattierwettstreit.
This article is not yet available in English, please check back later or read the German version.
Well prepared – A review on the annual workshop on tournament organization by VDCH and DDG
We are sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please check back later.
Oct 11th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: DDG, VDCH |
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Masters’ Cup 2010 Pickings 1
We are sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. ...
A pub, a castle, a beach – This was the Masters’ Cup 2010

New executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft

Jens Fischer is Master of Masters 2010

Die Bewerbungsphase für die nächste ZEIT-DEBATTEN-Saison ist eröffnet
Stefan Hübner, Vizepräsident des Dachverbandes VDCH, hat soeben die Bewerbungsphase für Turnierausrichter in der nächsten ZEIT-DEBATTEN-Saison eröffnet. Mit der nächsten Saison starten die ZEIT DEBATTEN in ihre zehnte Auflage! Insgesamt sind neun Turniere zu vergeben. In der kommenden Saison wird es vier ZEIT DEBATTEN geben, sowie die 11. Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft, die im Rahmen der ZEIT DEBATTEN stattfinden wird. Außerdem sollen wieder vier Regionalmeisterschaften ausgetragen werden.
Das Auftaktturnier der ZEIT DEBATTEN soll im Oktober/November, eine ZEIT DEBATTE im Januar, eine ZEIT DEBATTE im Februar/März, eine ZEIT DEBATTE im Mai und die DDM im Juni stattfinden. Die Regionalmeisterschaften sind im April geplant. Stefan ...
Jun 23rd, 2010 |