Heidelberg Debating im Halbfinale in Istanbul

Datum: 16. August 2008
Kategorie: Neues aus den Clubs, Themen

Beim Koç European Universities Debating Championship ISTANBUL 2008 des Koç University Debate Club vom 3. bis zum 7. August in Istanbul erreichten Teresa Schächter und Till Kroeger für den Debating Club Heidelberg das Halbfinale. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Die Themen der Debatten:
1. Vorrunde: This House would cut welfare payments to drug addicts.
2. Vorrunde: This House would punish sports clubs for violence perpetrated by their fans.
3. Vorrunde: This House would ban the digital enhancement of pictures of people in advertising and magazines.
4. Vorrunde: This House would impose sanctions on Israel until it ends its nuclear program.
5. Vorrunde: This House would seize the personal property of director of companys that filed for bankruptcy and that were bailed out by the gouvernment.
6. Vorrunde: This House would legalize the owning and carrying of firearms.
Halbfinale: This House would suspend Italy’s EU membership because of its treatment of the Romas.
Finale: This House would ban the killing of animals for food.

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