Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Adjudication ’

Ist der ideale Juror eine tabula rasa?

Ist der ideale Juror eine tabula rasa?Die Frage nach der sinnvollsten Jurierung treibt so manche erfahrenen Debattanten um. Stefan Torges befasst sich heute mit der Frage nach der Position des Jurors im British Parliamentary Style. ...
11. Januar 2017 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | mit 22 Kommentaren

„A waste of time to examine context?“ – Steve Llano on the ethics of the chair

"A waste of time to examine context?" - Steve Llano on the ethics of the chairUnter dem Eindruck von Erlebnissen während des Vienna IV plädiert der US-amerikanische Rhetorikprofessor und Debattier-Coach Steve Llano für ein "ethical judging". Dieser Beitrag erschien zuerst auf seinem Blog Progymnasmata. The Vienna IV seems like a competition that time forgot. It's a competition that reaches back to European debate the way it was long before I got involved in it, to a time when the more weird or inside-joke funny the motion was, the better the tournament. These are examples of motions and procedures that operated debate societies before the current trend of making competitions tied at least somewhat to the tone ...
26. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Jurieren, Mittwochs-Feature | Kommentare deaktiviert für „A waste of time to examine context?“ – Steve Llano on the ethics of the chair

Zagreb EUDC – Registration for Independent Adjudicators is now open

Zagreb EUDC - Registration for Independent Adjudicators is now openThe registration of Independent Adjudicators for the Zagreb EUDC 2014 is now open. Everyone who wants to be a judge and has not registered for an institution may now apply as an Independent Adjudicator. The registration is open until March 30th 11pm GMT. Independent Adjudicators may receive travel subsidies according to the costs they must bear and according to their proficiency in British Parliamentary Style (BPS) debating. In addition to basic information, the applicants will therefore have to give details about their debating and judging experience and answer a set of questions. These questions are designed to test the applicants' ability ...
20. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Jurieren, Neues aus den Clubs, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Zagreb EUDC – Registration for Independent Adjudicators is now open

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