Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Balakrishnan ’

Die WUDC in Thessaloniki beginnen

Die WUDC in Thessaloniki beginnenEs ist das wichtigste und längste Turnier im internationalen Debattieren: Die World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC) beginnen in Thessaloniki, Griechenland. Vom 27. Dezember 2015 bis zum 4. Januar 2016 werden über 1.000 Teilnehmer in die zweitgrößte Stadt Griechenlands fahren und sich um den Weltmeistertitel streiten.Für den Verband deutschsprachiger Debattierclubs an Hochschulen (VDCH) werden die folgenden Teilnehmer in Griechenland vertreten sein:BDU Berlin: Frederick Aly, Christof Kebschull (Team); Fabian Bickel, Pegah Maham (Team); Moritz Altner, Annabelle van Beusekom (Juroren)BITS Iserlohn: Florian Schneider, Julian Vaterrodt (Team); Jule Biefeld, Jonas Linck (Juroren)Debating Club Heidelberg: Anne Gaa (Jurorin)Debattierclub Kiel: Rauad Abagela, Aleksandar Markovic (Team)DK Wien: ...
23. Dezember 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Die WUDC in Thessaloniki beginnen

WUDC 2016 in Thessaloniki

WUDC 2016 in ThessalonikiThe World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) is the largest international debating tournament. The first WUDC took place in Glasgow in 1981 in which only 43 teams from seven nations participated. This year, more than 440 teams from all continents compete for the title of World Debating Champion. The WUDC 2016 will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Two clubs cooperate to host the tournament: The Rhetoric Club of Thessaloniki, one of the oldest debating societies in Greece, and the Debating Society of Greece, a group of experienced Greek debate trainers and organisers that provides debate training to young people in universities. The ...
21. Oktober 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für WUDC 2016 in Thessaloniki

WUDC 2015: And the winners are…

WUDC 2015: And the winners are...The World Universities Debating Championship 2015 in Malaysia has its champions:And the winners are...The Open CategorySydney A (Edward Miller, Nick Chung) won the final in the Open Category. They debated the motion "This House believes that humanitarian organisations should, and should be allowed to, give funding, resources or services to illegal armed groups when this is made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians." and won against Oxford A (Patrick Bateman, Natasha Rachman) in Opening Government, BPP A  (Steven Rajavinothan, Michael O'Dwyer) in Opening Opposition and Harvard A (Bo Seo, Fanelesibonge Mashwama) in Closing Opposition. The final was adjudicated by Shafiq Bazari (chair), Dominic ...
5. Januar 2015 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

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