Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ EUDC 2016 ’
EUDC 2016: The break

18. August 2016 |
Redakteur: Lennart Lokstein |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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EUDC 2016: Die deutsche Delegation nach Tag 2

16. August 2016 |
Redakteur: Lennart Lokstein |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
mit 2 Kommentaren
EUDC 2016: Die deutsche Delegation nach Tag 1

15. August 2016 |
Redakteur: Lennart Lokstein |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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Start der EUDC 2016 in Warschau

14. August 2016 |
Redakteur: Johannes Meiborg |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
mit 2 Kommentaren
I pack my bags and take…: An EUDC-Guide for Beginners

10. August 2016 |
Redakteur: Anne Gaa |
Kategorie: International, Mittwochs-Feature |
mit 2 Kommentaren
Comparison of the bids for EUDC 2016

16. August 2014 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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Eilat: A Debate Holiday Resort and Future EUDC Venue?
Between September 8 and 11 2013 BGU carried out the Red Sea Open for the fourth time. Convened by Mor Zoran and Noa Golan hyper-funded by the Ben Gurion University the rounds took place on the Eilat Campus of BGU. 32 teams, an outstanding Chief Adjudication team and an all round board combined an intimate debate atmosphere with a party holiday mood. And the debate community has a new contender that wants to host EUDC 2016.
Eilat, a rather Unconventional Debate Scenery
From around a dozen tournaments yearly generated on the Israeli circuit the Red Sea Open is the only one truly ...
20. September 2013 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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